SLING-9222 - Support requiring empty extensions or selectors in paths.strict mode
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/the-sling-engine/ b/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/the-sling-engine/
index 1bf139d..e24bfd2 100644
--- a/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/the-sling-engine/
+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/the-sling-engine/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 | `sling.servlet.extensions` | The request URL extensions supported by the servlet for requests. The property value must either be a single String, an array of Strings or a Vector of Strings. This property is only considered for the registration with `sling.servlet.resourceTypes`. |
 | `sling.servlet.methods` | The request methods supported by the servlet. The property value must either be a single String, an array of Strings or a Vector of Strings. This property is only considered for the registration with `sling.servlet.resourceTypes`. If this property is missing, the value defaults to GET and HEAD, regardless of which methods are actually implemented/handled by the servlet. A value of `*` leads to a servlet being bound to all methods. |
 | `sling.servlet.paths` | A list of absolute paths under which the servlet is accessible as a Resource. The property value must either be a single String, an array of Strings or a Vector of Strings.<br>A servlet using this property might be ignored unless its path is included in the *Execution Paths* (`servletresolver.paths`) configuration setting of the `SlingServletResolver` service. Either this property or the `sling.servlet.resourceTypes` property must be set, or the servlet is ignored. If both are set, the servlet is registered using both ways.<br>Binding resources by paths is discouraged, see [caveats when binding servlets by path](#caveats-when-binding-servlets-by-path) below. |
-| `sling.servlet.paths.strict` | When set to `true`, this enables _strict_ selection mode for servlets bound by path. In this mode, the above `.extensions`, `.selectors` and `.methods` service properties are taken into account to select such servlets. <br> If this property is not set to `true` the behavior is unchanged from previous versions and only the `.paths` property is considered when selecting such servlets. <br>See the [ServletSelectionIT]( test for details. <br> Requires version 2.6.0 or later of the `` module.<br>Binding resources by paths is discouraged, see [caveats when binding servlets by path](#caveats-when-binding-servlets-by-path) below. |
+| `sling.servlet.paths.strict` | When set to `true`, this enables _strict_ selection mode for servlets bound by path. In this mode, the above `.extensions`, `.selectors` and `.methods` service properties are taken into account to select such servlets. <br> If this property is not set to `true` the behavior is unchanged from previous versions and only the `.paths` property is considered when selecting such servlets. <br>The special value `.EMPTY.` can be used for the `.selectors` and `.extensions` properties to require the corresponding request values to be empty for the servlet to be selected. <br>See the [ServletSelectionIT]( test for details. <br> Requires version 2.6.0 or later of the `` module.<br>Binding resources by paths is discouraged, see [caveats when binding servlets by path](#caveats-when-binding-servlets-by-path) below. |
 | `sling.servlet.prefix` | The prefix or numeric index to make relative paths absolute. If the value of this property is a number (int), it defines the index of the search path entries from the resource resolver to be used as the prefix. The defined search path is used as a prefix to mount this servlet. The number can be -1 which always points to the last search entry. If the specified value is higher than than the highest index of the search paths, the last entry is used. The index starts with 0. If the value of this property is a string and parseable as a number, the value is treated as if it would be a number. If the value of this property is a string starting with "/", this value is applied as a prefix, regardless of the configured search paths! If the value is anything else, it is ignored. If this property is not specified, it defaults to the default configuration of the sling servlet resolver. |
 | `sling.core.servletName` | The name with which the servlet should be registered. This registration property is optional. If one is not explicitly set, the servlet's name will be determined from either the property ``, `` or `` (in that order). This means that the name is always set (as at least the last property is always ensured by OSGi).