blob: 81ab608ed4cce5c1c35811de28e85b2e66ab50c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* limitations under the License.
package e2e
import (
solrv1beta1 ""
. ""
. ""
appsv1 ""
var _ = FDescribe("E2E - SolrCloud - Scale Down", func() {
var (
solrCloud *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud
solrCollection1 = "e2e-1"
solrCollection2 = "e2e-2"
BeforeEach(func() {
solrCloud = generateBaseSolrCloud(3)
JustBeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) {
By("creating the SolrCloud")
Expect(k8sClient.Create(ctx, solrCloud)).To(Succeed())
DeferCleanup(func(ctx context.Context) {
cleanupTest(ctx, solrCloud)
By("Waiting for the SolrCloud to come up healthy")
solrCloud = expectSolrCloudToBeReady(ctx, solrCloud)
By("creating a first Solr Collection")
createAndQueryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection1, 1, 1, 1)
By("creating a second Solr Collection")
createAndQueryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection2, 1, 1, 2)
FContext("with replica migration", func() {
FIt("Scales Down", func(ctx context.Context) {
originalSolrCloud := solrCloud.DeepCopy()
solrCloud.Spec.Replicas = pointer.Int32(1)
By("triggering a scale down via solrCloud replicas")
Expect(k8sClient.Patch(ctx, solrCloud, client.MergeFrom(originalSolrCloud))).To(Succeed(), "Could not patch SolrCloud replicas to initiate scale down")
By("waiting for the scaleDown of first pod to begin")
expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
g.Expect(found.Spec.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(3)), "StatefulSet should still have 3 pods, because the scale down should first move Solr replicas")
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).ToNot(BeNil(), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Operation).To(Equal(controllers.ScaleDownLock), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Metadata).To(Equal("2"), "StatefulSet scaling lock operation has the wrong metadata.")
queryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection2, 0)
By("waiting for the scaleDown of the first pod to finish")
expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
g.Expect(found.Spec.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(2)), "StatefulSet should now have 2 pods, after the replicas have been moved off the first pod.")
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).ToNot(BeNil(), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Operation).To(Equal(controllers.ScaleDownLock), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Metadata).To(Equal("2"), "StatefulSet scaling lock operation has the wrong metadata.")
queryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection2, 0)
// Wait till the pod has actually been deleted
expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
g.Expect(found.Status.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(2)), "StatefulSet should now have 2 pods, after the replicas have been moved off the first pod.")
By("waiting for the scaleDown of second pod to begin")
statefulSet := expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).ToNot(BeNil(), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Operation).To(Equal(controllers.ScaleDownLock), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Metadata).To(Equal("1"), "StatefulSet scaling lock operation has the wrong metadata.")
// When the next scale down happens, the 3rd solr pod (ordinal 2) should be gone, and the statefulSet replicas should be 2 across the board.
// The first scale down should not be complete until this is done.
Expect(statefulSet.Spec.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(2)), "StatefulSet should still have 2 pods configured, because the scale down should first move Solr replicas")
Expect(statefulSet.Status.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(2)), "StatefulSet should only have 2 pods running, because previous pod scale down should have completely finished")
// This pod check must happen after the above clusterLock and replicas check.
// The StatefulSet controller might take a good amount of time to actually delete the pod,
// and the replica migration/cluster op might already be done by the time the first pod is deleted.
expectNoPodNow(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.GetSolrPodName(2))
queryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection1, 0)
By("waiting for the scaleDown to finish")
statefulSet = expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
g.Expect(found.Spec.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(1)), "StatefulSet should now have 1 pods, after the replicas have been moved.")
// Once the scale down actually occurs, the clusterOp is not complete. We need to wait till the last pod is deleted
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(statefulSet)
Expect(clusterOp).ToNot(BeNil(), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
Expect(clusterOp.Operation).To(Equal(controllers.ScaleDownLock), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
Expect(clusterOp.Metadata).To(Equal("1"), "StatefulSet scaling lock operation has the wrong metadata.")
// Wait for the last pod to be deleted
expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
g.Expect(found.Status.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(1)), "StatefulSet should now have 1 pods, after the replicas have been moved.")
