blob: e5aa5a109294ebd1b36969ff0738745c0a411457 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.json.JsonArray;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.JavaVersion;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils;
import org.apache.felix.utils.manifest.Clause;
import org.apache.felix.utils.manifest.Parser;
import org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiveConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionRequest;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionResult;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.Scm;
import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmException;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileSet;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmTag;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmVersion;
import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkout.CheckOutScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.NoSuchScmProviderException;
import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.ScmManager;
import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepository;
import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepositoryException;
import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.StringUtils;
import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.logging.MessageUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.UnArchiver;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.JarArchiver;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.manager.ArchiverManager;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.manager.NoSuchArchiverException;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
* Generates the APIs JARs for each selected Feature file.
@Mojo(name = "apis-jar",
defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PACKAGE,
requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.TEST,
threadSafe = true
public class ApisJarMojo extends AbstractIncludingFeatureMojo implements ArtifactFilter {
/** Alternative ID to a source artifact. */
private static final String SCM_ID = "sourceId";
private static final String SCM_TAG = "scm-tag";
private static final String SCM_LOCATION = "scm-location";
private static final String APIS = "apis";
private static final String SOURCES = "sources";
private static final String JAVADOC = "javadoc";
private static final String JAR_TYPE = "jar";
private static final String JAVA_EXTENSION = ".java";
private static final String CND_EXTENSION = ".cnd";
private static final String NON_ASCII_PATTERN = "[^\\p{ASCII}]";
private static final String SPACE = " ";
private static final String PROPERTY_FILTER = ApisJarMojo.class.getName() + ".filter";
private static final String PROPERTY_CLAUSE = ApisJarMojo.class.getName() + ".clause";
private static final String PROPERTY_BUNDLE = ApisJarMojo.class.getName() + ".bundle";
* Select the features for api generation.
private FeatureSelectionConfig selection;
* Patterns identifying which resources to include from bundles
private String[] includeResources;
* Names of the regions to include, by default all regions are included.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "*")
private Set<String> includeRegions;
* Names of the regions to exclude, by default no regions is excluded.
private Set<String> excludeRegions;
private String[] javadocLinks;
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
private boolean ignoreJavadocErrors;
* If set to true and api jars are created for more than one region, then the
* higher region only gets the difference to the lower region. If set to false
* each api jar gets the full region information (duplicating information)
@Parameter(defaultValue = "true")
private boolean incrementalApis;
* Additional resources for the api jar
private List<File> apiResources;
* Additional resources for the api source jar
private List<File> apiSourceResources;
* Additional resources for the api javadoc jar
private List<File> apiJavadocResources;
* If enabled, the created api jars will be atttached to the project
@Parameter(defaultValue = "true")
private boolean attachApiJars;
* Mapping for an api region name to a user defined name
private Map<String, String> apiRegionNameMappings;
* Mapping for the feature classifier to a user defined name
private Map<String, String> apiClassifierMappings;
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${}/apis-jars", readonly = true)
private File mainOutputDir;
@Component(hint = "default")
private ModelBuilder modelBuilder;
private ScmManager scmManager;
private ArchiverManager archiverManager;
private RepositorySystem repositorySystem;
private final Pattern pomPropertiesPattern = Pattern.compile("META-INF/maven/[^/]+/[^/]+/");
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
getLog().debug("Retrieving Feature files...");
final Collection<Feature> features = this.getSelectedFeatures(selection).values();
if (features.isEmpty()) {
"There are no assciated Feature files in the current project, plugin execution will be skipped");
} else {
getLog().debug("Starting APIs JARs creation...");
final ArtifactProvider artifactProvider = this.createArtifactProvider();
for (final Feature feature : features) {
onFeature(artifactProvider, feature);
* Apply region name mapping if configured
* @param regionName The region name
* @return The mapped name or the original name
private String mapApiRegionName(final String regionName) {
if (this.apiRegionNameMappings != null && this.apiRegionNameMappings.containsKey(regionName)) {
return this.apiRegionNameMappings.get(regionName);
return regionName;
* Apply classifier mapping if configured
* @param classifier The classifier
* @return The mapped classifier or the original classifier
private String mapApClassifier(final String classifier) {
if (this.apiClassifierMappings != null && this.apiClassifierMappings.containsKey(classifier)) {
return this.apiClassifierMappings.get(classifier);
return classifier;
private ArtifactProvider createArtifactProvider() {
return new ArtifactProvider() {
public URL provide(final ArtifactId id) {
try {
return ProjectHelper.getOrResolveArtifact(project, mavenSession, artifactHandlerManager, artifactResolver, id).getFile().toURI().toURL();
} catch (final Exception e) {
getLog().debug("Unable to provide artifact " + id.toMvnId() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
* Check if the region is included
* @param name The region name
* @return {@code true} if the region is included
private boolean isRegionIncluded(final String name) {
boolean included = false;
for (final String i : this.includeRegions) {
if ("*".equals(i) || i.equals(name)) {
included = true;
if (included && this.excludeRegions != null) {
for (final String e : this.excludeRegions) {
if (name.equals(e)) {
included = false;
return included;
* Get the api regions for a feature If the feature does not have an api region
* an artificial global region is returned.
