Revert "SLING-8358 - Build should not fail if a project is not onboarded to SonarCloud"

This reverts commit 12c95e5551f6817dd96cbbf716bae0368ae0680c.
diff --git a/vars/slingOsgiBundleBuild.groovy b/vars/slingOsgiBundleBuild.groovy
index 96f0fb5..f446ab7 100644
--- a/vars/slingOsgiBundleBuild.groovy
+++ b/vars/slingOsgiBundleBuild.groovy
@@ -48,15 +48,11 @@
                         withMaven(maven: globalConfig.mvnVersion, 
                             jdk: jenkinsJdkLabel(jobConfig.jdks[0], globalConfig),
                             publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT') {
-                                def output = ""
                                 try {
-                                     output = sh (script: "mvn -U clean verify sonar:sonar ${sonarcloudParams}", returnStdout: true).trim()
+                                     sh  "mvn -U clean verify sonar:sonar ${sonarcloudParams}"
                                 } catch ( Exception e ) {
                                     // TODO - we should actually check here, but see
                                     // for problems with the approach
-                                    echo "OUTPUT: \n\n\n $output \n\n\n"
                                     def projectNotOnboardedToSonarQube = true
                                     if ( projectNotOnboardedToSonarQube ) {
                                         echo "Marking build unstable due to missing SonarCloud onboarding. See for steps to fix."