blob: 0d78a8c2a78ab69aa9a89785dd656dd6624a04f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class ResourceMapperImpl implements ResourceMapper {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private final ResourceResolverImpl resolver;
private final ResourceDecoratorTracker resourceDecorator;
private final MapEntriesHandler mapEntries;
private final boolean optimizedAliasResolutionEnabled;
private final Object namespaceMangler;
public ResourceMapperImpl(ResourceResolverImpl resolver, ResourceDecoratorTracker resourceDecorator,
MapEntriesHandler mapEntries, boolean optimizedAliasResolutionEnabled, Object namespaceMangler) {
this.resolver = resolver;
this.resourceDecorator = resourceDecorator;
this.mapEntries = mapEntries;
this.optimizedAliasResolutionEnabled = optimizedAliasResolutionEnabled;
this.namespaceMangler = namespaceMangler;
public String getMapping(String resourcePath) {
return getMapping(resourcePath, null);
public String getMapping(String resourcePath, HttpServletRequest request) {
Collection<String> mappings = getAllMappings(resourcePath, request);
if ( mappings.isEmpty() )
return null;
return mappings.iterator().next();
public Collection<String> getAllMappings(String resourcePath) {
return getAllMappings(resourcePath, null);
public Collection<String> getAllMappings(String resourcePath, HttpServletRequest request) {
// A note on the usage of the 'mappings' variable and the order of the results
// The API contract of the ResourceMapper does not specify the order in which the elements are returned
// As an implementation detail however the getMapping method picks the first element of the return value
// as the 'winner'.
// Therefore we take care to add the entries in a very particular order, which preserves backwards
// compatibility with the existing implementation. Previously the order was
// resource path → alias → mapping (with alias potentially being null)
// To ensure we keep the same behaviour but expose all possible mappings, we now have the following
// flow
// resource path → mapping
// resource path → alias
// alias → mapping
// After all are processed we reverse the order to preserve the logic of the old method (last
// found wins) and also make sure that no duplicates are added.
// There is some room for improvement here by using a data structure that does not need reversing ( ArrayList
// .add moves the elements every time ) or reversal of duplicates but since we will have a small number of
// entries ( <= 4 ) the time spent here should be negligible.
List<String> mappings = new ArrayList<>();
// 1. parse parameters
// find a fragment or query
int fragmentQueryMark = resourcePath.indexOf('#');
if (fragmentQueryMark < 0) {
fragmentQueryMark = resourcePath.indexOf('?');
// cut fragment or query off the resource path
String mappedPath;
final String fragmentQuery;
if (fragmentQueryMark >= 0) {
fragmentQuery = resourcePath.substring(fragmentQueryMark);
mappedPath = resourcePath.substring(0, fragmentQueryMark);
logger.debug("map: Splitting resource path '{}' into '{}' and '{}'", new Object[] { resourcePath, mappedPath,
fragmentQuery });
} else {
fragmentQuery = null;
mappedPath = resourcePath;
final RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(request, resourcePath);
ParsedParameters parsed = new ParsedParameters(mappedPath);
// 2. add the requested path itself
// 3. load mappings from the resource path
populateMappingsFromMapEntries(mappings, mappedPath, requestContext);
// 4. load aliases
final Resource nonDecoratedResource = resolver.resolveInternal(parsed.getRawPath(), parsed.getParameters());
if (nonDecoratedResource != null) {
String alias = loadAliasIfApplicable(nonDecoratedResource);
// 5. load mappings for alias
if ( alias != null )
populateMappingsFromMapEntries(mappings, alias, requestContext);
// 6. apply context path if needed
mappings.replaceAll(new ApplyContextPath(request));
// 7. set back the fragment query if needed
if ( fragmentQuery != null ) {
mappings.replaceAll(new UnaryOperator<String>() {
public String apply(String mappedPath) {
return mappedPath.concat(fragmentQuery);
mappings.forEach( path -> {
logger.debug("map: Returning URL {} as mapping for path {}", path, resourcePath);
return new LinkedHashSet<>(mappings);
private String loadAliasIfApplicable(final Resource nonDecoratedResource) {
//Invoke the decorator for the resolved resource
Resource res = resourceDecorator.decorate(nonDecoratedResource);
// keep, what we might have cut off in internal resolution
final String resolutionPathInfo = res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo();
logger.debug("map: Path maps to resource {} with path info {}", res, resolutionPathInfo);
// find aliases for segments. we can't walk the parent chain
