blob: 91b710ad3e8136f2ba06d1ba5e1abff0db469b69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Shared general utilities
package includes
class U {
U(jbakeConfig) {
// As this class is used in each build,
// use it to trigger the OncePerBuild stuff
def once = new runonce.OncePerBuild(jbakeConfig)
def splitLine(line, separator, expectedParts) {
def result = line.split(separator)
if(result.length < expectedParts) {
throw new Exception(
"Expected " + expectedParts
+ " parts separated with " + separator
+ ", but got " + result.length
+ " in line: " + line
return result
def processBody(content, config) {
def str = content.body
// Temporarily disable the TOC macro, replace with a comment
def replacement ='<!-- TODO reactivate TOC once JBake moves to flexmark-java -->\n'
str = str.replaceAll('\\[TOC\\]', replacement)
// Temporarily disable the syntax markers (of which there are two flavors, for some reason)
str = str.replaceAll('(::|#\\!)(java|jsp|xml|sh|javascript|html) *\\n', '<!-- TODO syntax marker ($1$2) disabled -->')
// Optionally expand variables
if("true".equals(content.expandVariables)) {
str = expandVariables(str, config)
return str
def expandVariables(str, config) {
def pageVariables = [
sling_tagline : config.blog_subtitle,
sling_minJavaVersion : "8",
sling_minMavenVersion : "3.5.0",
sling_releaseVersion : "12",
sling_snapshotVersion : "13-SNAPSHOT",
// Use a closure to avoid exception on missing variable
str = str.replaceAll(/\$\{(\w+)\}/) { key -> pageVariables[key[1]] ?: "MISSING_PAGE_VARIABLE:${key[0]}" }
// Is parent an ancestor of child?
def isAncestor(parent, child) {
// assuming .html extension
return child.uri[0..-6].contains(parent.uri[0..-6] + '/') && !child.uri.equals(parent.uri)
// Return the parents of supplied content, sorted by
// their depth in the tree, root first
def getSortedParents(content, published_content) {
def result = new TreeMap()
result.put(0, [ uri:"", title:"Home" ])
published_content.each { item ->
if(isAncestor(item, content)) {
result.put(item.uri.length(), item)
return result