blob: 17f8fc6769cb33b2d5620570d1522aeb7d897c68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Shared Git utilities
package includes
class Git {
/** Get Git revision info for the specified file */
def static getRevisionInfo(filename) {
// the date is used for both the XML sitemap and at the bottom of website pages
// YYYY-MM-DD format looks good enough for that, if we need a different format
// we probably need to parse that and reformat.
def gitCmd = 'git log -1 --date=short --format=%h####%ad####%an####%s ' + filename
def defaultText = "0####0000####<MISSING>####<MISSING>"
def gitInfo = includes.OS.exec(gitCmd, defaultText).split("####")
// For untracked files the command does not return anything
// After committing this will work, but otherwise it produces
// cryptic errors, so best avoid it
if ( gitInfo.length != 4 ) {
gitInfo = defaultText.split("####")
return [
lastCommit : gitInfo[0],
date : gitInfo[1],
author : gitInfo[2],
comment : gitInfo[3]