blob: a989ea156fee3464cdac709272687d5d15c6c2bd [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Sling Webloader Sample Service UI
Sling Webloader sample - user interface
This bundle provides a sample web user interface for the Webloader Service,
which id provided by the sibling "webloader.service" bundle.
The demo bundles can be deployed through Maven using the following commands:
Deploy the Webloader Service bundle running the following command in
the samples/webloader/service directory:
mvn install -P autoInstallBundle
then deploy the Webloader UI bundle by running the following command in
the samples/webloader/ui directory:
mvn install -P autoInstallBundle
When deployed, the webloader can be accessed by navigating to:
This should display the "Sling Webloader" page, that gives access to
the Webloader service.