* @param feature The feature
* @return The api regions or {@code null} if the feature is wrongly configured
* or all regions are excluded
* @throws MojoExecutionException If an error occurs
private ApiRegions getApiRegions(final Feature feature) throws MojoExecutionException {
ApiRegions regions = null;
Extensions extensions = feature.getExtensions();
Extension apiRegionsExtension = extensions.getByName(ApiRegions.EXTENSION_NAME);
if (apiRegionsExtension != null) {
if (apiRegionsExtension.getJSONStructure() == null) {
"Feature file " + feature.getId().toMvnId() + " declares an empty '" + ApiRegions.EXTENSION_NAME
+ "' extension, no API JAR will be created");
} else {
try {
regions = ApiRegions
.parse((JsonArray) apiRegionsExtension.getJSONStructure());
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
// calculate all api-regions first, taking the inheritance in account
final List<ApiRegion> toBeRemoved = new ArrayList<>();
for (final ApiRegion r : regions.listRegions()) {
if (r.getParent() != null && !this.incrementalApis) {
for (final ApiExport exp : r.getParent().listExports()) {
if (!isRegionIncluded(r.getName())) {
getLog().debug("API Region " + r.getName()
+ " will not processed due to the configured include/exclude list");
for (final ApiRegion r : toBeRemoved) {
// prepare filter
for (final ApiRegion r : regions.listRegions()) {
for (final ApiExport e : r.listExports()) {
e.getProperties().put(PROPERTY_FILTER, packageToScannerFiler(e.getName()));
if (regions.isEmpty()) {
getLog().info("Feature file " + feature.getId().toMvnId()
+ " has no included api regions, no API JAR will be created");
regions = null;
} else {
regions = new ApiRegions();
// create exports on the fly
regions.add(new ApiRegion(ApiRegion.GLOBAL) {
public ApiExport getExportByName(final String name) {
ApiExport exp = super.getExportByName(name);
if (exp == null) {
exp = new ApiExport(name);
return exp;
return regions;
* Create api jars for a feature
private void onFeature(final ArtifactProvider artifactProvider, final Feature feature)
throws MojoExecutionException {
getLog().info(MessageUtils.buffer().a("Creating API JARs for Feature ").strong(feature.getId().toMvnId())
.a(" ...").toString());
final ApiRegions regions = getApiRegions(feature);
if (regions == null) {
// wrongly configured api regions - skip execution
if (!mainOutputDir.exists()) {
// deflated and source dirs can be shared
final File deflatedBinDir = newDir(mainOutputDir, "deflated-bin");
final File deflatedSourcesDir = newDir(mainOutputDir, "deflated-sources");
final File checkedOutSourcesDir = newDir(mainOutputDir, "checkouts");
// create an output directory per feature
final File featureDir = new File(mainOutputDir, feature.getId().getArtifactId());
final Set<String> javadocClasspath = new HashSet<>();
// for each bundle included in the feature file:
for (Artifact artifact : feature.getBundles()) {
onArtifact(artifactProvider, artifact, null, regions, javadocClasspath, deflatedBinDir,
deflatedSourcesDir, checkedOutSourcesDir);
// recollect and package stuff
for (ApiRegion apiRegion : regions.listRegions()) {
File regionDir = new File(featureDir, apiRegion.getName());
File apisDir = new File(regionDir, APIS);
List<String> nodeTypes = recollect(featureDir, deflatedBinDir, apiRegion, apisDir);
final File apiJar = createArchive(feature.getId(), apisDir, apiRegion, APIS, nodeTypes, this.apiResources);
