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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.osgi.annotation.versioning.ProviderType;
import java.util.Map;
* Builder and Runner of a pipe, based on a fluent API, for script and java usage.
public interface PipeBuilder {
* attach a new pipe to the current context
* @param type resource type (should be registered by the plumber)
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
PipeBuilder pipe(String type);
* attach a move pipe to the current context
* @param expr target of the resource to move
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "mv", resourceType = MovePipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = MovePipe.class,
description = "move current resource to expr (more on")
PipeBuilder mv(String expr);
* attach a write pipe to the current context
* @param conf configuration parameters
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called with bad configuration
@PipeExecutor(command = "write", resourceType = WritePipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = WritePipe.class,
description = "write following key=value pairs to the current resource")
PipeBuilder write(Object... conf) throws IllegalAccessException;
* attach a filter pipe to the current context
* @param conf configuration parameters
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called with bad configuration
@PipeExecutor(command = "grep", resourceType = FilterPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = FilterPipe.class,
description = "filter current resources with following key=value pairs")
PipeBuilder grep(Object... conf) throws IllegalAccessException;
* attach an authorizable pipe to the current context
* @param conf configuration key value pairs for authorizable (see pipe's doc)
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called with bad configuration
@PipeExecutor(command = "auth", resourceType = AuthorizablePipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = AuthorizablePipe.class,
description = "convert current resource as authorizable")
PipeBuilder auth(Object... conf) throws IllegalAccessException;
* attach a xpath pipe to the current context
* @param expr xpath expression
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "xpath", resourceType = XPathPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = XPathPipe.class,
description = "create following xpath query's result as output resources")
PipeBuilder xpath(String expr);
* attach a sling query children pipe to the current context
* @param expr sling query expression
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "children", resourceType = ChildrenPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = ChildrenPipe.class,
description = "list current resource's immediate children")
PipeBuilder children(String expr);
* attach a sling query siblings pipe to the current context
* @param expr sling query expression
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "siblings", resourceType = SiblingsPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = SiblingsPipe.class,
description = "list current resource's siblings")
PipeBuilder siblings(String expr);
* attach a rm pipe to the current context
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "rm", resourceType = RemovePipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = RemovePipe.class,
description = "remove current resource")
PipeBuilder rm();
* attach a csv pipe to the current context
* @param expr csv expr or URL or path in the resource tree
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "csv", resourceType = CsvPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = CsvPipe.class,
description = "read expr's csv and output each line in the bindings")
PipeBuilder csv(String expr);
* attach a json pipe to the current context
* @param expr json expr or URL or path in the resource tree
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "json", resourceType = JsonPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = JsonPipe.class,
description = "read expr's json array and output each object in the bindings")
PipeBuilder json(String expr);
* attach a Regexp pipe to the current context
* @param expr text expr or URL or path in the resource tree
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "egrep", resourceType = RegexpPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = RegexpPipe.class,
description = "read expr's txt and output each found pattern in the binding")
PipeBuilder egrep(String expr);
* Attach a path pipe to the current context
* @param expr path to create
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "mkdir", resourceType = PathPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = PathPipe.class,
description = "create expr path")
PipeBuilder mkdir(String expr);
* attach a base pipe to the current context
* @param path pipe path
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "echo", resourceType = BasePipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = BasePipe.class,
description = "output input's path")
PipeBuilder echo(String path);
* attach a traverse pipe to the current context
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "traverse", resourceType = TraversePipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = TraversePipe.class,
description = "traverse current resource")
PipeBuilder traverse();
* attach a sling query parent pipe to the current context
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "parent", resourceType = ParentPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = ParentPipe.class,
description = "return current's resource parent")
PipeBuilder parent();
* attach a sling query parents pipe to the current context
* @param expr expression
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "parents", resourceType = ParentsPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = ParentsPipe.class,
description = "return current's resource parents")
PipeBuilder parents(String expr);
* attach a sling query closest pipe to the current context
* @param expr expression
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "closest", resourceType = ClosestPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = ClosestPipe.class,
description = "return closest resource of the current")
PipeBuilder closest(String expr);
* attach a sling query find pipe to the current context
* @param expr expression
