SLING-7834 - Transform ResourceResolverProxyTest into a teleported test
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 5e2f16e..cdb05ad 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@
+                ,
@@ -120,6 +121,12 @@
+            <groupId>org.osgi</groupId>
+            <artifactId>osgi.annotation</artifactId>
+            <version>6.0.1</version>
+            <scope>provided</scope>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/serversidetests/ b/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/exported/
similarity index 97%
rename from src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/serversidetests/
rename to src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/exported/
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+++ b/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/exported/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
  * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
  * the License.
 import javax.jcr.Session;
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/serversidetests/ b/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/serversidetests/
index 567c605..df1052d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/serversidetests/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/serversidetests/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 import static;
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2992 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
- * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
- * licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import static;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import javax.jcr.Node;
-import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
-import javax.jcr.Session;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-public class ResourceResolverTest {
-    public static final String PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL = "sling:internalRedirect";
-    public static final String PROP_REDIRECT_EXTERNAL = "sling:redirect";
-    public static final String MAPPING_EVENT_TOPIC = "org/apache/sling/api/resource/ResourceResolverMapping/CHANGED";
-    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceResolverTest.class);
-    private static ResourceResolver resResolver;
-    private static Session session;
-    private String rootPath;
-    private Node rootNode;
-    private Node mapRoot;
-    private String [] vanity;
-    private static List<String> toDelete = new ArrayList<String>();
-    private static ResourceResolverFactory cleanupResolverFactory;
-    private MappingsFacade mappingsFacade;
-    @TestReference
-    private EventsCounter eventsCounter;
-    @TestReference
-    private ResourceResolverFactory resourceResolverFactory;
-    private Node maybeCreateNode(Node parent, String name, String type) throws RepositoryException {
-        if(parent.hasNode(name)) {
-            return parent.getNode(name);
-        } else {
-            return parent.addNode(name, type);
-        }
-    }
-    private void saveMappings(Session s) throws Exception {
-        final String saveMappingsError = mappingsFacade.saveMappings(s);
-        if(saveMappingsError != null) {
-            fail(saveMappingsError);
-        }
-    }
-    @Before
-    public synchronized void setup() throws Exception {
-        closeResolver();
-        resResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null);
-        cleanupResolverFactory = resourceResolverFactory;
-        session = resResolver.adaptTo(Session.class);
-        mappingsFacade = new MappingsFacade(eventsCounter);
-        // Do the mappings setup only once, and clean it up
-        // after all tests
-        rootNode = maybeCreateNode(session.getRootNode(), "content", "nt:unstructured");
-        rootPath = rootNode.getPath();
-        if(toDelete.isEmpty()) {
-            final Node mapRoot = maybeCreateNode(session.getRootNode(), "etc", "nt:folder");
-            final Node map = maybeCreateNode(mapRoot, "map", "sling:Mapping");
-            final Node http = maybeCreateNode(map, "http", "sling:Mapping");
-            maybeCreateNode(http, "localhost.80", "sling:Mapping");
-            final Node https = maybeCreateNode(map, "https", "sling:Mapping");
-            maybeCreateNode(https, "localhost.443", "sling:Mapping");
-            toDelete.add(map.getPath());
-            toDelete.add(rootNode.getPath());
-        }
-        mapRoot = session.getNode("/etc");
-        // define a vanity path for the rootPath
-        vanity = new String[] {"testVanity","testV", "testVanityToUpdate"};
-        rootNode.setProperty("sling:vanityPath", vanity);
-        rootNode.addMixin("sling:VanityPath");
-        saveMappings(session);
-    }
-    private void closeResolver() {
-        if(session != null) {
-            if(session.isLive()) {
-                session.logout();
-            }
-            session = null;
-        }
-        if (resResolver != null ) {
-            resResolver.close();
-            resResolver = null;
-        }
-    }
-    @After
-    public void deleteTestNodes() throws Exception {
-        logger.debug("{} test done, deleting test nodes", ResourceResolverTest.class.getSimpleName());
-        final ResourceResolver resolver = cleanupResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null);
-        final Session session = resolver.adaptTo(Session.class);
-        try {
-            for(String path : toDelete) {
-                if(session.itemExists(path)) {
-                    session.getItem(path).remove();
-                }
-            }
-            toDelete.clear();
-  ;
-        } finally {
-            session.logout();
-            resolver.close();
-        }
-        closeResolver();
-    }
-    @Test public void test_clone_based_on_anonymous() throws Exception {
-        final ResourceResolver anon0 = this.resourceResolverFactory.getResourceResolver((Map<String, Object>) null);
-        final Session anon0Session = anon0.adaptTo(Session.class);
-        assertEquals("anonymous", anon0.getUserID());
-        // same user and workspace
-        final ResourceResolver anon1 = anon0.clone(null);
-        final Session anon1Session = anon1.adaptTo(Session.class);
-        assertEquals(anon0.getUserID(), anon1.getUserID());
-        assertEquals(anon0Session.getWorkspace().getName(),
-            anon1Session.getWorkspace().getName());
-        anon1.close();
-        // same workspace but admin user
-        final Map<String, Object> admin0Cred = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        admin0Cred.put(ResourceResolverFactory.USER, "admin");
-        admin0Cred.put(ResourceResolverFactory.PASSWORD, "admin".toCharArray());
-        final ResourceResolver admin0 = anon0.clone(admin0Cred);
-        final Session admin0Session = admin0.adaptTo(Session.class);
-        assertEquals("admin", admin0.getUserID());
-        assertEquals(anon0Session.getWorkspace().getName(),
-            admin0Session.getWorkspace().getName());
-        admin0.close();
-        // same user but different workspace
-        final Map<String, Object> anon2Cred = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        final ResourceResolver anon2 = anon0.clone(anon2Cred);
-        assertEquals("anonymous", anon2.getUserID());
-        anon2.close();
-        // different user and workspace
-        final Map<String, Object> admin1Cred = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        admin1Cred.put(ResourceResolverFactory.USER, "admin");
-        admin1Cred.put(ResourceResolverFactory.PASSWORD, "admin".toCharArray());
-        final ResourceResolver admin1 = anon0.clone(admin1Cred);
-        assertEquals("admin", admin1.getUserID());
-        admin1.close();
-        anon0.close();
-    }
-    @Test public void test_clone_based_on_admin() throws Exception {
-        final ResourceResolver admin0 = this.resourceResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver((Map<String, Object>) null);
-        final Session admin0Session = admin0.adaptTo(Session.class);
-        assertEquals("admin", admin0.getUserID());
-        // same user and workspace
-        final ResourceResolver admin1 = admin0.clone(null);
-        final Session admin1Session = admin1.adaptTo(Session.class);
-        assertEquals(admin0.getUserID(), admin1.getUserID());
-        assertEquals(admin0Session.getWorkspace().getName(),
-            admin1Session.getWorkspace().getName());
-        admin1.close();
-        // same workspace but anonymous user
-        final Map<String, Object> anon0Cred = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        anon0Cred.put(ResourceResolverFactory.USER, "anonymous");
-        final ResourceResolver anon0 = admin0.clone(anon0Cred);
-        final Session anon0Session = anon0.adaptTo(Session.class);
-        assertEquals("anonymous", anon0.getUserID());
-        assertEquals(admin0Session.getWorkspace().getName(),
-            anon0Session.getWorkspace().getName());
-        anon0.close();
-        // same user but different workspace
-        final Map<String, Object> admin2Cred = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        final ResourceResolver admin2 = admin0.clone(admin2Cred);
-        assertEquals("admin", admin2.getUserID());
-        admin2.close();
-        // different user and workspace
-        final Map<String, Object> anon1Cred = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        anon1Cred.put(ResourceResolverFactory.USER, "anonymous");
-        final ResourceResolver anon1 = admin0.clone(anon1Cred);
-        assertEquals("anonymous", anon1.getUserID());
-        anon1.close();
-        admin0.close();
-    }
-    /*@Test public void test_attributes_from_session() throws Exception {
-        // test assumes admin password is admin (which is default)
-        final Credentials creds0 = new SimpleCredentials("admin",
-            "admin".toCharArray());
-        final Session session0 = getRepository().login(creds0);
-        final Map<String, Object> authInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        authInfo.put(ResourceResolverFactory.USER, "admin");
-        authInfo.put(ResourceResolverFactory.PASSWORD, "admin".toCharArray());
-        authInfo.put("testAttributeString", "AStringValue");
-        authInfo.put("testAttributeNumber", 999);
-        final ResourceResolver resolver0 = resFac.getResourceResolver(authInfo);
-        final Iterator<String> attrNames0 = resolver0.getAttributeNames();
-        assertTrue("Expected one attribute", attrNames0.hasNext());
-        final String attrName0 =;
-        assertEquals("Expected attribute name to address session",
-            JcrResourceConstants.AUTHENTICATION_INFO_SESSION, attrName0);
-        assertFalse("Expected no more attributes", attrNames0.hasNext());
-        assertEquals("Expected session attribute to be the session", session0,
-            resolver0.getAttribute(attrName0));
-        assertEquals("Expected no Session attributes", 0,
-            session0.getAttributeNames().length);
-        resolver0.close();
