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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Apache Sling Sample Framework Fragment Bundle</name>
Shows how to create a fragment bundle that causes additional
packages from the JVM environment to be exported.
After starting this bundle, the OSGi console detail view of
the system bundle (/system/console/bundles/0) should list two
com.example packages as being exported.
Those packages are just dummy examples, the list of exported
packages will obviously need to be adapted to create your own
fragment bundle.
// Convert POM version to valid OSGi version identifier['osgi.version'] =
(['rawVersion'] =~ /-/).replaceAll('.')
The POM packaging is jar but with these settings
we create a valid bundle.
<Bundle-Vendor>Apache Software Foundation</Bundle-Vendor>
<Fragment-Host>system.bundle; extension:=framework</Fragment-Host>
Packages listed here will be exported by the system
bundle once this bundle is active.
The OSGi framework does not check whether the packages
are actually available.
com.example.somepackage; version=1.2.3,
com.example.anotherpackage; version=4.5.6