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "$", resourceType = FindPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = FindPipe.class,
description = "find resource from the current, with the given expression as a parameter")
PipeBuilder $(String expr);
* attach a reference pipe to the current context
* @param expr reference
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "ref", resourceType = ReferencePipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = ReferencePipe.class,
description = "reference passed pipe")
PipeBuilder ref(String expr);
* attach a package pipe, in filter collection mode as default
* @param expr path of the pipe
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "pkg", resourceType = PackagePipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = PackagePipe.class,
description = "package up current resource in given package")
PipeBuilder pkg(String expr);
* attach a not pipe to the current context
* @param expr reference
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "not", resourceType = NotPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = NotPipe.class,
description = "invert output: if input, return nothing, if no input, return single resource")
PipeBuilder not(String expr);
* attach a multi value property pipe to the current context
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
@PipeExecutor(command = "mp", resourceType = MultiPropertyPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = MultiPropertyPipe.class,
description = "read multi property, and output each value in the bindings")
PipeBuilder mp();
* attach an ACL pipe to the current context
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called with bad configuration
@PipeExecutor(command = "acls", resourceType = ACLPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = ACLPipe.class,
description = "output each acls on the resource or acls for authorizable in repository in bindings")
PipeBuilder acls() throws IllegalAccessException;
* attach an ACL pipe to the current context and sets allow acls on the resource
* @param expr prinicipalName/AuthorizableId of the user to give allow privileges to
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called with bad configuration
@PipeExecutor(command = "allow", resourceType = ACLPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = ACLPipe.class,
description = "sets allow acls on the resource")
PipeBuilder allow(String expr) throws IllegalAccessException;
* attach an ACL pipe to the current context and sets deny acls on the resource
* @param expr prinicipalName/AuthorizableId of the user/group to give deny privileges to
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called with bad configuration
@PipeExecutor(command = "deny", resourceType = ACLPipe.RESOURCE_TYPE, pipeClass = ACLPipe.class,
description = "sets deny acls on the resource")
PipeBuilder deny(String expr) throws IllegalAccessException;
* parameterized current pipe in the context
* @param params key value pair of parameters
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called with wrong # of arguments
PipeBuilder with(Object... params) throws IllegalAccessException;
* set an expr configuration to the current pipe in the context
* @param value expression value
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called in a bad time
PipeBuilder expr(String value) throws IllegalAccessException;
* sets a pipe name, important in case you want to reuse it in another expression
* @param name to overwrite default binding name (otherwise it will be "one", "two", ...)
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called before a pipe is configured
PipeBuilder name(String name) throws IllegalAccessException;
* set a path configuration to the current pipe in the context
* @param value path value
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called before a pipe is configured
PipeBuilder path(String value) throws IllegalAccessException;
* Building up a set of configurations for the current pipe
* @param properties configuration key value pairs (must be an even number of arguments)
* @return updated instance of PipeBuilder
* @throws IllegalAccessException in case it's called in a bad time
PipeBuilder conf(Object... properties) throws IllegalAccessException;
* add outputs passed key
* @param keys properties of the outputs resource to output
* @return current instance of PipeBuilder
PipeBuilder outputs(String ... keys);
* builds a configured pipe. The configuration will be placed in a balanced tree under <code>/var/pipes</code>
* @return Created (not executed) Pipe instance.
* @throws PersistenceException error occuring when saving the pipe configuration
Pipe build() throws PersistenceException;
* builds a configured pipe. The configuration will be placed under <code>path</code>
* @param path path under which the generated configuration should be stored
* @return Created (not executed) Pipe instance
* @throws PersistenceException error occuring when saving the pipe configuration
Pipe build(String path) throws PersistenceException;
* builds and run configured pipe
* @return set of resource path, output of the pipe execution
* @throws Exception exceptions thrown by the build or the pipe execution itself
ExecutionResult run() throws Exception;
* allow execution of a pipe, with more parameter
* @param bindings additional bindings
* @return set of resource path, output of the pipe execution
* @throws Exception in case something goes wrong with pipe execution
ExecutionResult run(Map bindings) throws Exception;
* allow execution of a pipe, with more parameter
* @param bindings additional bindings, should be key/value format
* @return set of resource path, output of the pipe execution
* @throws Exception in case something goes wrong with pipe execution
ExecutionResult runWith(Object... bindings) throws Exception;
* run a pipe asynchronously
* @param bindings additional bindings for the execution (can be null)
* @return registered job for the pipe execution
* @throws PersistenceException in case something goes wrong in the job creation
Job runAsync(Map bindings) throws PersistenceException;
* run referenced pipes in parallel
* @param numThreads number of threads to use for running the contained pipes
* @param bindings additional bindings for the execution (can be null)
* @return set of resource path, merged output of pipes execution (order is arbitrary)
ExecutionResult runParallel(int numThreads, Map bindings) throws Exception;