SLING-9499 - Launchpad-Testing: branch which runs ITs against oak_tar feature model aggregate

Don't run provisioning model ITs on top of the feature model. With the recent changes in the
from SLING-9548 and SLING-9549, all tests now pass.
1 file changed
tree: d2beb79d3b73fafab9be97e764b6bfee83b930b8
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. .sling-module.json
  6. Jenkinsfile
  8. pom.xml

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Apache Sling Launchpad Testing

This module is part of the Apache Sling project.

This module builds a Sling instance using bundles from the trunk, and runs integration tests against it via HTTP.

Default build with integration tests

The integration tests are provided by the sibling sling-org-apache-sling-launchpad-integration-tests module. By default the Sling instance to test is started, including a few test-specific bundles, the integration tests are executed and the instance is stopped.

Executing individual tests

To start a Sling instance with the exact same setup used in the full build of this module, use

mvn clean install -Dlaunchpad.keep.running=true -Dhttp.port=8080

Adding -Dsling.debug.options="<debug options>" for server-side debugging if needed.

Use CTRL-C to stop that instance.

The tests of the sling-org-apache-sling-launchpad-integration-tests module can then be run against this instance, as described there.