// since the request session might not have permissions to
// read all parents SLING-2093
final LinkedList<String> names = new LinkedList<>();
Resource current = res;
String path = res.getPath();
while (path != null) {
String alias = null;
if (current != null && !path.endsWith(ResourceResolverImpl.JCR_CONTENT_LEAF)) {
if (optimizedAliasResolutionEnabled) {
logger.debug("map: Optimize Alias Resolution is Enabled");
String parentPath = ResourceUtil.getParent(path);
if (parentPath != null) {
final Map<String, String> aliases = mapEntries.getAliasMap(parentPath);
if (aliases!= null && aliases.containsValue(current.getName())) {
for (String key:aliases.keySet()) {
if (current.getName().equals(aliases.get(key))) {
alias = key;
} else {
logger.debug("map: Optimize Alias Resolution is Disabled");
alias = ResourceResolverControl.getProperty(current, ResourceResolverImpl.PROP_ALIAS);
if (alias == null || alias.length() == 0) {
alias = ResourceUtil.getName(path);
path = ResourceUtil.getParent(path);
if ("/".equals(path)) {
path = null;
} else if (path != null) {
current = res.getResourceResolver().resolve(path);
// build path from segment names
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
// construct the path from the segments (or root if none)
if (names.isEmpty()) {
} else {
while (!names.isEmpty()) {
// reappend the resolutionPathInfo
if (resolutionPathInfo != null) {
// and then we have the mapped path to work on
String mappedPath = buf.toString();
logger.debug("map: Alias mapping resolves to path {}", mappedPath);
return mappedPath;
private void populateMappingsFromMapEntries(List<String> mappings, String mappedPath,
final RequestContext requestContext) {
boolean mappedPathIsUrl = false;
for (final MapEntry mapEntry : mapEntries.getMapMaps()) {
final String[] mappedPaths = mapEntry.replace(mappedPath);
if (mappedPaths != null) {
logger.debug("map: Match for Entry {}", mapEntry);
mappedPathIsUrl = !mapEntry.isInternal();
if (mappedPathIsUrl && requestContext.hasUri() ) {
mappedPath = null;
for (final String candidate : mappedPaths) {
if (candidate.startsWith(requestContext.getUri())) {
mappedPath = candidate.substring(requestContext.getUri().length() - 1);
mappedPathIsUrl = false;
logger.debug("map: Found host specific mapping {} resolving to {}", candidate, mappedPath);
} else if (candidate.startsWith(requestContext.getSchemeWithPrefix()) && mappedPath == null) {
mappedPath = candidate;
if (mappedPath == null) {
mappedPath = mappedPaths[0];
} else {
// we can only go with assumptions selecting the first entry
mappedPath = mappedPaths[0];
logger.debug("map: MapEntry {} matches, mapped path is {}", mapEntry, mappedPath);
private String mangleNamespaces(String absPath) {
if ( absPath != null && namespaceMangler != null && namespaceMangler instanceof JcrNamespaceMangler ) {
absPath = ((JcrNamespaceMangler) namespaceMangler).mangleNamespaces(resolver, logger, absPath);
return absPath;
private class RequestContext {
private final String uri;
private final String schemeWithPrefix;
private RequestContext(HttpServletRequest request, String resourcePath) {
if ( request != null ) {
this.uri = MapEntry.getURI(request.getScheme(), request.getServerName(), request.getServerPort(), "/");
this.schemeWithPrefix = request.getScheme().concat("://");
logger.debug("map: Mapping path {} for {} (at least with scheme prefix {})", new Object[] { resourcePath,
uri, schemeWithPrefix });
} else {
this.uri = null;
this.schemeWithPrefix = null;
logger.debug("map: Mapping path {} for default", resourcePath);
public String getUri() {
return uri;
public String getSchemeWithPrefix() {
return schemeWithPrefix;
public boolean hasUri() {
return uri != null && schemeWithPrefix != null;
private class ApplyContextPath implements UnaryOperator<String> {
private final HttpServletRequest req;
private ApplyContextPath(HttpServletRequest req) {
this.req = req;
public String apply(String path) {
String mappedPath = path;
// [scheme:][//authority][path][?query][#fragment]
try {
// use commons-httpclient's URI instead of, as it can
// actually accept *unescaped* URIs, such as the "mappedPath" and
// return them in proper escaped form, including the path, via
// toString()
final URI uri = new URI(path, false);
// 1. mangle the namespaces in the path
path = mangleNamespaces(uri.getPath());
// 2. prepend servlet context path if we have a request
if (req != null && req.getContextPath() != null && req.getContextPath().length() > 0) {
path = req.getContextPath().concat(path);
// update the path part of the URI
mappedPath = uri.toString();
} catch (final URIException e) {
logger.warn("map: Unable to mangle namespaces for " + mappedPath + " returning unmangled", e);
return mappedPath;