report(apiJar, APIS, apiRegion, "class");
File sourcesDir = new File(regionDir, SOURCES);
recollect(featureDir, deflatedSourcesDir, apiRegion, sourcesDir);
final File sourceJar = createArchive(feature.getId(), sourcesDir, apiRegion, SOURCES, null,
report(sourceJar, SOURCES, apiRegion, "java");
if (sourcesDir.list().length > 0) {
File javadocsDir = new File(regionDir, JAVADOC);
generateJavadoc(sourcesDir, javadocsDir, javadocClasspath);
final File javadocJar = createArchive(feature.getId(), javadocsDir, apiRegion, JAVADOC, null,
report(javadocJar, JAVADOC, apiRegion, "html");
} else {
getLog().warn("Javadoc JAR will NOT be generated - sources directory was empty!");
getLog().info(MessageUtils.buffer().a("APIs JARs for Feature ").debug(feature.getId().toMvnId())
.a(" succesfully created").toString());
private void report(final File jarFile, final String apiType, final ApiRegion apiRegion, final String extension) throws MojoExecutionException {
final List<String> packages = getPackages(jarFile, extension);
final List<ApiExport> missing = new ArrayList<>();
for (final ApiExport exp : apiRegion.listExports()) {
if (!packages.remove(exp.getName())) {
if (missing.isEmpty() && packages.isEmpty()) {
getLog().info("Verified " + apiType + " jar for region " + apiRegion.getName());
} else {
getLog().info(apiType + " jar for region " + apiRegion.getName() + " has errors:");
for (final ApiExport m : missing) {
getLog().info("- Missing package " + m.getName() + " from bundle(s) "
+ m.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_BUNDLE));
for (final String m : packages) {
getLog().info("- Wrong package " + m);
private File getArtifactFile(final ArtifactProvider artifactProvider, final ArtifactId artifactId)
throws MojoExecutionException {
final URL artifactURL = retrieve(artifactProvider, artifactId);
if (artifactURL == null) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to find artifact " + artifactId.toMvnId());
File bundleFile = null;
bundleFile = IOUtils.getFileFromURL(artifactURL, true, this.getTmpDir());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage());
return bundleFile;
private Manifest getManifest(final ArtifactId artifactId, final File bundleFile) throws MojoExecutionException {
try (JarFile bundle = new JarFile(bundleFile)) {
getLog().debug("Reading Manifest headers from bundle " + bundleFile);
final Manifest manifest = bundle.getManifest();
if (manifest == null) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Artifact + " + artifactId.toMvnId() + " does not have a manifest.");
return manifest;
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("An error occurred while reading manifest from file " + bundleFile
+ " for artifact " + artifactId.toMvnId(), e);
private void onArtifact(final ArtifactProvider artifactProvider, Artifact artifact, Manifest wrappingBundleManifest,
ApiRegions apiRegions, Set<String> javadocClasspath, File deflatedBinDir, File deflatedSourcesDir,
File checkedOutSourcesDir) throws MojoExecutionException {
final ArtifactId artifactId = artifact.getId();
final File bundleFile = getArtifactFile(artifactProvider, artifactId);
final Manifest manifest;
if (wrappingBundleManifest == null) {
manifest = getManifest(artifactId, bundleFile);
} else {
manifest = wrappingBundleManifest;
// check if the bundle is exporting packages?
