blob: 0b6211e64d7e2a49b51ec5a16162133668da78e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagInfo;
* A place holder for various things that are used through out the JSP
* engine. This is a per-request/per-context data structure. Some of
* the instance variables are set at different points.
* Most of the path-related stuff is here - mangling names, versions, dirs,
* loading resources and dealing with uris.
* @author Anil K. Vijendran
* @author Harish Prabandham
* @author Pierre Delisle
* @author Costin Manolache
* @author Kin-man Chung
public class JspCompilationContext {
private Map<String, URL> tagFileJarUrls;
private String className;
private String jspUri;
private boolean isErrPage;
private String basePackageName;
private String derivedPackageName;
private String servletJavaFileName;
private String javaPath;
private String classFileName;
private String contentType;
private ServletWriter writer;
private Options options;
private Compiler jspCompiler;
private String baseURI;
private String outputDir;
private ServletContext context;
private JspRuntimeContext rctxt;
private boolean isTagFile;
private boolean protoTypeMode;
private TagInfo tagInfo;
private URL tagFileJarUrl;
private final boolean defaultIsSession;
// jspURI _must_ be relative to the context
public JspCompilationContext(String jspUri,
boolean isErrPage,
Options options,
ServletContext context,
JspRuntimeContext rctxt,
boolean defaultIsSession) {
this.jspUri = canonicalURI(jspUri);
this.isErrPage = isErrPage;
this.options = options;
this.context = context;
this.baseURI = jspUri.substring(0, jspUri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
// hack fix for resolveRelativeURI
if (baseURI == null) {
baseURI = "/";
} else if (baseURI.charAt(0) != '/') {
// strip the basde slash since it will be combined with the
// uriBase to generate a file
baseURI = "/" + baseURI;
if (baseURI.charAt(baseURI.length() - 1) != '/') {
baseURI += '/';
this.rctxt = rctxt;
this.tagFileJarUrls = new HashMap<>();
this.basePackageName = Constants.JSP_PACKAGE_NAME;
this.defaultIsSession = defaultIsSession;
public JspCompilationContext(String tagfile,
TagInfo tagInfo,
Options options,
ServletContext context,
JspRuntimeContext rctxt,
boolean defaultIsSession,
URL tagFileJarUrl) {
this(tagfile, false, options, context, rctxt, defaultIsSession);
this.isTagFile = true;
this.tagInfo = tagInfo;
this.tagFileJarUrl = tagFileJarUrl;
* What class loader to use for loading classes while compiling
* this JSP?
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return getRuntimeContext().getIOProvider().getClassLoader();
/** ---------- Input/Output ---------- */
* Creates an output stream to the given file
* @param fileName The path to the file to write to
* @return The OutputStream to the file
* @throws IOException If an error occurrs creating the output stream.
public OutputStream getOutputStream(String fileName) throws IOException {
return getRuntimeContext().getIOProvider().getOutputStream(fileName);
* Creates an input stream from the given file
* @param fileName The path to the file to read from
* @return The InputStream from the file
* @throws FileNotFoundException If the file cannot be found
* @throws IOException If an error occurrs creating the intput stream.
public InputStream getInputStream(String fileName)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
return getRuntimeContext().getIOProvider().getInputStream(fileName);
* Removes a (generated) file.
* @param fileName The path to the file to remove.
* @return <code>true</code> if the file has been removed.
public boolean delete(String fileName) {
return getRuntimeContext().getIOProvider().delete(fileName);
* Renams then old file to the new file
* @return <code>true</code> if the file has been renamed
public boolean rename(String oldFileName, String newFileName) {
return getRuntimeContext().getIOProvider().rename(oldFileName, newFileName);
* The output directory to generate code into. The output directory
* is make up of the scratch directory, which is provide in Options,
* plus the directory derived from the package name.
public String getOutputDir() {
if (outputDir == null) {
return outputDir;
* Create a "Compiler" object based on some init param data. This
* is not done yet. Right now we're just hardcoding the actual
* compilers that are created.
private Compiler createCompiler() {
if (jspCompiler != null ) {
return jspCompiler;
jspCompiler = new JDTCompiler(defaultIsSession);
return jspCompiler;
public Compiler getCompiler() {
return jspCompiler;
/** ---------- Access resources in the webapp ---------- */
* Get the full value of a URI relative to this compilations context
* uses current file as the base.
public String resolveRelativeUri(String uri) {
// sometimes we get uri's massaged from File(String), so check for
// a root directory deperator char
if (uri.startsWith("/") || uri.startsWith(File.separator)) {
return uri;
return baseURI + uri;
* Gets a resource as a stream, relative to the meanings of this
* context's implementation.