// Once the scale down actually occurs, the statefulSet annotations should be removed very soon
expectStatefulSetWithChecksAndTimeout(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), time.Second*2, time.Millisecond*500, func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
clusterOp, err = controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).To(BeNil(), "StatefulSet should not have a ScaleDown lock after scaling is complete.")
expectNoPod(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.GetSolrPodName(1))
queryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection1, 0)
queryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection2, 0)
FContext("without replica migration", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
solrCloud.Spec.Scaling.VacatePodsOnScaleDown = pointer.Bool(false)
FIt("Scales Down", func(ctx context.Context) {
originalSolrCloud := solrCloud.DeepCopy()
solrCloud.Spec.Replicas = pointer.Int32(int32(1))
By("triggering a scale down via solrCloud replicas")
Expect(k8sClient.Patch(ctx, solrCloud, client.MergeFrom(originalSolrCloud))).To(Succeed(), "Could not patch SolrCloud replicas to initiate scale down")
By("make sure scaleDown happens without a clusterLock and eventually the replicas are removed")
statefulSet := expectStatefulSetWithConsistentChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).To(BeNil(), "StatefulSet should not have a scaling lock, since scaleDown is unmanaged.")
Expect(statefulSet.Spec.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(1)), "StatefulSet should immediately have 1 pod, since the scaleDown is unmanaged.")
expectNoPod(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.GetSolrPodName(1))
queryCollectionWithNoReplicaAvailable(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection1)
var _ = FDescribe("E2E - SolrCloud - Scale Up", func() {
var (
solrCloud *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud
solrCollection1 = "e2e-1"
solrCollection2 = "e2e-2"
BeforeEach(func() {
solrCloud = generateBaseSolrCloud(1)
JustBeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) {
By("creating the SolrCloud")
Expect(k8sClient.Create(ctx, solrCloud)).To(Succeed())
DeferCleanup(func(ctx context.Context) {
cleanupTest(ctx, solrCloud)
By("Waiting for the SolrCloud to come up healthy")
solrCloud = expectSolrCloudToBeReady(ctx, solrCloud)
By("creating a first Solr Collection")
createAndQueryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection1, 1, 1)
By("creating a second Solr Collection")
createAndQueryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection2, 2, 1)
FContext("with replica migration", func() {
FIt("Scales Up", func(ctx context.Context) {
originalSolrCloud := solrCloud.DeepCopy()
solrCloud.Spec.Replicas = pointer.Int32(int32(3))
By("triggering a scale down via solrCloud replicas")
Expect(k8sClient.Patch(ctx, solrCloud, client.MergeFrom(originalSolrCloud))).To(Succeed(), "Could not patch SolrCloud replicas to initiate scale up")
By("waiting for the scaleUp to begin")
statefulSet := expectStatefulSetWithChecksAndTimeout(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), time.Second*5, time.Millisecond*5, func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).ToNot(BeNil(), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleUp lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Operation).To(Equal(controllers.ScaleUpLock), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleUp lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Metadata).To(Equal("3"), "StatefulSet scaling lock operation has the wrong metadata.")
// The first step is to increase the number of pods
// Check very often, as the new pods will be created quickly, which will cause the cluster op to change.
statefulSet = expectStatefulSetWithChecksAndTimeout(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), time.Second*5, time.Millisecond*5, func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
g.Expect(found.Spec.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(3)), "StatefulSet should still have 3 pods, because the scale down should first move Solr replicas")
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(statefulSet)
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
Expect(clusterOp).ToNot(BeNil(), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleUp lock.")
Expect(clusterOp.Operation).To(Equal(controllers.ScaleUpLock), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleUp lock.")
Expect(clusterOp.Metadata).To(Equal("3"), "StatefulSet scaling lock operation has the wrong metadata.")
// Wait for new pods to come up, and when they do we should be doing a balanceReplicas clusterOp
statefulSet = expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
g.Expect(found.Status.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(3)), "StatefulSet should still have 3 pods, because the scale down should first move Solr replicas")
clusterOp, err = controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(statefulSet)
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
Expect(clusterOp).ToNot(BeNil(), "StatefulSet does not have a balanceReplicas lock after new pods are created.")
Expect(clusterOp.Operation).To(Equal(controllers.BalanceReplicasLock), "StatefulSet does not have a balanceReplicas lock after new pods are created.")
Expect(clusterOp.Metadata).To(Equal("ScaleUp"), "StatefulSet balanceReplicas lock operation has the wrong metadata.")
By("waiting for the scaleUp to finish")
statefulSet = expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).To(BeNil(), "StatefulSet should not have a balanceReplicas lock after balancing is complete.")
queryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection1, 0)
queryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection2, 0)
FContext("without replica migration", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
solrCloud.Spec.Scaling.PopulatePodsOnScaleUp = pointer.Bool(false)
FIt("Scales Up", func(ctx context.Context) {
originalSolrCloud := solrCloud.DeepCopy()
solrCloud.Spec.Replicas = pointer.Int32(int32(3))
By("triggering a scale down via solrCloud replicas")
Expect(k8sClient.Patch(ctx, solrCloud, client.MergeFrom(originalSolrCloud))).To(Succeed(), "Could not patch SolrCloud replicas to initiate scale down")
By("make sure scaleDown happens without a clusterLock and eventually the replicas are removed")
statefulSet := expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
g.Expect(found.Spec.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(3)), "StatefulSet should immediately have 3 pods.")