final Clause[] exportedPackages = this.getExportedPackages(manifest);
if (exportedPackages.length > 0) {
// calculate the exported versioned packages in the manifest file for each
// region
// and calculate the exported versioned packages in the manifest file for each
// region
if (computeExports(apiRegions, exportedPackages, artifactId)) {
// get includes for deflating
final String[] exportPackagesIncludes = computeExportPackageIncludes(exportedPackages);
// deflate all bundles first, in order to copy APIs and resources later,
// depending to the region
final String[] exportedPackagesAndWrappedBundles = Stream
.concat(Stream.concat(Stream.of(exportPackagesIncludes), Stream.of("**/*.jar")),
final File deflatedBundleDirectory = deflate(deflatedBinDir, bundleFile,
// renaming potential name-collapsing resources
renameResources(deflatedBundleDirectory, artifactId);
// download sources
downloadSources(artifactProvider, artifact, deflatedSourcesDir, checkedOutSourcesDir,
// check if the bundle wraps other bundles
if (wrappingBundleManifest == null) { // wrappers of wrappers do not exist
computeWrappedBundles(manifest, deflatedBundleDirectory, apiRegions, javadocClasspath,
deflatedBinDir, deflatedSourcesDir, checkedOutSourcesDir, artifactProvider);
private void computeWrappedBundles(Manifest manifest,
File deflatedBundleDirectory,
ApiRegions apiRegions,
Set<String> javadocClasspath,
File deflatedBinDir,
File deflatedSourcesDir,
File checkedOutSourcesDir, final ArtifactProvider artifactProvider) throws MojoExecutionException {
final String bundleClassPath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH);
if (bundleClassPath == null || bundleClassPath.isEmpty()) {
final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(bundleClassPath, ",");
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String jarName = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (".".equals(jarName)) {
final File wrappedJar = new File(deflatedBundleDirectory, jarName);
getLog().debug("Processing wrapped bundle " + wrappedJar);
final Properties properties = new Properties();
try (JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(wrappedJar)) {
Enumeration<JarEntry> jarEntries = jarFile.entries();
while (jarEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
JarEntry jarEntry = jarEntries.nextElement();
if (!jarEntry.isDirectory()
&& pomPropertiesPattern.matcher(jarEntry.getName()).matches()) {
getLog().debug("Loading Maven GAV from " + wrappedJar + '!' + jarEntry.getName());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("An error occurred while processing wrapped bundle " + wrappedJar, e);
if (properties.isEmpty()) {
getLog().debug("No Maven GAV info attached to wrapped bundle " + wrappedJar + ", it will be ignored");
} else {
getLog().debug("Handling synthetic artifacts from Maven GAV: " + properties);
String groupId = properties.getProperty("groupId");
String artifactId = properties.getProperty("artifactId");
String version = properties.getProperty("version");
String classifier = properties.getProperty("classifier");
if (classifier == null) {
classifier = inferClassifier(jarName, artifactId, version);
Artifact syntheticArtifact = new Artifact(
new ArtifactId(groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, null));
onArtifact(artifactProvider, syntheticArtifact, manifest, apiRegions, javadocClasspath, deflatedBinDir,
deflatedSourcesDir, checkedOutSourcesDir);
// Guess the classifier based on the file name
String inferClassifier(String bundleName, String artifactId, String version) {
if (bundleName == null || artifactId == null || version == null)
return null;
int idx = bundleName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (idx >= 0)
bundleName = bundleName.substring(idx + 1);
int edx = bundleName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (edx > 0)
bundleName = bundleName.substring(0, edx);
// bundleName is now the bare name without extension
String synthesized = artifactId + "-" + version;
if (synthesized.length() < bundleName.length() &&
bundleName.startsWith(synthesized)) {
String suffix = bundleName.substring(synthesized.length());
if (suffix.length() > 1 && suffix.startsWith("-")) {
String classifier = suffix.substring(1);
"Inferred classifier of '" + artifactId + ":" + version + "' to be '" + classifier + "'");
return classifier;
return null;
private Set<String> buildJavadocClasspath(ArtifactId artifactId)
throws MojoExecutionException {
final Set<String> javadocClasspath = new HashSet<>();
getLog().debug("Retrieving " + artifactId + " and related dependencies...");
org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact toBeResolvedArtifact = repositorySystem.createArtifactWithClassifier(artifactId.getGroupId(),
ArtifactResolutionRequest request = new ArtifactResolutionRequest()
ArtifactResolutionResult result = repositorySystem.resolve(request);
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
if (result.hasCircularDependencyExceptions()) {