-        assertTrue("Expect session to still be live after resolver close",
-            session0.isLive());
-        session0.logout();
-        final SimpleCredentials creds1 = new SimpleCredentials("admin",
-            "admin".toCharArray());
-        creds1.setAttribute("testAttributeString", "AStringValue");
-        creds1.setAttribute("testAttributeNumber", 999);
-        final Session session1 = getRepository().login(creds1);
-        final ResourceResolver resolver1 = resFac.getResourceResolver(authInfo);
-        assertEquals("Expected 2 Session attributes", 2,
-            session1.getAttributeNames().length);
-        assertEquals("AStringValue",
-            session1.getAttribute("testAttributeString"));
-        assertEquals(999, session1.getAttribute("testAttributeNumber"));
-        assertEquals(
-            session1,
-            resolver1.getAttribute(JcrResourceConstants.AUTHENTICATION_INFO_SESSION));
-        assertEquals("AStringValue",
-            resolver1.getAttribute("testAttributeString"));
-        assertEquals(999, resolver1.getAttribute("testAttributeNumber"));
-        final Iterator<String> attrNames1 = resolver1.getAttributeNames();
-        assertTrue("Expecting first attribute", attrNames1.hasNext());
-        assertTrue("Expecting second attribute", attrNames1.hasNext());
-        assertTrue("Expecting third attribute", attrNames1.hasNext());
-        assertFalse("Expecting no more attribute", attrNames1.hasNext());
-        resolver1.close();
-        assertTrue("Expect session to still be live after resolver close",
-            session1.isLive());
-        session1.logout();
-    }*/
-    @Test public void test_attributes_from_authInfo() throws Exception {
-        final Map<String, Object> authInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        authInfo.put(ResourceResolverFactory.USER, "admin");
-        authInfo.put(ResourceResolverFactory.PASSWORD, "admin".toCharArray());
-        authInfo.put("testAttributeString", "AStringValue");
-        authInfo.put("testAttributeNumber", 999);
-        final ResourceResolver rr = this.resourceResolverFactory.getResourceResolver(authInfo);
-        final Session s = rr.adaptTo(Session.class);
-        try {
-            assertEquals("Expect 3 session attributes", 3,
-                s.getAttributeNames().length);
-            assertEquals("AStringValue", s.getAttribute("testAttributeString"));
-            assertEquals(999, s.getAttribute("testAttributeNumber"));
-            assertEquals("admin", s.getAttribute(ResourceResolverFactory.USER));
-            assertNull(session.getAttribute(ResourceResolverFactory.PASSWORD));
-            assertEquals("AStringValue", rr.getAttribute("testAttributeString"));
-            assertEquals(999, rr.getAttribute("testAttributeNumber"));
-            assertEquals("admin", rr.getAttribute(ResourceResolverFactory.USER));
-            assertNull(rr.getAttribute(ResourceResolverFactory.PASSWORD));
-            final HashSet<String> validNames = new HashSet<String>();
-            validNames.add(ResourceResolverFactory.USER);
-            validNames.add("testAttributeString");
-            validNames.add("testAttributeNumber");
-            final Iterator<String> names = rr.getAttributeNames();
-            assertTrue(validNames.remove(;
-            assertTrue(validNames.remove(;
-            assertTrue(validNames.remove(;
-            assertFalse("Expect no more names", names.hasNext());
-            assertTrue("Expect validNames set to be empty now",
-                validNames.isEmpty());
-        } finally {
-            rr.close();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testGetResource() throws Exception {
-        // existing resource
-        Resource res = resResolver.getResource(rootPath);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-            res.getResourceType());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        // missing resource
-        String path = rootPath + "/missing";
-        res = resResolver.getResource(path);
-        assertNull(res);
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResource() throws Exception {
-        // existing resource
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(rootPath);
-        Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, rootPath);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-            res.getResourceType());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        // missing resource below root should resolve "missing resource"
-        String path = rootPath + "/missing";
-        res = resResolver.resolve(new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path), path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(path, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(Resource.RESOURCE_TYPE_NON_EXISTING, res.getResourceType());
-        assertNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        // root with selectors/ext should resolve root
-        path = rootPath + ".print.a4.html";
-        res = resResolver.resolve(new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path), path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-            res.getResourceType());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        // missing resource should return NON_EXISTING Resource
-        path = rootPath + System.currentTimeMillis();
-        res = resResolver.resolve(new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path), path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertTrue(ResourceUtil.isNonExistingResource(res));
-        assertEquals(path, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(Resource.RESOURCE_TYPE_NON_EXISTING, res.getResourceType());
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceExternalRedirect() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest("https",
-            null, -1, rootPath);
-        Node localhost443 = mapRoot.getNode("map/https/localhost.443");
-        localhost443.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_EXTERNAL,
-            "http://localhost");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, rootPath);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals("sling:redirect", res.getResourceType());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(ValueMap.class));
-            assertEquals("http://localhost" + rootPath,
-                res.adaptTo(ValueMap.class).get("sling:target", String.class));
-        } finally {
-            localhost443.getProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_EXTERNAL).remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceInternalRedirectUrl() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest("https",
-            null, -1, rootPath);
-        Node localhost443 = mapRoot.getNode("map/https/localhost.443");
-        localhost443.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "http://localhost");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, rootPath);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        } finally {
-            localhost443.getProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL).remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceInternalRedirectPath() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest("https",
-            null, -1, rootPath);
-        Node localhost443 = mapRoot.getNode("map/https/localhost.443");
-        Node toContent = localhost443.addNode("_playground_designground_",
-            "sling:Mapping");
-        toContent.setProperty("sling:match",
-            "(playground|designground)");
-        toContent.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/content/$1");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/content/playground.html", res.getPath());
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/playground/en.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/content/playground/en.html", res.getPath());
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/libs/nt/folder.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/libs/nt/folder.html", res.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            toContent.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceInternalRedirectPathAndVanityPath() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest("https",
-                null, -1, rootPath);
-        Node localhost443 = mapRoot.getNode("map/https/localhost.443");
-        localhost443.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-                "/example");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, vanity[0]);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            //see SLING-3428
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, vanity[1]);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/example/"+vanity[1], res.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            localhost443.getProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL).remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceInternalRedirectPathUpdate() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest("https", null, -1, rootPath);
-        Node localhost443 = mapRoot.getNode("map/https/localhost.443");
-        Node toContent = localhost443.addNode("_playground_designground_", "sling:Mapping");
-        toContent.setProperty("sling:match", "(playground|designground)");
-        toContent.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL, "/content/$1");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/content/playground.html", res.getPath());
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/playground/en.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/content/playground/en.html", res.getPath());
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/libs/nt/folder.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/libs/nt/folder.html", res.getPath());
-            // update the match
-            toContent.setProperty("sling:match", "(homeground|foreignground)");
-            saveMappings(session);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/homeground.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/content/homeground.html", res.getPath());
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/foreignground/en.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/content/foreignground/en.html", res.getPath());
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/libs/nt/folder.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/libs/nt/folder.html", res.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            toContent.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceInternalRedirectExact() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest("https",
-            null, -1, rootPath);
-        Node localhost443 = mapRoot.getNode("map/https/localhost.443");
-        Node toContent = localhost443.addNode("virtual", "sling:Mapping");
-        toContent.setProperty("sling:match", "virtual$");
-        toContent.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/content/virtual.html");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/virtual");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/content/virtual.html", res.getPath());
