blob: 1566b827c95ebbffc371d6d476234b21a5deac34 [file] [log] [blame]
def call(Map params = [:]) {
def globalConfig = [
availableJDKs : [ 8: 'JDK 1.8 (latest)', 9: 'JDK 1.9 (latest)', 10: 'JDK 10 (latest)', 11: 'JDK 11 (latest)' ],
mvnVersion : 'Maven (latest)',
mainNodeLabel : 'ubuntu',
githubCredentialsId: 'sling-github-token'
node(globalConfig.mainNodeLabel) {
def helper = new SlingJenkinsHelper()
helper.runWithErrorHandling({ jobConfig ->
if ( jobConfig.enabled ) {
// the reference build is always the first one, and the only one to deploy, archive artifacts, etc
// usually this is the build done with the oldest JDK version, to ensure maximum compatibility
def isReferenceStage = true
jobConfig.jdks.each { jdkVersion ->
stageDefinition = defineStage(globalConfig, jobConfig, jdkVersion, isReferenceStage)
isReferenceStage = false
currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
// this might fail if there are no jdks defined, but that's always an error
// also, we don't activate any Maven publisher since we don't want this part of the
// build tracked, but using withMaven(...) allows us to easily reuse the same
// Maven and JDK versions
def additionalMavenParams = additionalMavenParams(jobConfig)
def isPrBuild = env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("PR-")
stage('SonarCloud') {
// As we don't have the global SonarCloud conf for now, we can't use #withSonarQubeEnv so we need to set the following props manually
def sonarcloudParams=" -Dsonar.organization=apache -Dsonar.projectKey=apache_${jobConfig.repoName} -Pjacoco-report -Dsonar.jacoco.reportPaths=target/jacoco-merged.exec ${additionalMavenParams}"
// Params are different if it's a PR or if it's not
// Note: soon we won't have to handle that manually, see
if ( isPrBuild ) {
sonarcloudParams="${sonarcloudParams} -Dsonar.pullrequest.branch=${CHANGE_BRANCH} -Dsonar.pullrequest.base=${CHANGE_TARGET} -Dsonar.pullrequest.key=${CHANGE_ID}"
} else if ( env.BRANCH_NAME != "master" ) {
// Alls params are set, let's execute using #withCrendentials to hide and mask Robert's token
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'sonarcloud-token-rombert', variable: 'SONAR_TOKEN')]) {
withMaven(maven: globalConfig.mvnVersion,
jdk: jenkinsJdkLabel(jobConfig.jdks[0], globalConfig),
publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT') {
try {
sh "mvn -U clean verify sonar:sonar ${sonarcloudParams}"
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// TODO - find a better solution?
echo "Marking build unstable, potentially due to missing SonarCloud onboarding. See for steps to fix."
currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
} else {
echo "Job is disabled, not building"
def jenkinsJdkLabel(int jdkVersion, def globalConfig) {
def label = globalConfig.availableJDKs[jdkVersion]
if ( !label )
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown JDK version ${jdkVersion}")
return label
def additionalMavenParams(def jobConfig) {
def branchConfig = jobConfig?.branches?."$env.BRANCH_NAME" ?: [:]
return branchConfig.additionalMavenParams ?
branchConfig.additionalMavenParams : jobConfig.additionalMavenParams
def defineStage(def globalConfig, def jobConfig, def jdkVersion, def isReferenceStage) {
def goal = jobConfig.mavenGoal ? jobConfig.mavenGoal : ( isReferenceStage ? "deploy" : "verify" )
def additionalMavenParams = additionalMavenParams(jobConfig)
def jenkinsJdkLabel = jenkinsJdkLabel(jdkVersion, globalConfig)
// do not deploy artifacts built from PRs or feature branches
// also do not deploy non-SNAPSHOT versions
if ( goal == "deploy" ) {
def notMaster = env.BRANCH_NAME != "master"
def mavenVersion = readMavenPom().version
def isSnapshot = mavenVersion.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT')
if ( notMaster || !isSnapshot ) {
goal = "verify"
echo "Maven goal set to ${goal} since branch is not master ( ${env.BRANCH_NAME} ) or version is not snapshot ( ${mavenVersion} )"
def invocation = {
withMaven(maven: globalConfig.mvnVersion, jdk: jenkinsJdkLabel,
options: [
artifactsPublisher(disabled: !isReferenceStage),
junitPublisher(disabled: !isReferenceStage),
openTasksPublisher(disabled: !isReferenceStage),
dependenciesFingerprintPublisher(disabled: !isReferenceStage)
] ) {
sh "mvn -U clean ${goal} ${additionalMavenParams}"
if ( isReferenceStage && jobConfig.archivePatterns ) {
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: SlingJenkinsHelper.jsonArrayToCsv(jobConfig.archivePatterns), allowEmptyArchive: true)
def branchConfig = jobConfig?.branches?."$env.BRANCH_NAME" ?: [:]
if ( branchConfig.nodeLabel && branchConfig.nodeLabel != globalConfig.mainNodeLabel )
invocation = wrapInNode(invocation,branchConfig.nodeLabel)
return {
stage("Build (Java ${jdkVersion}, ${goal})") {
def wrapInNode(Closure invocation, def nodeLabel) {
return {
node(nodeLabel) {
checkout scm