blob: 7b8fe142da41048bc9bfad6430bcba376f3ec3e8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Test create/delete user statements
delete user userB
create user userB
create user userC with password some_password
create user userD with password {SHA-256}dc460da4ad72c
create user userE with password {someEncoding} afdgwdsdf
create user one_with-more-chars.ok:/123456 with password {encoding_with.ok-:/12345} pw-with.ok-:/13456
create user userF with path /thePathF
create user userG with path /thePathG with password {theEncoding} userGpwd
create user userH with path thePathH
create user userJ with path thePathJ with password {theEncoding} userJpwd