Flagged archetypes with failing tests as deprecated (until they are fixed). Moved archetypes with passing tests that seem in good working order to the top.
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/development/maven-archetypes.md b/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/development/maven-archetypes.md
index 8c62313..90c6124 100644
--- a/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/development/maven-archetypes.md
+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/development/maven-archetypes.md
@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
 Sling includes several Maven archetypes to quick start development. See [http://maven.apache.org/archetype/maven-archetype-plugin/](http://maven.apache.org/archetype/maven-archetype-plugin/) for general information on using Maven archetypes. The Maven groupId for all Sling archetypes is `org.apache.sling`.
-### sling-bundle-archetype
-This archetype generates a Maven project which will build a basic OSGi bundle including support for the Felix SCR Annotations. It is pre-configured to install using the Felix Web Console when the profile `autoInstallBundle` is activated.
 ### sling-content-package-archetype
 Maven archetype for a Jackrabbit FileVault content package
@@ -18,22 +14,27 @@
 This archetype generates a Maven project which will build an OSGi bundle that supports JCR NodeType registration (in `SLING-INF/nodetypes/nodetypes.cnd`) and initial content loading (in `SLING-INF/scripts` and `SLING-INF/content`).
-### sling-jcrinstall-bundle-archetype
-This archetype generates a Maven project which will build a basic OSGi bundle including support for the Felix SCR Annotations. It is pre-configured to install using a WebDAV PUT into the JCR when the profile `autoInstallBundle` is activated.
-### sling-launchpad-standalone-archetype
-This archetype generates a Maven project which will build a standalone Launchpad JAR file using the default bundle set. For demonstration purposes, the generated project includes an extra bundle list file (`src/main/bundles/list`) which includes Apache Felix FileInstall as well as a test configuration file (`src/test/config/sling.properties`).
-### sling-launchpad-webapp-archetype
-This archetype generates a Maven project which will build a Launchpad WAR file using the default bundle set. For demonstration purposes, the generated project includes an extra bundle list file (`src/main/bundles/list`) which includes Apache Felix FileInstall as well as a test configuration file (`src/test/config/sling.properties`).
 ### sling-project-archetype
 This archetype will create a Sling project that can be deployed on the Sling 12. In contrast to the Apache Sling Maven Archetypes this one is geared towards creating a full project and not just a single module. See the [sling-project-archetype github repo](https://github.com/apache/sling-project-archetype) for more details.
-### sling-servlet-archetype
+### sling-bundle-archetype (deprecated)
+This archetype generates a Maven project which will build a basic OSGi bundle including support for the Felix SCR Annotations. It is pre-configured to install using the Felix Web Console when the profile `autoInstallBundle` is activated.
+### sling-jcrinstall-bundle-archetype (deprecated)
+This archetype generates a Maven project which will build a basic OSGi bundle including support for the Felix SCR Annotations. It is pre-configured to install using a WebDAV PUT into the JCR when the profile `autoInstallBundle` is activated.
+### sling-launchpad-standalone-archetype (deprecated)
+This archetype generates a Maven project which will build a standalone Launchpad JAR file using the default bundle set. For demonstration purposes, the generated project includes an extra bundle list file (`src/main/bundles/list`) which includes Apache Felix FileInstall as well as a test configuration file (`src/test/config/sling.properties`).
+### sling-launchpad-webapp-archetype (deprecated)
+This archetype generates a Maven project which will build a Launchpad WAR file using the default bundle set. For demonstration purposes, the generated project includes an extra bundle list file (`src/main/bundles/list`) which includes Apache Felix FileInstall as well as a test configuration file (`src/test/config/sling.properties`).
+### sling-servlet-archetype (deprecated)
 This archetype generates a Maven project which will build an OSGi bundle containing two Servlets registered with Sling, one registered by path and one registered by resource type.
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