blob: 2f7a8dd57b745b6bb9dc7c5c5ac28db97fbcc2bf [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Sling integration-tests module
This module contains test classes used by the launchpad/testing module,
separated in their own jar to be reusable.
To run a single test or a specific set of tests against a running Sling
instance, use for example:
mvn test -Dtest=UploadFileTest
Where UploadFileTest is the test to run. Wildcards are allowed, and test
classes are found in the src/main folder (not a typo - that's not src/test
as we want to pack the tests in the jar file that we build).
See the <properties> section in pom.xml for additional parameters that the
tests use.
Here's another example, running the tests against a Sling instance running
on host xyzzy, port 1234, with the Sling main servlet mounted under /foo:
mvn -o -s /dev/null test \
-Dhttp.port=1234 \ \
-Dhttp.base.path=foo \
-Dwebdav.workspace.path=foo \
To run the tests against the same instance that is used in the full build,
start an instance by running
mvn launchpad:run
in the launchpad/testing folder.
Note that, for all tests to pass, the Sling instance under test needs the bundle, and the war file of the
launchpad/test-services-war project which should be copied to the
sling/startup/0 folder before starting Sling.