blob: 46ea0a24f53d28a920682bb0933b9cceff4eeb9d [file] [log] [blame]
package runonce
/** Stuff that runs once for each build
** like generating the list of Sling Git modules etc.
class OncePerBuild {
static boolean hasRun
def OncePerBuild(jbakeConfig) {
synchronized(this.class) {
if(!hasRun) {
hasRun = true
/** Call things that need to run once during the website build here */
def execute(jbakeConfig) {
// I used this to test the mechanism, feel
// free to remove this code once this method
// starts doing something useful
// new File("/tmp/sling-site-once.txt").append("The build ran at "
// + new java.util.Date()
// + " with config " + jbakeConfig + "\n")