blob: defff9fb586f203ef29d2b4745e8a524495a0b43 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Sling Resource Editor
The Apache Sling Resource Editor allows to edit Apache Sling content based on the Sling API.
++ Deploy Binaries ++
o Install Apache Sling (see
o Navigate to the OSGi Repository page of the management console within your running Sling instance (/system/console/obr)
o If the OSGi Repository page is not there, install `|org.apache.felix|org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.obr|1.0.2|bundle` at `system/console/bundles` to make it available.
o Add the OSGi repository URL (
o Search for the "Apache Sling Resource Editor" resource and navigate to the latest version.
o Click "Deploy and Start".
o At /system/console/bundles you will see that the Resource Editor bundle is active.
o Open "/reseditor/.html" at your server to see the web application.
++ Build the Sling Resource Editor ++
o Deploy the binaries as described above.
o Download and install Git from
o Call `git clone git://` in a shell. It will create the resourceeditor subfolder containing the source.
o Change to the resourceeditor subdirectory and call `mvn clean package` there to install the sources into the running Sling instance.
++ Develop with the Sling Resource Editor ++
o Use `mvn install sling:install` to deploy changes of Java classes
o To have frontend changes automatically deployed call `mvn install`
o To have the less sources automatically compiled call `mvn lesscss:compile`