blob: 08f10d6f165e1ab00735ecea8328777185081936 [file] [log] [blame]
<div class="navbar">
<% load("head.esp"); %>
<a href=<%= homePage %>>home</a> >
if (currentNode.getName() == "search") {
<a href="/mailarchiveserver/search.html">search</a>
} else {
<a href="/mailarchiveserver/archive.html">archive</a>
var name = [];
var href = [];
var node = currentNode;
var folding = false;
var fname = "";
var fhref = "";
while (node.getName() != "archive") {
var rt = node["sling:resourceType"];
if (rt == "mailarchiveserver/list")
folding = true;
if (rt != undefined) {
if (!folding) {
} else {
fname += node["jcr:text"]+".";
if (fhref == "")
fhref = node.getPath()+".html";
node = node.getParent();
if (folding) {
name.push(fname.substring(0, fname.length-1));
while (name.length > 0) {
out.print(" > <a href="+href.pop()+">"+name.pop()+"</a>");
<!-- SAERCH BAR -->
<form method="GET" action="/mailarchiveserver/search.html" style="width: 40%; margin: 1em auto;">
<input type="text" name="q" style="width: 70%;" value='<%= request.getParameter('q') ? request.getParameter('q') : '' %>' />
<input type="submit" value="Search" style="width: 23%;" /> <span
title='You can search in the following ways
(similar to Markmail)
General terms: server
Or phrases: "latest news"
Sender field: from:"Roy Fielding",
Subject field: subject:"how to"
List field: list:sling
Search is NOT case sensitive, i.e. searching for list:oak and LIST:OAK will produce same results.
Constraints are ANDed together except in the case of multiple fielded constraints of the same type which will be ORed together.
'>(?)</span> <br>