getLog().warn("Cyclic dependency errors detected:");
if (result.hasErrorArtifactExceptions()) {
getLog().warn("Resolution errors detected:");
if (result.hasMetadataResolutionExceptions()) {
getLog().warn("Metadata resolution errors detected:");
if (result.hasMissingArtifacts()) {
getLog().warn("Missing artifacts detected:");
for (org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact missingArtifact : result.getMissingArtifacts()) {
getLog().warn(" - " + missingArtifact.getId());
if (result.hasExceptions()) {
getLog().warn("Generic errors detected:");
for (Exception exception : result.getExceptions()) {
getLog().warn(" - " + exception.getMessage());
for (org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact resolvedArtifact : result.getArtifacts()) {
if (resolvedArtifact.getFile() != null) {
getLog().debug("Adding to javadoc classpath " + resolvedArtifact);
} else {
getLog().debug("Ignoring for javadoc classpath " + resolvedArtifact);
return javadocClasspath;
private <E extends ArtifactResolutionException> void reportWarningMessages(Collection<E> exceptions) {
for (E exception : exceptions) {
getLog().warn(" - "
+ exception.getMessage()
+ " ("
+ exception.getArtifact().getId()
+ ")");
private URL retrieve(final ArtifactProvider artifactProvider, final ArtifactId artifactId) {
getLog().debug("Retrieving artifact " + artifactId + "...");
URL sourceFile = artifactProvider.provide(artifactId);
if (sourceFile != null) {
getLog().debug("Artifact " + artifactId + " successfully retrieved : " + sourceFile);
return sourceFile;
private File deflate(File deflatedDir, File artifact, String...includes) throws MojoExecutionException {
File destDirectory = new File(deflatedDir, artifact.getName());
if (destDirectory.exists()) {
getLog().debug("Bundle " + artifact.getName() + " already deflated");
} else {
getLog().debug("Deflating bundle " + artifact.getName() + "...");
// unarchive the bundle
try {
UnArchiver unArchiver = archiverManager.getUnArchiver(artifact);
IncludeExcludeFileSelector selector = new IncludeExcludeFileSelector();
selector.setExcludes(new String[] { "OSGI-OPT/**" });
unArchiver.setFileSelectors(new FileSelector[] { selector });
} catch (NoSuchArchiverException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"An error occurred while deflating file " + artifact + " to directory " + destDirectory, e);
getLog().debug("Bundle " + artifact + " successfully deflated");
return destDirectory;
private void renameResources(File destDirectory, ArtifactId artifactId) throws MojoExecutionException {
if (includeResources == null || includeResources.length == 0) {
getLog().debug("No configured resources to rename in " + destDirectory);
getLog().debug("Renaming " + Arrays.toString(includeResources) + " files in " + destDirectory + "...");
DirectoryScanner directoryScanner = new DirectoryScanner();
if (directoryScanner.getIncludedFiles().length == 0) {
getLog().debug("No " + Arrays.toString(includeResources) + " resources in " + destDirectory + " to be renamed renamed.");
for (String resourceName : directoryScanner.getIncludedFiles()) {
final File resource = new File(destDirectory, resourceName);
final String prefix = artifactId.getGroupId().concat("-").concat(artifactId.getArtifactId().concat("-"));
if (resource.getName().startsWith(prefix)) {
getLog().debug("No need to rename " + resource);
} else {
File renamed = new File(resource.getParentFile(), prefix.concat(resource.getName()));
getLog().debug("Renaming resource " + resource + " to " + renamed + "...");
if (resource.renameTo(renamed)) {
getLog().debug("Resource renamed to " + renamed);
} else {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Impossible to rename resource " + resource + " to " + renamed
+ ", please check the current user has enough rights on the File System");
getLog().debug(Arrays.toString(includeResources) + " resources in " + destDirectory + " successfully renamed");
private boolean downloadSourceAndDeflate(final ArtifactProvider artifactProvider,
final ArtifactId sourcesArtifactId, final File deflatedSourcesDir, final String[] exportPackageIncludes,
final ArtifactId artifactId, final boolean allowFallback) throws MojoExecutionException {
boolean failed = false;
try {
final URL url = retrieve(artifactProvider, sourcesArtifactId);
if (url != null) {
File sourcesBundle = IOUtils.getFileFromURL(url, true, null);
deflate(deflatedSourcesDir, sourcesBundle, exportPackageIncludes);
} else {
if (!allowFallback) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to download sources for " + artifactId.toMvnId()
+ " due to missing artifact " + sourcesArtifactId.toMvnId());
getLog().warn("Unable to download sources for " + artifactId.toMvnId() + " due to missing artifact "
+ sourcesArtifactId.toMvnId() + ", trying source checkout next...");
failed = true;
} catch (final MojoExecutionException mee) {
throw mee;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
if (!allowFallback) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to download sources for " + artifactId.toMvnId()
