blob: 0b0f3831ea3a10ca9f565ed193728426d7625f3c [file] [log] [blame]
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def expandVariables(str, config) {
def pageVariables = [
sling_tagline : config.blog_subtitle,
sling_minJavaVersion : "8",
sling_minMavenVersion : "3.5.0",
sling_releaseVersion : "9"
// Use a closure to avoid exception on missing variable
str = str.replaceAll(/\$\{(\w+)\}/) { key -> pageVariables[key[1]] ?: "MISSING_PAGE_VARIABLE:${key[0]}" }
def processBody(content, config) {
def str = content.body
// Temporarily disable the TOC macro, replace with a comment
def replacement ='<!-- TODO reactivate TOC once JBake moves to flexmark-java -->\n'
str = str.replaceAll('\\[TOC\\]', replacement)
// Temporarily disable the syntax markers (of which there are two flavors, for some reason)
str = str.replaceAll('(::|#\\!)(java|jsp|xml|sh|javascript|html) *\\n', '<!-- TODO syntax marker ($1$2) disabled -->')
// Optionally expand variables
if("true".equals(content.expandVariables)) {
str = expandVariables(str, config)
return str
// Is parent an ancestor of child?
def isAncestor(parent, child) {
// assuming .html extension
return child.uri[0..-6].contains(parent.uri[0..-6]) && !child.uri.equals(parent.uri)
// Return the parents of supplied content, sorted by
// their depth in the tree, root first
def getSortedParents(content, published_content) {
def result = new TreeMap()
result.put(0, [ uri:"", title:"Home" ])
published_content.each { item ->
if(isAncestor(item, content)) {
result.put(item.uri.length(), item)
return result
def exec(cmd, defaultText) {
try {
def p = cmd.execute()
return p.text
} catch(Exception e) {
return defaultText
def getRevisionInfo(filename) {
def lastCommit = "444eb637ff1ddcf11a0f37f02dd4b3fe89eb149f"
def gitCmd = 'git log -1 --format=%h####%ad####%an####%s ' + filename
def defaultText = "0####0000####<MISSING>####<MISSING>"
def gitInfo = exec(gitCmd, defaultText).split("####")
return [
lastCommit : gitInfo[0],
date : gitInfo[1],
author : gitInfo[2],
comment : gitInfo[3]
def getApacheRepos(url, apacheRepos) {
def connection = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
// implicitly executes request
if ( connection.responseCode == 200 ) {
// get the JSON response
def json = connection.inputStream.withCloseable { inStream ->
new JsonSlurper().parse( inStream as InputStream )
// evaluate link header (
String link = connection.getHeaderField("Link")
def matcher = link =~ /<(.*)>; rel="next"/
if (matcher.find()) {
println "Found next page"
return new URL(matcher[0][1])
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid response code '$connection.responseCode' for url '$url'. Response body: '$connection.errorStream.text'. Response headers: '$connection.headerFields'")
return null
def getSlingRepos() {
URL url = new URL("")
def apacheRepos = []
while ({
url = getApacheRepos(url, apacheRepos)
url != null
}()) continue
// filter all sling names
print apacheRepos
def slingRepos = apacheRepos.findAll {'sling') }
println "Found $slingRepos.size repositories"
return slingRepos
layout 'layout/main.tpl', true,
projects: projects,
breadcrumbs : contents {
div(class:"breadcrumbs") {
def separator = "&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;"
getSortedParents(content, published_content).each { item ->
a (href:"${config.site_contextPath}${item.value.uri}") {
yield item.value.title
yieldUnescaped separator
bodyContents: contents {
div(class:"small-12 columns"){
yieldUnescaped processBody(content, config)
def slingRepos = getSlingRepos();
div(class:"repos") {
h2(class:"repos") {
yield "Repository Locations"
table {
tr {
th {
yield "Description"
th {
yield "Apache Gitbox URL"
th {
yield "Github URL"
slingRepos.each { repo ->
tr {
td {
yield "$repo.description"
td {
a(href:"${}.git") {
yield "${}.git"
td {
a(href:"$repo.html_url") {
yield "$repo.clone_url"