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(statefulSet)
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
Expect(clusterOp).To(BeNil(), "StatefulSet should not have a scaling lock, since scaleUp is unmanaged.")
By("Waiting for the new solrCloud pods to become ready")
solrCloud = expectSolrCloudToBeReady(ctx, solrCloud)
queryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection1, 0)
queryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection2, 0)
var _ = FDescribe("E2E - SolrCloud - Scale Down Abandon", func() {
var (
solrCloud *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud
solrCollection1 = "e2e-1"
BeforeEach(func() {
solrCloud = generateBaseSolrCloudWithPlacementPolicy(2, "minimizecores")
if strings.Contains(solrImage, ":8") || strings.Contains(solrImage, "8.") {
Skip("Cannot run the Scale Down Abandon test with Solr 8, as a working placementPolicy for the test cannot be defaulted")
JustBeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) {
By("creating the SolrCloud")
Expect(k8sClient.Create(ctx, solrCloud)).To(Succeed())
DeferCleanup(func(ctx context.Context) {
cleanupTest(ctx, solrCloud)
By("Waiting for the SolrCloud to come up healthy")
solrCloud = expectSolrCloudToBeReady(ctx, solrCloud)
By("creating a first Solr Collection")
createAndQueryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection1, 1, 2)
FContext("with replica migration", func() {
FIt("Abandons the ScaleDown", func(ctx context.Context) {
originalSolrCloud := solrCloud.DeepCopy()
solrCloud.Spec.Replicas = pointer.Int32(int32(1))
By("triggering a scale down via solrCloud replicas")
Expect(k8sClient.Patch(ctx, solrCloud, client.MergeFrom(originalSolrCloud))).To(Succeed(), "Could not patch SolrCloud replicas to initiate scale up")
By("waiting for the scaleDown to begin")
expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
g.Expect(found.Spec.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(2)), "StatefulSet should still have 2 pods, because the scale down should first move Solr replicas")
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).ToNot(BeNil(), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Operation).To(Equal(controllers.ScaleDownLock), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Metadata).To(Equal("1"), "StatefulSet scaling lock operation has the wrong metadata.")
By("Undo the scale down because the replicas cannot fit")
originalSolrCloud = solrCloud.DeepCopy()
solrCloud.Spec.Replicas = pointer.Int32(int32(2))
Expect(k8sClient.Patch(ctx, solrCloud, client.MergeFrom(originalSolrCloud))).To(Succeed(), "Could not patch SolrCloud replicas to cancel scale down")
By("Make sure the scaleDown attempts for a minute until it times out")
// The scaleDown will timeout after a minute, so we have to wait a bit over a minute
expectStatefulSetWithConsistentChecksAndDuration(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), time.Second*50, func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).ToNot(BeNil(), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Operation).To(Equal(controllers.ScaleDownLock), "StatefulSet does not have a scaleDown lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Metadata).To(Equal("1"), "StatefulSet scaleDown lock operation has the wrong metadata.")
By("Make sure that the operation is changed to a balanceReplicas to redistribute replicas")
// The scaleDown will timeout after a minute, so we have to wait a bit over a minute
expectStatefulSetWithChecksAndTimeout(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), time.Second*30, time.Millisecond*10, func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).ToNot(BeNil(), "StatefulSet does not have a balanceReplicas lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Operation).To(Equal(controllers.BalanceReplicasLock), "StatefulSet does not have a balanceReplicas lock.")
g.Expect(clusterOp.Metadata).To(Equal("UndoFailedScaleDown"), "StatefulSet balanceReplicas lock operation has the wrong metadata.")
By("waiting for the balanceReplicas to finish")
statefulSet := expectStatefulSetWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, solrCloud.StatefulSetName(), func(g Gomega, found *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
clusterOp, err := controllers.GetCurrentClusterOp(found)
g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Error occurred while finding clusterLock for SolrCloud")
g.Expect(clusterOp).To(BeNil(), "StatefulSet should not have a balanceReplicas lock after balancing is complete.")
Expect(statefulSet.Spec.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(2)), "After everything, the statefulset should be configured to have 2 pods")
Expect(statefulSet.Status.Replicas).To(HaveValue(BeEquivalentTo(2)), "After everything, the statefulset should have 2 pods running")
queryCollection(ctx, solrCloud, solrCollection1, 0)