+ " due to missing artifact " + sourcesArtifactId.toMvnId());
getLog().warn("Unable to download sources for " + artifactId.toMvnId() + " from "
+ sourcesArtifactId.toMvnId() + " due to " + t.getMessage() + ", trying source checkout next...");
failed = true;
return failed;
private void downloadSources(final ArtifactProvider artifactProvider, Artifact artifact, File deflatedSourcesDir,
File checkedOutSourcesDir, String[] exportPackageIncludes) throws MojoExecutionException {
ArtifactId artifactId = artifact.getId();
getLog().debug("Downloading sources for " + artifactId.toMvnId() + "...");
boolean fallback = false;
if ( artifact.getMetadata().get(SCM_ID) != null ) {
final String value = artifact.getMetadata().get(SCM_ID);
for (final String id : value.split(",")) {
final ArtifactId sourcesArtifactId = ArtifactId.parse(id);
downloadSourceAndDeflate(artifactProvider, sourcesArtifactId, deflatedSourcesDir, exportPackageIncludes,
artifactId, false);
} else {
final ArtifactId sourcesArtifactId = newArtifacId(artifactId,
fallback = downloadSourceAndDeflate(artifactProvider, sourcesArtifactId, deflatedSourcesDir,
exportPackageIncludes, artifactId, true);
if (fallback) {
// fallback to Artifacts SCM metadata first
String connection = artifact.getMetadata().get(SCM_LOCATION);
String tag = artifact.getMetadata().get(SCM_TAG);
// Artifacts SCM metadata may not available or are an override, let's fallback to the POM
ArtifactId pomArtifactId = newArtifacId(artifactId, null, "pom");
getLog().debug("Falling back to SCM checkout, retrieving POM " + pomArtifactId.toMvnId() + "...");
// POM file must exist, let the plugin fail otherwise
final URL pomURL = retrieve(artifactProvider, pomArtifactId);
if (pomURL == null) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to find artifact " + pomArtifactId.toMvnId());
File pomFile = null;
pomFile = IOUtils.getFileFromURL(pomURL, true, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage());
getLog().debug("POM " + pomArtifactId.toMvnId() + " successfully retrieved, reading the model...");
// read model
Model pomModel = modelBuilder.buildRawModel(pomFile, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL, false).get();
getLog().debug("POM model " + pomArtifactId.toMvnId() + " successfully read, processing the SCM...");
Scm scm = pomModel.getScm();
if (scm != null) {
connection = setIfNull(connection, scm.getConnection());
tag = setIfNull(tag, scm.getTag());
if (connection == null) {
getLog().warn("Ignoring sources for artifact " + artifactId.toMvnId() + " : SCM not defined in "
+ artifactId.toMvnId()
+ " bundle neither in "
+ pomArtifactId.toMvnId() + " POM file.");
try {
ScmRepository repository = scmManager.makeScmRepository(connection);
ScmVersion scmVersion = null;
if (tag != null) {
scmVersion = new ScmTag(tag);
File basedir = new File(checkedOutSourcesDir, artifactId.getArtifactId());
if (basedir.exists()) {
getLog().debug("Source checkout directory " + basedir + " already exists");
} else {
getLog().debug("Checking out source to directory " + basedir);
ScmFileSet fileSet = new ScmFileSet(basedir);
CheckOutScmResult result = null;
try {
if (scmVersion != null) {
result = scmManager.checkOut(repository, fileSet, true);
} else {
result = scmManager.checkOut(repository, fileSet, scmVersion, true);
} catch (ScmException se) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("An error occurred while checking sources from " + repository
+ " for artifact " + artifactId + " model", se);
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
getLog().warn("Ignoring sources for artifact " + artifactId.toMvnId()
+ " : An error occurred while checking out sources from " + connection + ": "
+ result.getProviderMessage());
// retrieve the exact pom location to detect the bundle path in the repo
DirectoryScanner pomScanner = new DirectoryScanner();
for (String pomFileLocation : pomScanner.getIncludedFiles()) {
pomFile = new File(basedir, pomFileLocation);
pomModel = modelBuilder.buildRawModel(pomFile, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL, false)
if (artifactId.getArtifactId().equals(pomModel.getArtifactId())) {
basedir = pomFile.getParentFile();
// copy all interested sources to the proper location
File javaSources = new File(basedir, "src/main/java");
if (!javaSources.exists()) { // old modules could still use src/java
javaSources = new File(basedir, "src/java");
// there could be just resources artifacts
if (!javaSources.exists()) {
getLog().warn("Ignoring sources for artifact " + artifactId.toMvnId() + " : SCM checkout for "
+ artifactId.toMvnId()
+ " does not contain any source.");
File destDirectory = new File(deflatedSourcesDir, artifactId.toMvnId());
if (!destDirectory.exists()) {
DirectoryScanner directoryScanner = new DirectoryScanner();
for (String file : directoryScanner.getIncludedFiles()) {
File source = new File(javaSources, file);
File destination = new File(destDirectory, file);
try {