* @return a null if the resource cannot be found or represented
* as an InputStream.
public getResourceAsStream(String res) {
return context.getResourceAsStream(canonicalURI(res));
public URL getResource(String res) throws MalformedURLException {
return context.getResource(canonicalURI(res));
public Set<String> getResourcePaths(String path) {
return context.getResourcePaths(canonicalURI(path));
* Gets the actual path of a URI relative to the context of
* the compilation.
public String getRealPath(String path) {
if (context != null) {
return context.getRealPath(path);
return path;
* Returns the tag-file-name-to-JAR-file map of this compilation unit,
* which maps tag file names to the JAR files in which the tag files are
* packaged.
* The map is populated when parsing the tag-file elements of the TLDs
* of any imported taglibs.
public URL getTagFileJarUrl(String tagFile) {
return this.tagFileJarUrls.get(tagFile);
public void setTagFileJarUrl(String tagFile, URL tagFileURL) {
this.tagFileJarUrls.put(tagFile, tagFileURL);
public URL getTagFileUrl(String tagFile) {
return this.tagFileJarUrls.get("tagfile:" + tagFile);
public void setTagFileUrl(String tagFile, URL tagFileURL) {
this.tagFileJarUrls.put("tagfile:" + tagFile, tagFileURL);
* Returns the JAR file in which the tag file for which this
* JspCompilationContext was created is packaged, or null if this
* JspCompilationContext does not correspond to a tag file, or if the
* corresponding tag file is not packaged in a JAR.
public URL getTagFileJarUrl() {
return this.tagFileJarUrl;
public void setTagFileUrls(final JspCompilationContext ctxt) {
/* ==================== Common implementation ==================== */
* Just the class name (does not include package name) of the
* generated class.
public String getServletClassName() {
if (className != null) {
return className;
if (isTagFile) {
className = tagInfo.getTagClassName();
int lastIndex = className.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastIndex != -1) {
className = className.substring(lastIndex + 1);
} else {
int iSep = jspUri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
className = JspUtil.makeJavaIdentifier(jspUri.substring(iSep));
return className;
* Path of the JSP URI. Note that this is not a file name. This is
* the context rooted URI of the JSP file.
public String getJspFile() {
return jspUri;
* Are we processing something that has been declared as an
* errorpage?
public boolean isErrorPage() {
return isErrPage;
public void setErrorPage(boolean isErrPage) {
this.isErrPage = isErrPage;
public boolean isTagFile() {
return isTagFile;
public TagInfo getTagInfo() {
return tagInfo;
public void setTagInfo(TagInfo tagi) {
tagInfo = tagi;
* True if we are compiling a tag file in prototype mode.
* ie we only generate codes with class for the tag handler with empty
* method bodies.
public boolean isPrototypeMode() {
return protoTypeMode;
public void setPrototypeMode(boolean pm) {
protoTypeMode = pm;
* Package name for the generated class is make up of the base package
* name, which is user settable, and the derived package name. The
* derived package name directly mirrors the file heirachy of the JSP page.
public String getServletPackageName() {
if (isTagFile()) {
String className = tagInfo.getTagClassName();
int lastIndex = className.lastIndexOf('.');
String pkgName = "";
if (lastIndex != -1) {
pkgName = className.substring(0, lastIndex);
return pkgName;
} else if (basePackageName == null || basePackageName.length() == 0) {
return getDerivedPackageName();
} else {
String dPackageName = getDerivedPackageName();
if (dPackageName.length() == 0) {
return basePackageName;
return basePackageName + '.' + getDerivedPackageName();
protected String getDerivedPackageName() {
if (derivedPackageName == null) {
int iSep = jspUri.lastIndexOf('/');
derivedPackageName = (iSep > 0) ?