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/virtual.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/virtual.html", res.getPath());
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/virtual/child.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/virtual/child.html", res.getPath());
-            String url =, "/content/virtual.html");
-            assertNotNull(url);
-            assertEquals("https://localhost/virtual", url);
-            url =, "/content/virtual.html");
-            assertNotNull(url);
-            assertEquals("/virtual", url);
-        } finally {
-            toContent.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceInternalRedirectDepthFirst()
-            throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest("https",
-            null, -1, rootPath);
-        // map anything
-        Node localhost443 = mapRoot.getNode("map/https/localhost.443");
-        localhost443.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/content2");
-        // map only ../virtual
-        Node toContent = localhost443.addNode("virtual", "sling:Mapping");
-        toContent.setProperty("sling:match", "virtual$");
-        toContent.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/content2/virtual.html");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/virtual");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/content2/virtual.html", res.getPath());
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/virtual.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/content2/virtual.html", res.getPath());
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, "/virtual/child.html");
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("/content2/virtual/child.html", res.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            localhost443.getProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL).remove();
-            toContent.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVirtualHostHttp80() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(null,
-            "", -1, rootPath);
-        Node virtualhost80 = mapRoot.getNode("map/http").addNode(
-            "", "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost80.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/content/virtual");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            final Resource res0 = resResolver.resolve(request, "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(res0);
-            assertEquals("/content/virtual/playground.html", res0.getPath());
-            final Resource res1 = resResolver.resolve(request,
-                "/playground/en.html");
-            assertNotNull(res1);
-            assertEquals("/content/virtual/playground/en.html", res1.getPath());
-            final String mapped00 =;
-            assertEquals("", mapped00);
-            final String mapped01 =, res0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mapped01);
-            final String mapped10 =;
-            assertEquals("", mapped10);
-            final String mapped11 =, res1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/en.html", mapped11);
-        } finally {
-            virtualhost80.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVirtualHostHttp80Multiple() throws Exception {
-        final String de = "de";
-        final String en = "en";
-        final String hostDE = de + "";
-        final String hostEN = en + "";
-        final String contentDE = "/content/" + de;
-        final String contentEN = "/content/" + en;
-        Node virtualhost80a = mapRoot.getNode("map/http").addNode(
-            hostDE + ".80", "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost80a.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            contentDE);
-        Node virtualhost80 = mapRoot.getNode("map/http").addNode(hostEN + ".80",
-            "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost80.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            contentEN);
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // de content mapping
-            final HttpServletRequest requestDE = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                null, hostDE, -1, rootPath);
-            final Resource resDE0 = resResolver.resolve(requestDE,
-                "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(resDE0);
-            assertEquals(contentDE + "/playground.html", resDE0.getPath());
-            final Resource resDE1 = resResolver.resolve(requestDE,
-                "/playground/index.html");
-            assertNotNull(resDE1);
-            assertEquals(contentDE + "/playground/index.html", resDE1.getPath());
-            final String mappedDE00 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + hostDE + "/playground.html", mappedDE00);
-            final String mappedDE01 =, resDE0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mappedDE01);
-            final String mappedDE10 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + hostDE + "/playground/index.html", mappedDE10);
-            final String mappedDE11 =, resDE1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/index.html", mappedDE11);
-            // en content mapping
-            final HttpServletRequest requestEN = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                null, hostEN, -1, rootPath);
-            final Resource resEN0 = resResolver.resolve(requestEN,
-                "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(resEN0);
-            assertEquals(contentEN + "/playground.html", resEN0.getPath());
-            final Resource resEN1 = resResolver.resolve(requestEN,
-                "/playground/index.html");
-            assertNotNull(resEN1);
-            assertEquals(contentEN + "/playground/index.html", resEN1.getPath());
-            final String mappedEN00 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + hostEN + "/playground.html", mappedEN00);
-            final String mappedEN01 =, resEN0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mappedEN01);
-            final String mappedEN10 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + hostEN + "/playground/index.html", mappedEN10);
-            final String mappedEN11 =, resEN1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/index.html", mappedEN11);
-        } finally {
-            virtualhost80a.remove();
-            virtualhost80.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVirtualHostHttp80MultipleRoot() throws Exception {
-        final String de = "de";
-        final String en = "en";
-        final String fr = "fr";
-        final String hostDE = de + "";
-        final String hostEN = en + "";
-        final String hostFR = fr + "";
-        Node virtualhost80a = mapRoot.getNode("map/http").addNode(
-            hostDE + ".80", "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost80a.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/");
-        Node virtualhost80 = mapRoot.getNode("map/http").addNode(hostEN + ".80",
-            "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost80.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // de content mapping
-            final HttpServletRequest requestDE = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                null, hostDE, -1, rootPath);
-            final Resource resDE0 = resResolver.resolve(requestDE,
-                "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(resDE0);
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", resDE0.getPath());
-            final Resource resDE1 = resResolver.resolve(requestDE,
-                "/playground/index.html");
-            assertNotNull(resDE1);
-            assertEquals("/playground/index.html", resDE1.getPath());
-            final String mappedDE00 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + hostDE + "/playground.html", mappedDE00);
-            final String mappedDE01 =, resDE0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mappedDE01);
-            final String mappedDE10 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + hostDE + "/playground/index.html", mappedDE10);
-            final String mappedDE11 =, resDE1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/index.html", mappedDE11);
-            // en content mapping
-            final HttpServletRequest requestEN = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                null, hostEN, -1, rootPath);
-            final Resource resEN0 = resResolver.resolve(requestEN,
-                "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(resEN0);
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", resEN0.getPath());
-            final Resource resEN1 = resResolver.resolve(requestEN,
-                "/playground/index.html");
-            assertNotNull(resEN1);
-            assertEquals("/playground/index.html", resEN1.getPath());
-            // here we get back the hostDE, since this is the first configured
-            // and we have no request information to map the correct of the
-            // duplicate entries !
-            final String mappedEN00 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + hostDE + "/playground.html", mappedEN00);
-            // here we expect the path without scheme/host/port since we have
-            // the request and can select the right mapping
-            final String mappedEN01 =, resEN0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mappedEN01);
-            // here we get back the hostDE, since this is the first configured
-            // and we have no request information to map the correct of the
-            // duplicate entries !
-            final String mappedEN10 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + hostDE + "/playground/index.html", mappedEN10);
-            // here we expect the path without scheme/host/port since we have
-            // the request and can select the right mapping
-            final String mappedEN11 =, resEN1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/index.html", mappedEN11);
-            final HttpServletRequest requestFR = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                null, hostFR, -1, rootPath);
-            final Resource resFR1 = resResolver.resolve(requestFR,
-                "/playground/index.html");
-            assertNotNull(resFR1);
-            assertEquals("/playground/index.html", resFR1.getPath());
-            // here we get back the hostDE, since this is the first configured
-            // and we have no request information to map the correct of the
-            // duplicate entries !
-            final String mappedFR10 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + hostDE + "/playground/index.html", mappedFR10);
-            // here we get back the hostDE, since this is the first configured
-            // and we have request information which does not map any of the
-            // configured duplicate entries !