FileUtils.copyFile(source, destination);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"An error occurred while copying sources from " + source + " to " + destination, e);
} catch (ScmRepositoryException se) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("An error occurred while reading SCM from "
+ connection
+ " connection for bundle "
+ artifactId, se);
} catch (NoSuchScmProviderException nsspe) {
getLog().warn("Ignoring sources for artifact " + artifactId.toMvnId()
+ " : bundle points to an SCM connection "
+ connection
+ " which does not specify a valid or supported SCM provider", nsspe);
private Clause[] getExportedPackages(final Manifest manifest) {
final String exportPackageHeader = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE);
final Clause[] exportPackages = Parser.parseHeader(exportPackageHeader);
return exportPackages;
private String[] computeExportPackageIncludes(final Clause[] exportedPackages) throws MojoExecutionException {
final Set<String> exports = new HashSet<>();
for (Clause exportedPackage : exportedPackages) {
final String api = exportedPackage.getName();
return exports.toArray(new String[exports.size()]);
* Compute exports based on api regions
* @return {@code true} if any region exports a package from this set
private boolean computeExports(final ApiRegions apiRegions, final Clause[] exportedPackages,
final ArtifactId bundle)
throws MojoExecutionException {
boolean hasExport = false;
// filter for each region
for (final Clause exportedPackage : exportedPackages) {
final String packageName = exportedPackage.getName();
for (ApiRegion apiRegion : apiRegions.listRegions()) {
final ApiExport exp = apiRegion.getExportByName(packageName);
if (exp != null) {
if (exp.getProperties().containsKey(PROPERTY_CLAUSE)) {
exp.getProperties().put(PROPERTY_CLAUSE, exp.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_CLAUSE).concat(",")
} else {
exp.getProperties().put(PROPERTY_CLAUSE, exportedPackage.toString());
exp.getProperties().put(PROPERTY_BUNDLE, bundle.toMvnId());
hasExport = true;
return hasExport;
private String[] getApiFilters(final ApiRegion region) {
final List<String> filters = new ArrayList<>();
for (final ApiExport exp : region.listExports()) {
final String f = exp.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_FILTER);
if (f != null) {
for (final String v : f.split(",")) {
return filters.toArray(new String[filters.size()]);
private String getApiExportClause(final ApiRegion region) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (final ApiExport exp : region.listExports()) {
final String v = exp.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_CLAUSE);
if (v != null) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
return sb.toString();
private List<String> recollect(File featureDir, File deflatedDir, ApiRegion apiRegion, File destination) throws MojoExecutionException {
final List<String> nodeTypes = new LinkedList<>();
DirectoryScanner directoryScanner = new DirectoryScanner();
// for each region, include both APIs and resources
String[] includes;
if (APIS.equals(destination.getName())) {
includes = concatenate(getApiFilters(apiRegion), includeResources);
} else {
includes = getApiFilters(apiRegion);
for (String includedFile : directoryScanner.getIncludedFiles()) {
String fileName = includedFile.substring(includedFile.indexOf(File.separator) + 1);
File target = new File(destination, fileName);
try {
File source = new File(deflatedDir, includedFile);
// this to prevent 'unmappable character for encoding UTF8' error
if (includedFile.endsWith(JAVA_EXTENSION)) {
String javaSource = FileUtils.fileRead(source,
FileUtils.fileWrite(target,, javaSource);
} else {
if (includedFile.endsWith(CND_EXTENSION)) {
FileUtils.copyFile(source, target);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("An error occurred while copying file "
+ includedFile
+ " to "
+ destination, e);
return nodeTypes;
private File createArchive(ArtifactId featureId, File collectedDir, ApiRegion apiRegion, String classifier,
List<String> nodeTypes, List<File> resources) throws MojoExecutionException {
DirectoryScanner directoryScanner = new DirectoryScanner();
JarArchiver jarArchiver = new JarArchiver();
for (String includedFile : directoryScanner.getIncludedFiles()) {
jarArchiver.addFile(new File(collectedDir, includedFile), includedFile);
if (resources != null) {
for (final File rsrc : resources) {
getLog().debug("Adding resource " + rsrc);
if (rsrc.isDirectory()) {
DirectoryScanner ds = new DirectoryScanner();
for (String includedFile : ds.getIncludedFiles()) {
jarArchiver.addFile(new File(rsrc, includedFile), includedFile);
} else {
jarArchiver.addFile(rsrc, rsrc.getName());
StringBuilder classifierBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (featureId.getClassifier() != null) {
String finalClassifier = classifierBuilder.append(mapApiRegionName(apiRegion.getName()))
String bundleName = String.format("%s-%s", project.getArtifactId(), finalClassifier);
