SLING-9785 Improve readability of the readme
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index 8fc8e59..a148cf9 100644
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 Sling Server Setup utilities.
-### Related System Properties
+### Configuration System Properties
-| Property Name  | Default  | Purpose |
-| test.server.url |   | If the server is already running, this is the full address of your target server.  |
-| test.server.hostname | localhost | The hostname for the sling server that will be started  |
-| test.server.username  | admin  | The username to use to login for interacting with the OSGi Web Console  |
-| test.server.password  | admin  | The password of the user to use for interacting with the OSGi Web Console  |
-|  |  |  |
-| server.ready.timeout.seconds | 60 | The maximum amount of time in seconds to wait for the server to become ready  |
-| server.ready.timeout.initial.delay.seconds | 0 | The duration to wait in seconds before checking if the server is ready  |
-| server.ready.timeout.delay.seconds | 1 | The duration of the delay in seconds between attempts to check if the server is ready |
-| server.ready.quiet.period.seconds | 0 | The duration of a quiet period in seconds after the server has become ready and the tests begin running |
-| server.ready.path.* |   | Prefix for properties whose value describe how to check if the server is ready. <br/>The syntax of each value is one of: <table><thead><tr><th>Pattern</th><th>Description</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>[relative_url]:[response_content_contains]</td><td>Load the page and check if the response contains the content string</td></tr><tr><td>[relative_url]:[response_content_pattern]:regexp</td><td>Load the page and check if the response contains the regex pattern</td></tr></tbody></table>   |
-| keepJarRunning | false  | Set to true if you want the server to remain running - you can then run tests against it from another VM. |
-|  |  |  |
-| additional.bundles.path |   | The value is a comma-separated list of additional bundles to install (or uninstall) |
-| additional.bundles.uninstall | false | <table><thead><tr><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>true</td><td>uninstall the additional bundles</td></tr><tr><td>false</td><td>install the additional bundles</td></tr></tbody></table> |
-| sling.additional.bundle.* |   | Prefix for properties whose value describes additional bundles to install |
-| start.bundles.timeout.seconds | 30 | The maximum amount of tiem to wait for the additional bundles to start |
-| bundle.install.timeout.seconds | 10 | The maximum amount of tiem to wait for the additional bundles to install  |
-|  |  |  |
-| jar.executor.server.port | 8765 | The port number for the sling server that will be started |
-| jar.executor.jar.folder |  | The folder that contains the executable jar |
-| |  | The name of the executable jar file |
-| jar.executor.vm.options |  | Additional options to pass along to the jvm |
-| |  | The working directory for the executable jar |
-| jar.executor.jar.options |  | Additional options for the jar execute command line |
-| jar.executor.exit.timeout.seconds | 30 | The maximum time in seconds to wait for for the executor process to exit |
-| jar.executor.wait.on.shutdown | false | True to wait for the executor process to exit normally, false to not wait |
-| |   | The path to the java executable |
-| jar.executor.synchronous.exec |  | True to execute synchronous, false otherwise |
-| jar.executor.synchronous.exec.expected.result | 0 | The exit code expected from the executor |
+* __*test.server.url*__  - If the server is already running, this is the full address of your target server. No default value.
+* __*test.server.hostname*__ - The hostname for the sling server that will be started.  Default value is "localhost".
+* __*test.server.username*__ - The username to use to login for interacting with the OSGi web console.  Default value is "admin".
+* __*test.server.password*__  - The password of the user to use for interacting with the OSGi web console.  Default value is "admin".
+* __*server.ready.timeout.seconds*__ - The maximum amount of time in seconds to wait for the server to become ready.  Default value is 60. 
+* __*server.ready.timeout.initial.delay.seconds*__ - The duration to wait in seconds before checking if the server is ready.  Default value is 0. 
+* __*server.ready.timeout.delay.seconds*__ - The duration of the delay in seconds between attempts to check if the server is ready.  Defalt value is 1. 
+* __*server.ready.quiet.period.seconds*__ - The duration of a quiet period in seconds after the server has become ready and the tests begin running.  Default value is 0. 
+* __*server.ready.path*__ - Prefix for one or more properties whose value describe how to check if the server is ready. The syntax of each value is one of:
+     | Pattern | Description |
+     | ------- | ----------- |
+     | [relative_url]:[response_content_contains] | Load the page and check if the response content contains the string | 
+     | [relative_url]:[response_content_pattern]:regexp | Load the page and check if the response content contains the regex pattern | 
+* __*keepJarRunning*__ - Specify if you want the server to remain running - you can then run tests against it from another VM.  Default value is false.
+* __*additional.bundles.path*__ - The value is a comma-separated list of additional bundles to install (or uninstall).
+* __*additional.bundles.uninstall*__ - If true, treat the additional bundles items as bundles to uninstall.  Otherwise, treat those items as bundles to install.  Default value is false.
+* __*sling.additional.bundle*__ - Prefix for zero or more properties whose value describes additional bundles to install.
+* __*start.bundles.timeout.seconds*__ - The maximum amount of time to wait for the additional bundles to start.  Default value is 30. 
+* __*bundle.install.timeout.seconds*__ - The maximum amount of time to wait for the additional bundles to install.  Default value is 10. 
+* __*jar.executor.server.port*__ - The port number for the sling server that will be started.  Default value is 8765.
+* __*jar.executor.jar.folder*__ - The folder that contains the executable jar. 
+* __**__ - The name of the executable jar file. 
+* __*jar.executor.vm.options*__ - Additional options to pass along to the spawned jvm. 
+* __**__ - The working directory for the executable jar. 
+* __*jar.executor.exit.timeout.seconds*__ - The maximum time in seconds to wait for for the executor process to exit normally.  Default value is 30. 
+* __*jar.executor.wait.on.shutdown*__ - True to wait for the executor process to exit normally, false to not wait.  Default value is false. 
+* __**__ - The path to the java executable. 
+* __*jar.executor.synchronous.exec*__ - True to execute synchronous, false otherwise.  Default value is false. 
+* __*jar.executor.synchronous.exec.expected.result*__ - The exit code expected from the executor.  Default value is 0.