-            final String mappedFR11 =, resFR1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("http://" + hostDE + "/playground/index.html", mappedFR11);
-        } finally {
-            virtualhost80a.remove();
-            virtualhost80.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVirtualHostHttp8080() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(null,
-            "", 8080, rootPath);
-        Node virtualhost80 = mapRoot.getNode("map/http").addNode(
-            "", "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost80.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/content/virtual");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            final Resource res0 = resResolver.resolve(request, "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(res0);
-            assertEquals("/content/virtual/playground.html", res0.getPath());
-            final Resource res1 = resResolver.resolve(request,
-                "/playground/en.html");
-            assertNotNull(res1);
-            assertEquals("/content/virtual/playground/en.html", res1.getPath());
-            final String mapped00 =;
-            assertEquals("", mapped00);
-            final String mapped01 =, res0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mapped01);
-            final String mapped10 =;
-            assertEquals("",
-                mapped10);
-            final String mapped11 =, res1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/en.html", mapped11);
-        } finally {
-            virtualhost80.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVirtualHostHttp8080Root() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(null,
-            "", 8080, rootPath);
-        Node virtualhost80 = mapRoot.getNode("map/http").addNode(
-            "", "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost80.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            final Resource res0 = resResolver.resolve(request, "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(res0);
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", res0.getPath());
-            final Resource res1 = resResolver.resolve(request,
-                "/playground/en.html");
-            assertNotNull(res1);
-            assertEquals("/playground/en.html", res1.getPath());
-            final String mapped00 =;
-            assertEquals("", mapped00);
-            final String mapped01 =, res0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mapped01);
-            final String mapped10 =;
-            assertEquals("",
-                mapped10);
-            final String mapped11 =, res1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/en.html", mapped11);
-        } finally {
-            virtualhost80.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVirtualHostHttps443() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest("https",
-            "", -1, rootPath);
-        Node virtualhost443 = mapRoot.getNode("map/https").addNode(
-            "", "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost443.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/content/virtual");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            final Resource res0 = resResolver.resolve(request, "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(res0);
-            assertEquals("/content/virtual/playground.html", res0.getPath());
-            final Resource res1 = resResolver.resolve(request,
-                "/playground/en.html");
-            assertNotNull(res1);
-            assertEquals("/content/virtual/playground/en.html", res1.getPath());
-            final String mapped00 =;
-            assertEquals("", mapped00);
-            final String mapped01 =, res0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mapped01);
-            final String mapped10 =;
-            assertEquals("", mapped10);
-            final String mapped11 =, res1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/en.html", mapped11);
-        } finally {
-            virtualhost443.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVirtualHostHttps4443() throws Exception {
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest("https",
-            "", 4443, rootPath);
-        Node virtualhost4443 = mapRoot.getNode("map/https").addNode(
-            "", "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost4443.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            "/content/virtual");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            final Resource res0 = resResolver.resolve(request, "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(res0);
-            assertEquals("/content/virtual/playground.html", res0.getPath());
-            final Resource res1 = resResolver.resolve(request,
-                "/playground/en.html");
-            assertNotNull(res1);
-            assertEquals("/content/virtual/playground/en.html", res1.getPath());
-            final String mapped00 =;
-            assertEquals("", mapped00);
-            final String mapped01 =, res0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mapped01);
-            final String mapped10 =;
-            assertEquals("",
-                mapped10);
-            final String mapped11 =, res1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/en.html", mapped11);
-        } finally {
-            virtualhost4443.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVirtualHostHttpVsHttps() throws Exception {
-        final String host0 = "";
-        final String host1 = "";
-        final String content = "/content/page";
-        Node virtualhost80 = mapRoot.getNode("map/http").addNode(host0 + ".80",
-            "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost80.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            content);
-        Node virtualhost443 = mapRoot.getNode("map/https").addNode(
-            host0 + ".443", "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost443.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            content);
-        // HTTP request
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            final HttpServletRequest requestHttp0 = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                null, host0, -1, rootPath);
-            final Resource resHttp0 = resResolver.resolve(requestHttp0, "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(resHttp0);
-            assertEquals(content + "/playground.html", resHttp0.getPath());
-            final Resource resHttp1 = resResolver.resolve(requestHttp0,
-            "/playground/index.html");
-            assertNotNull(resHttp1);
-            assertEquals(content + "/playground/index.html", resHttp1.getPath());
-            // HTTPS request
-            final HttpServletRequest requestHttps0 = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                "https", host0, -1, rootPath);
-            final Resource resHttps0 = resResolver.resolve(requestHttps0, "/playground.html");
-            assertNotNull(resHttps0);
-            assertEquals(content + "/playground.html", resHttps0.getPath());
-            final Resource resHttps1 = resResolver.resolve(requestHttps0,
-                "/playground/index.html");
-            assertNotNull(resHttps1);
-            assertEquals(content + "/playground/index.html", resHttps1.getPath());
-            // HTTP Mapping
-            final String mappedHttp00 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + host0 + "/playground.html", mappedHttp00);
-            final String mappedHttp01 =, resHttp0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mappedHttp01);
-            final String mappedHttp10 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + host0 + "/playground/index.html", mappedHttp10);
-            final String mappedHttp11 =, resHttp1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/index.html", mappedHttp11);
-            // HTTPS Mapping
-            final HttpServletRequest requestHttp1 = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                null, host1, -1, rootPath);
-            final HttpServletRequest requestHttps1 = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                "https", host1, -1, rootPath);
-            final String mappedHttps00 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + host0 + "/playground.html", mappedHttps00);
-            final String mappedHttps01 =, resHttps0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground.html", mappedHttps01);
-            final String mappedHttps02 =, resHttps0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("http://" + host0 + "/playground.html", mappedHttps02);
-            final String mappedHttps03 =, resHttps0.getPath());
-            assertEquals("https://" + host0 + "/playground.html", mappedHttps03);
-            final String mappedHttps10 =;
-            assertEquals("http://" + host0 + "/playground/index.html", mappedHttps10);
-            final String mappedHttps11 =, resHttps1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("/playground/index.html", mappedHttps11);
-            final String mappedHttps12 =, resHttps1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("http://" + host0 + "/playground/index.html", mappedHttps12);
-            final String mappedHttps13 =, resHttps1.getPath());
-            assertEquals("https://" + host0 + "/playground/index.html", mappedHttps13);
-        } finally {
-            virtualhost80.remove();
-            virtualhost443.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceAlias() throws Exception {
-        // define an alias for the rootPath
-        String alias = "testAlias";
-        rootNode.setProperty("sling:alias", alias);
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + alias + ".print.html");
-            HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                + alias + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        } finally {
-            rootNode.getProperty("sling:alias").remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceAliasWithUpdate() throws Exception {
-        // define an alias for the rootPath
-        String [] alias = {"testAlias","testAliasToUpdate"};
-        rootNode.setProperty("sling:alias", alias);
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + alias[1] + ".print.html");
-            HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                    + alias[1] + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            //update alias
-            String [] aliasUpdated =  {"testAlias","testAliasUpdated"};
-            rootNode.setProperty("sling:alias", aliasUpdated);
-            saveMappings(session);
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + aliasUpdated[1] + ".print.html");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                    + aliasUpdated[1] + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        } finally {
-            rootNode.getProperty("sling:alias").remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveRemovedResourceAlias() throws Exception {
-        // define an alias for the rootPath
-        String alias = "testAlias";
-        rootNode.setProperty("sling:alias", alias);
-        saveMappings(session);
-        String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + alias + ".print.html");
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                + alias + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        //remove alias property
-        rootNode.getProperty("sling:alias").remove();
-        saveMappings(session);
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + alias + ".print.html");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertTrue(res instanceof NonExistingResource);
-        assertEquals("/"+alias+".print.html", res.getPath());
-        //create new child with alias
-        String childNodeName = "rootChildAlias";
-        Node childNode = maybeCreateNode(rootNode, childNodeName, "nt:unstructured");
-        childNode.setProperty("sling:alias", "childAlias");
-        saveMappings(session);
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)+ "/"+ rootPath
-                + "/childAlias.print.html");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath+"/"+childNodeName, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(childNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(childNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)+ "/"+ rootPath + "/childAlias" +
