SLING-8418 moved modules to deprecated section
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/templates/downloads.tpl b/src/main/jbake/templates/downloads.tpl
index 37f7724..4d7ceb3 100644
--- a/src/main/jbake/templates/downloads.tpl
+++ b/src/main/jbake/templates/downloads.tpl
@@ -214,7 +214,6 @@
   "Slf4j MDC Filter||1.0.0|Y|jar",
   "Sling Query||4.0.2|Y|jar",
   "Starter Content||1.0.4|Y|jar",
-  "Starter Startup||1.0.6|Y|jar",
   "Superimposing Resource Provider||0.2.0|Y|jar",
   "System Bundle Extension: Activation API||1.0.2|Y|jar",
   "System Bundle Extension: WS APIs||1.0.2|Y|jar",
@@ -255,6 +254,11 @@
   "Commons JSON|Replaced with Commons Johnzon||2.0.20",
   "Explorer|Replaced with Composum||1.0.4",
   "GWT Integration|Not Maintained||3.0.0",
+  "Health Check Annotations|Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks||1.0.6",
+  "Health Check Core|Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks||1.2.10",
+  "Health Check Integration Tests|Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks||1.0.4",
+  "Health Check Samples|Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks||1.0.6",
+  "Health Check Webconsole|Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks||1.1.2",
   "JCR Compiler|Replaced with FS ClassLoader||2.1.0",
   "JCR Jackrabbit Server|Replaced with Apache Jackrabbit Oak||2.3.0",
   "JCR Prefs|Replaced with CA Configs||1.0.0",
@@ -264,6 +268,7 @@
   "Scripting JSP Taglib Compat|Superseded by the XSS API bundle||1.0.0",
   "Scripting JST|Not Maintained||2.0.6",
   "Servlets Compat|Not Maintained||1.0.2",
+  "Starter Startup|Replaced with Apache Felix HC Service Unavailable Filter||1.0.6",
   "Testing Sling Mock Jackrabbit|Not Maintained||1.0.0",
   "Testing Tools|SLING-5703||1.0.16",
   "Thread Dumper|Replaced with Apache Felix Thread Dumper||0.2.2"