String symbolicName = bundleName.replace('-', '.');
MavenArchiveConfiguration archiveConfiguration = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
if (APIS.equals(classifier)) {
// APIs need OSGi Manifest entry
archiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry("Export-Package", getApiExportClause(apiRegion));
archiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry("Bundle-Description", project.getDescription());
archiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry("Bundle-Version", featureId.getOSGiVersion().toString());
archiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2");
archiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry("Bundle-SymbolicName", symbolicName);
archiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry("Bundle-Name", bundleName);
if (nodeTypes != null && !nodeTypes.isEmpty()) {
archiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry("Sling-Nodetypes", StringUtils.join(nodeTypes.iterator(), ","));
if (project.getOrganization() != null) {
archiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry("Bundle-Vendor", project.getOrganization().getName());
archiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry("Specification-Version", featureId.getVersion());
archiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry("Implementation-Title", bundleName);
String targetName = String.format("%s-%s-%s.jar", project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion(), finalClassifier);
File target = new File(mainOutputDir, targetName);
MavenArchiver archiver = new MavenArchiver();
try {
archiver.createArchive(mavenSession, project, archiveConfiguration);
if (this.attachApiJars) {
projectHelper.attachArtifact(project, JAR_TYPE, finalClassifier, target);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("An error occurred while creating APIs "
+ target
+" archive", e);
return target;
private void generateJavadoc(File sourcesDir, File javadocDir, Set<String> javadocClasspath)
throws MojoExecutionException {
JavadocExecutor javadocExecutor = new JavadocExecutor(javadocDir.getParentFile())
.addArgument("-d", false)
.addArgument("-sourcepath", false)
if (isNotEmpty(project.getName())) {
javadocExecutor.addArgument("-doctitle", false)
if (isNotEmpty(project.getDescription())) {
javadocExecutor.addArgument("-windowtitle", false)
if (isNotEmpty(project.getInceptionYear())
&& project.getOrganization() != null
&& isNotEmpty(project.getOrganization().getName())) {
javadocExecutor.addArgument("-bottom", false)
.addQuotedArgument(String.format("Copyright &copy; %s - %s %s. All Rights Reserved",
if (javadocLinks != null && javadocLinks.length > 0) {
javadocExecutor.addArguments("-link", javadocLinks);
if (!javadocClasspath.isEmpty()) {
javadocExecutor.addArgument("-classpath", false)
.addArgument(javadocClasspath, File.pathSeparator);
// turn off doclint when running Java8
if (SystemUtils.isJavaVersionAtLeast(JavaVersion.JAVA_1_8)) {
// use the -subpackages to reduce the list of the arguments
javadocExecutor.addArgument("-subpackages", false);
javadocExecutor.addArgument(sourcesDir.list(), File.pathSeparator);
// .addArgument("-J-Xmx2048m")
javadocExecutor.execute(javadocDir, getLog(), this.ignoreJavadocErrors);
private static ArtifactId newArtifacId(ArtifactId original, String classifier, String type) {
return new ArtifactId(original.getGroupId(),
private static String packageToScannerFiler(String api) {
return "**/" + api.replace('.', '/') + "/*";
private static String[] concatenate(String[] a, String[] b) {
String[] result = new String[a.length + b.length];
System.arraycopy(a, 0, result, 0, a.length);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, result, a.length, b.length);
return result;
private static File newDir(File parent, String child) {
File dir = new File(parent, child);
return dir;
private static <T> T setIfNull(T what, T with) {
if (what == null) {
return with;
return what;
private static boolean isNotEmpty(String s) {
return s != null && !s.isEmpty();
// artifact filter
public boolean include(org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact artifact) {
if (org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals(artifact.getScope())) {
return false;
return true;
private List<String> getPackages(final File file, final String extension) throws MojoExecutionException {
final String postfix = ".".concat(extension);
final Set<String> packages = new HashSet<>();
try (final JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))) {
JarEntry entry;
while ((entry = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null) {
if (entry.getName().endsWith(postfix)) {
final int lastPos = entry.getName().lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastPos != -1) {
packages.add(entry.getName().substring(0, lastPos).replace('/', '.'));
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to scan file " + file + " : " + ioe.getMessage());
final List<String> sorted = new ArrayList<>(packages);
return sorted;