-                ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath+"/"+childNodeName, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(childNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(childNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        //remove the child node with the alias
-        childNode.remove();
-        saveMappings(session);
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)+ "/"+ rootPath + "/childAlias" +
-                ".print.html");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertTrue(res instanceof NonExistingResource);
-        assertEquals (rootPath + "/childAlias.print.html", res.getPath());
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceAliasJcrContent() throws Exception {
-        // define an alias for the rootPath in the jcr:content child node
-        String alias = "testAlias";
-        Node content = rootNode.addNode("jcr:content", "nt:unstructured");
-        content.setProperty("sling:alias", alias);
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + alias + ".print.html");
-            HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                + alias + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + alias + "/" + alias + ".print.html");
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertEquals("GET request resolution does not go up the path",
-                    Resource.RESOURCE_TYPE_NON_EXISTING, res.getResourceType());
-            Node child = rootNode.addNode("child", "nt:unstructured");
-            child.setProperty("sling:alias", alias);
-            try {
-                saveMappings(session);
-                res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-                assertEquals(child.getPath(), res.getPath());
-            } finally {
-                child.remove();
-      ;
-            }
-        } finally {
-            content.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveResourceAliasJcrContentWithUpdate() throws Exception {
-        // define an alias for the rootPath in the jcr:content child node
-        String [] alias = {"testAlias","testAliasToUpdate"};
-        Node content = rootNode.addNode("jcr:content", "nt:unstructured");
-        content.setProperty("sling:alias", alias);
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + alias[1] + ".print.html");
-            HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                + alias[1] + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            //update alias
-            String [] aliasUpdated =  {"testAlias","testAliasUpdated"};
-            content.setProperty("sling:alias", aliasUpdated);
-            saveMappings(session);
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + aliasUpdated[1] + ".print.html");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                    + aliasUpdated[1] + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        } finally {
-            content.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveRemovedesourceAliasJcrContent() throws Exception {
-        // define an alias for the rootPath in the jcr:content child node
-        String alias = "testAlias";
-        Node content = rootNode.addNode("jcr:content", "nt:unstructured");
-        content.setProperty("sling:alias", alias);
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + alias + ".print.html");
-            HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                + alias + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + alias + "/" + alias + ".print.html");
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertEquals("GET request resolution does not go up the path",
-                    Resource.RESOURCE_TYPE_NON_EXISTING, res.getResourceType());
-            //remove alias property
-            content.getProperty("sling:alias").remove();
-            saveMappings(session);
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + alias + ".print.html");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertTrue(res instanceof NonExistingResource);
-            assertEquals("/"+alias+".print.html", res.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            content.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVanityPath() throws Exception {
-        String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + vanity[0] + ".print.html");
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                + vanity[0] + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + vanity[1] + ".print.html");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                + vanity[1] + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVanityPathWithUpdate() throws Exception {
-        String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + vanity[2] + ".print.html");
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                + vanity[2] + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        //update vanityPath
-        String [] vanityPathUpdated = new String[] {"testVanity","testV", "testVanityUpdated"};
-        rootNode.setProperty("sling:vanityPath", vanityPathUpdated);
-        saveMappings(session);
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + vanityPathUpdated[2] + ".print.html");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath) + "/"
-                + vanityPathUpdated[2] + ".print.html/suffix.pdf");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html/suffix.pdf",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + vanity[2] + ".print.html");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertTrue(res instanceof NonExistingResource);
-        assertEquals("/"+vanity[2]+".print.html", res.getPath());
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveRemovedVanityPath() throws Exception {
-        String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/" + vanity[0] + ".print.html");
-        HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(rootNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        //remove vanityPath property
-        rootNode.getProperty("sling:vanityPath").remove();
-        saveMappings(session);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertTrue(res instanceof NonExistingResource);
-        assertEquals("/"+vanity[0]+".print.html", res.getPath());
-        //restore vanityPath
-        rootNode.setProperty("sling:vanityPath", vanity);
-        saveMappings(session);
-        //create new child with vanity path
-        Node childNode = maybeCreateNode(rootNode, "rootChild", "nt:unstructured");
-        childNode.setProperty("sling:vanityPath", "childVanity");
-        childNode.addMixin("sling:VanityPath");
-        saveMappings(session);
-        path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                + "/childVanity.print.html");
-        request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(childNode.getPath(), res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(childNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                res.getResourceType());
-        assertEquals(".print.html",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-        assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-        assertTrue(childNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        //remove node with vanity path
-        childNode.remove();
-        saveMappings(session);
-        res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertTrue(res instanceof NonExistingResource);
-        assertEquals("/childVanity.print.html", res.getPath());
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveRemovedMixinVanityPath() throws Exception {
-        Node childNode = null;
-        try  {
-            // create child now without vanity path first
-            childNode = maybeCreateNode(rootNode, "rootChild", "nt:unstructured");
-  ;
-            final String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/childVanity.print.html");
-            HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertTrue(ResourceUtil.isNonExistingResource(res));
-            // now add vanity path without mixin
-            childNode.setProperty("sling:vanityPath", "childVanity");
-            saveMappings(session);
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(childNode.getPath(), res.getPath());
-            //add mixin
-            childNode.addMixin("sling:VanityPath");
-            saveMappings(session);
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(childNode.getPath(), res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(childNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(childNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            //remove mixin
-            childNode.removeMixin("sling:VanityPath");
-            saveMappings(session);
-            session.refresh(false);
-            assertTrue(childNode.hasProperty("sling:vanityPath"));
-            assertEquals("childVanity", childNode.getProperty("sling:vanityPath").getString());
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(childNode.getPath(), res.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            if (childNode != null){
-                childNode.remove();
-                saveMappings(session);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testResolveVanityPathWithVanityOrder() throws Exception {
-        Node childNode = null;
-        Node childNode2 = null;
-        try  {
-            //create new child with vanity path
-            childNode = maybeCreateNode(rootNode, "rootChild", "nt:unstructured");
-            childNode.setProperty("sling:vanityPath", "childVanity");
-            childNode.addMixin("sling:VanityPath");
-            saveMappings(session);
-            String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/childVanity.print.html");
-            HttpServletRequest request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(childNode.getPath(), res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(childNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(childNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            //create another child with the same vanity path
-            childNode2 = maybeCreateNode(rootNode, "rootChild2", "nt:unstructured");
-            childNode2.setProperty("sling:vanityPath", "childVanity");
-            childNode2.addMixin("sling:VanityPath");
-            saveMappings(session);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(childNode.getPath(), res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(childNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(childNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            //add vanityOrder to childNode2
-            childNode2.setProperty("sling:vanityOrder", 100);
-            saveMappings(session);
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/childVanity.print.html");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(childNode2.getPath(), res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(childNode2.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(childNode2.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-            //add vanityOrder to childNode higher than childNode2
-            childNode.setProperty("sling:vanityOrder", 1000);
-            saveMappings(session);
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/childVanity.print.html");
-            request = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path);
-            res = resResolver.resolve(request, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(childNode.getPath(), res.getPath());
-            assertEquals(childNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-                    res.getResourceType());
-            assertEquals(".print.html",
-                    res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            assertNotNull(res.adaptTo(Node.class));
-            assertTrue(childNode.isSame(res.adaptTo(Node.class)));
-        } finally {
-            if (childNode != null){
-                childNode.remove();
-            }
-            if (childNode2 != null){
-                childNode2.remove();
-            }
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testGetDoesNotGoUp() throws Exception {
-        final String path = rootPath + "/nothing";
-        {