JspUtil.makeJavaPackage(jspUri.substring(1,iSep)) : "";
return derivedPackageName;
* Full path name of the Java file into which the servlet is being
* generated.
public String getServletJavaFileName() {
if (servletJavaFileName == null) {
servletJavaFileName = getOutputDir() + getServletClassName() + ".java";
return servletJavaFileName;
* Get hold of the Options object for this context.
public Options getOptions() {
return options;
public ServletContext getServletContext() {
return context;
public JspRuntimeContext getRuntimeContext() {
return rctxt;
* Path of the Java file relative to the work directory.
public String getJavaPath() {
if (javaPath != null) {
return javaPath;
if (isTagFile()) {
String tagName = tagInfo.getTagClassName();
javaPath = tagName.replace('.', '/') + ".java";
} else {
javaPath = getServletPackageName().replace('.', '/') + '/' +
getServletClassName() + ".java";
return javaPath;
public String getClassFileName() {
if (classFileName == null) {
classFileName = getOutputDir() + getServletClassName() + ".class";
return classFileName;
* Get the content type of this JSP.
* Content type includes content type and encoding.
public String getContentType() {
return contentType;
public void setContentType(String contentType) {
this.contentType = contentType;
* Where is the servlet being generated?
public ServletWriter getWriter() {
return writer;
public void setWriter(ServletWriter writer) {
this.writer = writer;
* Gets the 'location' of the TLD associated with the given taglib 'uri'.
* @return An array of two Strings: The first element denotes the real
* path to the TLD. If the path to the TLD points to a jar file, then the
* second element denotes the name of the TLD entry in the jar file.
* Returns null if the given uri is not associated with any tag library
* 'exposed' in the web application.
public String[] getTldLocation(String uri) throws JasperException {
String[] location =
return location;
* Are we keeping generated code around?
public boolean keepGenerated() {
return getOptions().getKeepGenerated();
// ==================== Compile and reload ====================
public JasperException compile() {
final Compiler c = createCompiler();
try {
} catch (final JasperException ex) {
return ex;
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
final JasperException je = new JasperException(
return je;
} catch (final Exception ex) {
JasperException je = new JasperException(
return je;
} finally {
return null;
// ==================== Manipulating the class ====================
public Class<?> load()
throws JasperException {
try {
String name;
if (isTagFile()) {
name = tagInfo.getTagClassName();
} else {
name = getServletPackageName() + "." + getServletClassName();
final Class<?> servletClass = getClassLoader().loadClass(name);
return servletClass;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cex) {
throw new JasperException(Localizer.getMessage("jsp.error.unable.load"),
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JasperException(Localizer.getMessage("jsp.error.unable.compile"),
// ==================== protected methods ====================
public void checkOutputDir() {
private boolean makeOutputDir() {
return getRuntimeContext().getIOProvider().mkdirs(outputDir);
private void createOutputDir() {
String path = null;
if (isTagFile()) {
String tagName = tagInfo.getTagClassName();
path = tagName.replace('.', '/');
path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/'));
} else {
path = getServletPackageName().replace('.', '/');
// Append servlet or tag handler path to scratch dir
outputDir = options.getScratchDir() + File.separator + path + File.separator;
if (!makeOutputDir()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(Localizer.getMessage("jsp.error.outputfolder"));
private static final boolean isPathSeparator(char c) {
return (c == '/' || c == '\\');
private static final String canonicalURI(String s) {
if (s == null) return null;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
final int len = s.length();
int pos = 0;
while (pos < len) {
char c = s.charAt(pos);
if ( isPathSeparator(c) ) {
* multiple path separators.
* 'foo///bar' -> 'foo/bar'
while (pos+1 < len && isPathSeparator(s.charAt(pos+1))) {
if (pos+1 < len && s.charAt(pos+1) == '.') {
* a single dot at the end of the path - we are done.
if (pos+2 >= len) break;
switch (s.charAt(pos+2)) {
* self directory in path
* foo/./bar -> foo/bar
case '/':
case '\\':
pos += 2;
* two dots in a path: go back one hierarchy.
* foo/bar/../baz -> foo/baz
case '.':
// only if we have exactly _two_ dots.
if (pos+3 < len && isPathSeparator(s.charAt(pos+3))) {
pos += 3;
int separatorPos = result.length()-1;
while (separatorPos >= 0 &&
! isPathSeparator(result
.charAt(separatorPos))) {
if (separatorPos >= 0)
return result.toString();