-            final Resource res = resResolver.resolve(
-                new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path, "POST"), path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("POST request resolution does not go up the path",
-                Resource.RESOURCE_TYPE_NON_EXISTING, res.getResourceType());
-        }
-        {
-            final Resource res = resResolver.resolve(
-                new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path, "GET"), path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals("GET request resolution does not go up the path",
-                Resource.RESOURCE_TYPE_NON_EXISTING, res.getResourceType());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testGetRemovesExtensionInResolution() throws Exception {
-        final String path = rootPath + ".whatever";
-        final Resource res = resResolver.resolve(
-            new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path, "GET"), path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertEquals(rootPath, res.getPath());
-        assertEquals(rootNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(),
-            res.getResourceType());
-    }
-    @Test public void testStarResourcePlain() throws Exception {
-        final String path = rootPath + "/" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "/*";
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "GET");
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "POST");
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "PUT");
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "DELETE");
-    }
-    @Test public void testStarResourceExtension() throws Exception {
-        final String path = rootPath + "/" + System.currentTimeMillis()
-            + "/*.html";
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "GET");
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "POST");
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "PUT");
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "DELETE");
-    }
-    @Test public void testStarResourceSelectorExtension() throws Exception {
-        final String path = rootPath + "/" + System.currentTimeMillis()
-            + "/*.print.a4.html";
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "GET");
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "POST");
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "PUT");
-        testStarResourceHelper(path, "DELETE");
-    }
-    @Test public void testSlingFolder() throws Exception {
-        // create a folder
-        String folderPath = "folder";
-        Node folder = rootNode.addNode(folderPath, "sling:Folder");
-        rootNode.getSession().save();
-        try {
-            // test default child node type
-            Node child = folder.addNode("child0");
-            folder.getSession().save();
-            assertEquals("sling:Folder", child.getPrimaryNodeType().getName());
-            // test explicit sling:Folder child
-            child = folder.addNode("child1", "sling:Folder");
-            folder.getSession().save();
-            assertEquals("sling:Folder", child.getPrimaryNodeType().getName());
-            // test explicit nt:folder child
-            child = folder.addNode("child2", "nt:folder");
-            folder.getSession().save();
-            assertEquals("nt:folder", child.getPrimaryNodeType().getName());
-            // test any child node -- use nt:unstructured here
-            child = folder.addNode("child3", "nt:unstructured");
-            folder.getSession().save();
-            assertEquals("nt:unstructured", child.getPrimaryNodeType().getName());
-        } finally {
-            folder.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMap() throws Exception {
-        String path = rootNode.getPath();
-        String mapped =;
-        assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // absolute path, expect rootPath segment to be
-            // cut off the mapped path because we map the rootPath
-            // onto root
-            path = "/child";
-            mapped =;
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapURLEscaping() throws Exception {
-        final String mapHostInternal = "";
-        final String mapRootInternal = "/content/internal";
-        Node internalRedirect = mapRoot.getNode("map/http").addNode(
-            mapHostInternal + ".80", "sling:Mapping");
-        internalRedirect.setProperty(
-            PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL, mapRootInternal);
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            final String path = "/sample with spaces";
-            final String escapedPath = "/sample%20with%20spaces";
-            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-            // internal redirect
-            // a) test map(String)
-            // => return full URL, escaped
-            String mapped = + path);
-            assertEquals("http://" + mapHostInternal + escapedPath, mapped);
-            // b) test map(HttpServletRequest, String) with "localhost"
-            // => return full URL, escaped
-            mapped = FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(rootPath),
-                mapRootInternal + path);
-            assertEquals("http://" + mapHostInternal + escapedPath, mapped);
-            // c) test map(HttpServletRequest, String) with ""
-            // => only return path, escaped, because request host/port matches (cut
-            // off host part)
-            mapped = FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(null,
-                mapHostInternal, -1, rootPath), mapRootInternal + path);
-            assertEquals(escapedPath, mapped);
-            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-            // no mapping config
-            // => return only escaped path
-            final String unmappedRoot = "/unmappedRoot";
-            // a) test map(String)
-            mapped = + path);
-            assertEquals(unmappedRoot + escapedPath, mapped);
-            // b) test map(HttpServletRequest, String)
-            mapped = FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(rootPath),
-                unmappedRoot + path);
-            assertEquals(unmappedRoot + escapedPath, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            internalRedirect.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapNamespaceMangling() throws Exception {
-        final String mapHost = "";
-        final String mapRootPath = "/content/virtual";
-        final String contextPath = "/context";
-        Node virtualhost80 = mapRoot.getNode("map/http").addNode(
-            mapHost + ".80", "sling:Mapping");
-        virtualhost80.setProperty(PROP_REDIRECT_INTERNAL,
-            mapRootPath);
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-            // tests expecting paths without context
-            final HttpServletRequest virtualRequest = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                null, mapHost, -1, rootPath);
-            // simple mapping - cut off prefix and add host
-            final String pathv0 = "/sample";
-            final String mappedv0 =, mapRootPath
-                + pathv0);
-            assertEquals("Expect unmangled path", pathv0, mappedv0);
-            // expected name mangling without host prefix
-            final String pathv1 = "/sample/jcr:content";
-            final String mangledv1 = "/sample/_jcr_content";
-            final String mappedv1 =, mapRootPath
-                + pathv1);
-            assertEquals("Expect mangled path", mangledv1, mappedv1);
-            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-            // tests expecting paths with context "/context"
-            ((FakeSlingHttpServletRequest) virtualRequest).setContextPath(contextPath);
-            // simple mapping - cut off prefix and add host
-            final String pathvc0 = "/sample";
-            final String mappedvc0 =, mapRootPath
-                + pathvc0);
-            assertEquals("Expect unmangled path", contextPath + pathv0, mappedvc0);
-            // expected name mangling without host prefix
-            final String pathvc1 = "/sample/jcr:content";
-            final String mangledvc1 = "/sample/_jcr_content";
-            final String mappedvc1 =, mapRootPath
-                + pathvc1);
-            assertEquals("Expect mangled path", contextPath + mangledvc1, mappedvc1);
-            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-            // tests expecting absolute URLs without context
-            final HttpServletRequest foreignRequest = new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(
-                null, "", -1, rootPath);
-            final String pathf0 = "/sample";
-            final String mappedf0 =, mapRootPath
-                + pathf0);
-            assertEquals("Expect unmangled absolute URI", "http://" + mapHost
-                + pathf0, mappedf0);
-            final String pathf1 = "/sample/jcr:content";
-            final String mangledf1 = "/sample/_jcr_content";
-            final String mappedf1 =, mapRootPath
-                + pathf1);
-            assertEquals("Expect mangled absolute URI", "http://" + mapHost
-                + mangledf1, mappedf1);
-            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-            // tests expecting absolute URLs with context "/context"
-            ((FakeSlingHttpServletRequest) foreignRequest).setContextPath(contextPath);
-            final String pathfc0 = "/sample";
-            final String mappedfc0 =, mapRootPath
-                + pathfc0);
-            assertEquals("Expect unmangled absolute URI", "http://" + mapHost
-                + contextPath + pathfc0, mappedfc0);
-            final String pathfc1 = "/sample/jcr:content";
-            final String mangledfc1 = "/sample/_jcr_content";
-            final String mappedfc1 =, mapRootPath
-                + pathfc1);
-            assertEquals("Expect mangled absolute URI", "http://" + mapHost
-                + contextPath + mangledfc1, mappedfc1);
-        } finally {
-            virtualhost80.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapContext() throws Exception {
-        String path = rootNode.getPath();
-        String mapped =;
-        assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // absolute path, expect rootPath segment to be
-            // cut off the mapped path because we map the rootPath
-            // onto root
-            path = "/child";
-            mapped =;
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapExtension() throws Exception {
-        String path = rootNode.getPath();
-        String mapped =;
-        assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // absolute path, expect rootPath segment to be
-            // cut off the mapped path because we map the rootPath
-            // onto root
-            final String selExt = ".html";
-            path = "/child" + selExt;
-            mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapSelectorsExtension() throws Exception {
-        String path = rootNode.getPath();
-        String mapped =;
-        assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // absolute path, expect rootPath segment to be
-            // cut off the mapped path because we map the rootPath
-            // onto root
-            final String selExt = ".sel1.sel2.html";
-            path = "/child" + selExt;
-            mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapExtensionSuffix() throws Exception {
-        String path = rootNode.getPath();
-        String mapped =;
-        assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // absolute path, expect rootPath segment to be
-            // cut off the mapped path because we map the rootPath
-            // onto root
-            final String selExt = ".html/some/suffx.pdf";
-            path = "/child" + selExt;
-            mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapFragment() throws Exception {
-        String path = rootNode.getPath();
-        String mapped =;
-        assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // absolute path, expect rootPath segment to be
-            // cut off the mapped path because we map the rootPath
-            // onto root
-            final String selExt = "#sec:1";
-            path = "/child" + selExt;
-            mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapQuery() throws Exception {
-        String path = rootNode.getPath();
-        String mapped =;
-        assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // absolute path, expect rootPath segment to be
-            // cut off the mapped path because we map the rootPath
-            // onto root
-            final String selExt = "?a:b=2";
-            path = "/child" + selExt;
-            mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapFragmentQuery() throws Exception {
-        String path = rootNode.getPath();
-        String mapped =;
-        assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // absolute path, expect rootPath segment to be
-            // cut off the mapped path because we map the rootPath
-            // onto root
-            final String selExt = "#sec:1?a:b=1";
-            path = "/child" + selExt;
-            mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapEmptyPath() throws Exception {
-        String mapped ="");
-        assertEquals("/", mapped);
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapExtensionFragmentQuery() throws Exception {
-        String path = rootNode.getPath();
-        String mapped =;
-        assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // absolute path, expect rootPath segment to be
-            // cut off the mapped path because we map the rootPath
-            // onto root
-            final String selExt = ".html#sec:1?a:b=1";
-            path = "/child" + selExt;
-            mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void testMapResourceAlias() throws Exception {
-        // define an alias for the rootPath
-        String alias = "testAlias";
-        rootNode.setProperty("sling:alias", alias);
-        saveMappings(session);
-        try {
-            String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + alias);
-            String mapped =;
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-  ;
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + alias+"/child");
-            mapped =;
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            rootNode.getProperty("sling:alias").remove();
-            if ( rootNode.hasNode("child") ) {
-                rootNode.getNode("child").remove();
-            }
-  ;
-        }
-     }
-    @Test public void testMapResourceAliasJcrContent() throws Exception {
-        // define an alias for the rootPath in the jcr:content child node
-        String alias = "testAlias";
-        Node content = rootNode.addNode("jcr:content", "nt:unstructured");
-        content.setProperty("sling:alias", alias);
-        saveMappings(session);
-        try {
-            String path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + alias);
-            String mapped =;
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + alias+"/_jcr_content");
-            mapped =;
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Node child = content.addNode("child");
-  ;
-            path = ResourceUtil.normalize(ResourceUtil.getParent(rootPath)
-                    + "/" + alias+"/_jcr_content/child");
-            mapped =;
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-        } finally {
-            content.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void test_resolve() throws Exception {
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // expect kind due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String path = "/child";
-            String mapped =;
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(null, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/child",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals("", res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNode = res.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNode);
-            assertEquals(child.getPath(), resNode.getPath());
-            // second level alias
-            Node grandchild = child.addNode("grandchild");
-  ;
-            // expect kind/enkel due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String pathEnkel = "/child/grandchild";
-            String mappedEnkel =;
-            assertEquals(pathEnkel, mappedEnkel);
-            Resource resEnkel = resResolver.resolve(null, pathEnkel);
-            assertNotNull(resEnkel);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/child/grandchild",
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals("", resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNodeEnkel = resEnkel.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNodeEnkel);
-            assertEquals(grandchild.getPath(), resNodeEnkel.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void test_resolve_extension() throws Exception {
-        final String selExt = ".html";
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // expect kind due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String path = "/child" + selExt;
-            String mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(null, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/child",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals(selExt, res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNode = res.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNode);
-            assertEquals(child.getPath(), resNode.getPath());
-            // second level alias
-            Node grandchild = child.addNode("grandchild");
-  ;
-            // expect kind/enkel due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String pathEnkel = "/child/grandchild" + selExt;
-            String mappedEnkel = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(pathEnkel, mappedEnkel);
-            Resource resEnkel = resResolver.resolve(null, pathEnkel);
-            assertNotNull(resEnkel);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/child/grandchild",
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals(selExt,
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNodeEnkel = resEnkel.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNodeEnkel);
-            assertEquals(grandchild.getPath(), resNodeEnkel.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void test_resolve_selectors_extension() throws Exception {
-        final String selExt = ".sel1.sel2.html";
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // expect kind due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String path = "/child" + selExt;
-            String mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(null, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/child",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals(selExt, res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNode = res.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNode);
-            assertEquals(child.getPath(), resNode.getPath());
-            // second level alias
-            Node grandchild = child.addNode("grandchild");
-  ;
-            // expect kind/enkel due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String pathEnkel = "/child/grandchild" + selExt;
-            String mappedEnkel = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(pathEnkel, mappedEnkel);
-            Resource resEnkel = resResolver.resolve(null, pathEnkel);
-            assertNotNull(resEnkel);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/child/grandchild",
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals(selExt,
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNodeEnkel = resEnkel.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNodeEnkel);
-            assertEquals(grandchild.getPath(), resNodeEnkel.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void test_resolve_extension_suffix() throws Exception {
-        final String selExt = ".html/some/suffx.pdf";
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        try {
-            // expect kind due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String path = "/child" + selExt;
-            String mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(null, path);
-            Node resNode = res.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNode);
-            assertEquals(child.getPath(), resNode.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test the order property of the vanity paths
-     */
-    @Test public void test_resolve_with_sling_vanity_path_order() throws Exception {
-        final String vanityPath = "/ordering";
-        // create two nodes - child2 with a higher order
-        Node child1 = rootNode.addNode("child1");
-        child1.addMixin("sling:VanityPath");
-        child1.setProperty("sling:vanityPath", vanityPath);
-        child1.setProperty("sling:vanityOrder", 100);
-        Node child2 = rootNode.addNode("child2");
-        child2.addMixin("sling:VanityPath");
-        child2.setProperty("sling:vanityPath", vanityPath);
-        child2.setProperty("sling:vanityOrder", 200);
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // we should get child2 now
-            Resource rsrc = resResolver.resolve(vanityPath);
-            assertNotNull(rsrc);
-            assertFalse("Resource should exist", ResourceUtil.isNonExistingResource(rsrc));
-            assertEquals("Path does not match", child2.getPath(), rsrc.getPath());
-            // remove 2
-            child2.remove();
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // we should get child 1 now
-            rsrc = resResolver.resolve(vanityPath);
-            assertNotNull(rsrc);
-            assertFalse("Resource should exist", ResourceUtil.isNonExistingResource(rsrc));
-            assertEquals("Path does not match", child1.getPath(), rsrc.getPath());
-            // readding child2
-            child2 = rootNode.addNode("child2");
-            child2.addMixin("sling:VanityPath");
-            child2.setProperty("sling:vanityPath", vanityPath);
-            child2.setProperty("sling:vanityOrder", 200);
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // we should get child2 now
-            rsrc = resResolver.resolve(vanityPath);
-            assertNotNull(rsrc);
-            assertFalse("Resource should exist", ResourceUtil.isNonExistingResource(rsrc));
-            assertEquals("Path does not match", child2.getPath(), rsrc.getPath());
-            // change order of child 1 to make it higher than child 2
-            child1.setProperty("sling:vanityOrder", 300);
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // we should get child 1 now
-            rsrc = resResolver.resolve(vanityPath);
-            assertNotNull(rsrc);
-            assertFalse("Resource should exist", ResourceUtil.isNonExistingResource(rsrc));
-            assertEquals("Path does not match", child1.getPath(), rsrc.getPath());
-            // change order of child 1 to make it lower than child 2
-            child1.setProperty("sling:vanityOrder", 50);
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // we should get child 2 now
-            rsrc = resResolver.resolve(vanityPath);
-            assertNotNull(rsrc);
-            assertFalse("Resource should exist", ResourceUtil.isNonExistingResource(rsrc));
-            assertEquals("Path does not match", child2.getPath(), rsrc.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            child1.remove();
-            if ( rootNode.hasNode("child2") ) {
-                rootNode.getNode("child2").remove();
-            }
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void test_resolve_with_sling_alias() throws Exception {
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        child.setProperty("sling:alias", "kind");
-        saveMappings(session);
-        try {
-            // expect kind due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String path = "/kind";
-            String mapped =;
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(null, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/kind",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals("", res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNode = res.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNode);
-            assertEquals(child.getPath(), resNode.getPath());
-            // second level alias
-            Node grandchild = child.addNode("grandchild");
-            grandchild.setProperty("sling:alias", "enkel");
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // expect kind/enkel due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String pathEnkel = "/kind/enkel";
-            String mappedEnkel =;
-            assertEquals(pathEnkel, mappedEnkel);
-            Resource resEnkel = resResolver.resolve(null, pathEnkel);
-            assertNotNull(resEnkel);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/kind/enkel",
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals("", resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNodeEnkel = resEnkel.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNodeEnkel);
-            assertEquals(grandchild.getPath(), resNodeEnkel.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void test_resolve_with_sling_alias_limited_access() throws Exception {
-        Principal testUserPrincipal = new Principal() {
-            @Override
-            public String getName() {
-                return "testuser";
-            }
-        };
-        AccessControlUtil.getUserManager(session).createUser("testuser", "password", testUserPrincipal, null);
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        Node grandChild = child.addNode("grandChild");
-        grandChild.setProperty("sling:alias", "enkel");
-        saveMappings(session);
-        //deny jcr:all on /
-        AccessControlUtil.replaceAccessControlEntry(session, "/", testUserPrincipal, null, new String[] {"jcr:all"}, null, "last");
-        //grant read on /content/child
-        AccessControlUtil.replaceAccessControlEntry(session, child.getPath(), testUserPrincipal, new String[] {"jcr:read"}, null, null, "last");
-        try {
-            final Map<String, Object> authInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-            authInfo.put(ResourceResolverFactory.USER, "testuser");
-            authInfo.put(ResourceResolverFactory.PASSWORD, "password".toCharArray());
-            ResourceResolver testUserResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getResourceResolver(authInfo);
-            try {
-                //testing map
-                String path = grandChild.getPath();
-                String mapped =;
-                assertEquals("/child/enkel", mapped);
-                //testing resolve
-                path = grandChild.getPath();
-                Resource res = testUserResolver.resolve(null, path);
-                assertNotNull(res);
-                assertFalse(res instanceof NonExistingResource);
-                assertEquals(path, res.getPath());
-                path = child.getPath()+"/enkel";
-                res = testUserResolver.resolve(null, path);
-                assertNotNull(res);
-                assertFalse(res instanceof NonExistingResource);
-                assertEquals(grandChild.getPath(), res.getPath());
-            } finally {
-                if (testUserResolver != null && testUserResolver.isLive()) {
-                    testUserResolver.close();
-                }
-            }
-        } finally {
-            removeAce(session, testUserPrincipal, "/");
-            child.remove();
-            Authorizable authorizable = AccessControlUtil.getUserManager(session).getAuthorizable("testuser");
-            authorizable.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void test_resolve_with_sling_alias_multi_value() throws Exception {
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        child.setProperty("sling:alias", new String[] {
-            "kind", "enfant" });
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // expect kind due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String path = "/kind";
-            String mapped =;
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(null, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/kind",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals("", res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNode = res.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNode);
-            assertEquals(child.getPath(), resNode.getPath());
-            // expect enfant due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String pathEnfant = "/enfant";
-            String mappedEnfant =;
-            assertEquals(path, mappedEnfant); // map always selects first alias
-            Resource resEnfant = resResolver.resolve(null, pathEnfant);
-            assertNotNull(resEnfant);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/enfant",
-                resEnfant.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals("", resEnfant.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNodeEnfant = resEnfant.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNodeEnfant);
-            assertEquals(child.getPath(), resNodeEnfant.getPath());
-            // second level alias
-            Node grandchild = child.addNode("grandchild");
-            grandchild.setProperty("sling:alias", "enkel");
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // expect kind/enkel due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String pathEnkel = "/kind/enkel";
-            String mappedEnkel =;
-            assertEquals(pathEnkel, mappedEnkel);
-            Resource resEnkel = resResolver.resolve(null, pathEnkel);
-            assertNotNull(resEnkel);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/kind/enkel",
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals("", resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNodeEnkel = resEnkel.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNodeEnkel);
-            assertEquals(grandchild.getPath(), resNodeEnkel.getPath());
-            // expect kind/enkel due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String pathEnfantEnkel = "/enfant/enkel";
-            String mappedEnfantEnkel =;
-            assertEquals(pathEnkel, mappedEnfantEnkel); // map always selects first alias
-            Resource resEnfantEnkel = resResolver.resolve(null, pathEnfantEnkel);
-            assertNotNull(resEnfantEnkel);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/enfant/enkel",
-                resEnfantEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals("", resEnfantEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNodeEnfantEnkel = resEnfantEnkel.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNodeEnfantEnkel);
-            assertEquals(grandchild.getPath(), resNodeEnfantEnkel.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void test_resolve_with_sling_alias_extension() throws Exception {
-        final String selExt = ".html";
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        child.setProperty("sling:alias", "kind");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // expect kind due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String path = "/kind" + selExt;
-            String mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(null, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/kind",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals(selExt, res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNode = res.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNode);
-            assertEquals(child.getPath(), resNode.getPath());
-            // second level alias
-            Node grandchild = child.addNode("grandchild");
-            grandchild.setProperty("sling:alias", "enkel");
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // expect kind/enkel due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String pathEnkel = "/kind/enkel" + selExt;
-            String mappedEnkel = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(pathEnkel, mappedEnkel);
-            Resource resEnkel = resResolver.resolve(null, pathEnkel);
-            assertNotNull(resEnkel);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/kind/enkel",
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals(selExt,
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNodeEnkel = resEnkel.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNodeEnkel);
-            assertEquals(grandchild.getPath(), resNodeEnkel.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void test_resolve_with_sling_alias_selectors_extension()
-            throws Exception {
-        final String selExt = ".sel1.sel2.html";
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        child.setProperty("sling:alias", "kind");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // expect kind due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String path = "/kind" + selExt;
-            String mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(null, path);
-            assertNotNull(res);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/kind",
-                res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals(selExt, res.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNode = res.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNode);
-            assertEquals(child.getPath(), resNode.getPath());
-            // second level alias
-            Node grandchild = child.addNode("grandchild");
-            grandchild.setProperty("sling:alias", "enkel");
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // expect kind/enkel due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String pathEnkel = "/kind/enkel" + selExt;
-            String mappedEnkel = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(pathEnkel, mappedEnkel);
-            Resource resEnkel = resResolver.resolve(null, pathEnkel);
-            assertNotNull(resEnkel);
-            assertEquals(rootNode.getPath() + "/kind/enkel",
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPath());
-            assertEquals(selExt,
-                resEnkel.getResourceMetadata().getResolutionPathInfo());
-            Node resNodeEnkel = resEnkel.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNodeEnkel);
-            assertEquals(grandchild.getPath(), resNodeEnkel.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test public void test_resolve_with_sling_alias_extension_suffix()
-            throws Exception {
-        final String selExt = ".html/some/suffx.pdf";
-        Node child = rootNode.addNode("child");
-        child.setProperty("sling:alias", "kind");
-        try {
-            saveMappings(session);
-            // expect kind due to alias and no parent due to mapping
-            // the rootPath onto root
-            String path = "/kind" + selExt;
-            String mapped = + selExt);
-            assertEquals(path, mapped);
-            Resource res = resResolver.resolve(null, path);
-            Node resNode = res.adaptTo(Node.class);
-            assertNotNull(resNode);
-            assertEquals(child.getPath(), resNode.getPath());
-        } finally {
-            child.remove();
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    // ---------- internal
-    private void removeAce(Session adminSession, Principal principal, String absPath) throws Exception{
-        AccessControlManager accessControlManager = adminSession.getAccessControlManager();
-        AccessControlPolicy [] policies = accessControlManager.getPolicies(absPath);
-        for (AccessControlPolicy plc : policies) {
-            if (plc instanceof AccessControlList) {
-                boolean modified = false;
-                AccessControlList acl = ((AccessControlList) plc);
-                for (AccessControlEntry ace : acl.getAccessControlEntries()) {
-                    if (principal.equals(ace.getPrincipal())) {
-                        acl.removeAccessControlEntry(ace);
-                        modified = true;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (modified) {
-                    accessControlManager.setPolicy(absPath, acl);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (adminSession.hasPendingChanges()) {
-  ;
-        }
-    }
-    private void testStarResourceHelper(final String path, final String method) {
-        final Resource res = resResolver.resolve(
-            new FakeSlingHttpServletRequest(path, method), path);
-        assertNotNull(res);
-        assertTrue(ResourceUtil.isStarResource(res));
-        assertEquals("sling:syntheticStarResource", res.getResourceType());
-    }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/serversidetests/ b/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/serversidetests/
index 8ca5142..75a5455 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/serversidetests/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/launchpad/testservices/serversidetests/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;