blob: f490e4c66d9d713743b6fe2d15e9d4160865ecb5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
* Test uploading files using the Sling post servlet (SLING-168)
public class UploadFileTest extends HttpTestBase {
private static final String UPLOAD_CONTENT = "This file is used by\n" +
"\n" +
"It must contain for tests.\n" +
"\n" +
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce semper ipsum et lorem. In hac habitasse \n" +
"platea dictumst. Donec dictum tincidunt purus. Aenean quis nunc. Aliquam rhoncus. Proin sed risus. \n" +
"Maecenas porta arcu in nisi. Pellentesque quis sapien quis lectus vehicula aliquet. Cras ornare elit \n" +
"eget massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed \n" +
"ut justo. Integer porttitor quam. Aliquam aliquet. Nulla interdum arcu vitae nibh. Morbi dapibus odio \n" +
"a sem. Integer dictum. Praesent vel eros nec ipsum venenatis malesuada. Vestibulum rutrum mi ac ligula. \n" +
"Ut nisl ligula, vehicula dignissim, accumsan quis, faucibus sed, sapien. Quisque purus tellus, euismod \n" +
"id, auctor quis, rutrum non, augue.\n";
public void testDistinctResource() throws IOException {
String folderPath = "/UploadFileTest_1_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
final String url = HTTP_BASE_URL + folderPath;
// create new node
String urlOfNewNode = null;
try {
urlOfNewNode = testClient.createNode(url, null);
} catch(IOException ioe) {
fail("createNode failed: " + ioe);
// upload local file
File localFile = getTestFile();
testClient.uploadToFileNode(urlOfNewNode, localFile, "./file", null);
// get and check URL of created file
String urlOfFileNode = urlOfNewNode + "/file";
final GetMethod get = new GetMethod(urlOfFileNode);
final int status = httpClient.executeMethod(get);
assertEquals(urlOfFileNode + " must be accessible after createNode",200,status);
We should check the data, but nt:resources are not handled yet
// compare data with local file (just length)
final byte[] data = get.getResponseBody();
assertEquals("size of file must be same", localFile.length(), data.length);
String data = get.getResponseBodyAsString();
assertTrue("checking for content", data.contains(""));
// download structure
String json = getContent(urlOfFileNode + ".json", CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
// just check for some strings
assertTrue("checking primary type", json.contains("\"jcr:primaryType\":\"nt:resource\""));
assertTrue("checking mime type", json.contains("\"jcr:mimeType\":\"text/plain\""));
public void testDistinctResourceWithType() throws IOException {
String folderPath = "/UploadFileTest_1_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
final String url = HTTP_BASE_URL + folderPath;
// create new node
String urlOfNewNode = null;
try {
urlOfNewNode = testClient.createNode(url, null);
} catch(IOException ioe) {
fail("createNode failed: " + ioe);
// upload local file
File localFile = getTestFile();
testClient.uploadToFileNode(urlOfNewNode, localFile, "./file", "nt:unstructured");
// get and check URL of created file
String urlOfFileNode = urlOfNewNode + "/file";
final GetMethod get = new GetMethod(urlOfFileNode);
final int status = httpClient.executeMethod(get);
assertEquals(urlOfFileNode + " must be accessible after createNode",200,status);
We should check the data, but nt:resources are not handled yet
// compare data with local file (just length)
final byte[] data = get.getResponseBody();
assertEquals("size of file must be same", localFile.length(), data.length);
String data = get.getResponseBodyAsString();
assertTrue("checking for content", data.contains(""));
// download structure
String json = getContent(urlOfFileNode + ".100.json", CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
// just check for some strings
assertTrue("checking primary type", json.contains("\"jcr:primaryType\":\"nt:unstructured\""));
assertTrue("checking mime type", json.contains("\"jcr:mimeType\":\"text/plain\""));
public void testDistinctFile() throws IOException {
String folderPath = "/UploadFileTest_1_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
testClient.mkdirs(WEBDAV_BASE_URL, folderPath);
final String url = HTTP_BASE_URL + folderPath;
// upload local file
File localFile = getTestFile();
testClient.uploadToFileNode(url, localFile, "./file", null);
// get and check URL of created file
String urlOfFileNode = url + "/file";
TODO: does not work, since no nt:file resource type handler present ???
final GetMethod get = new GetMethod(urlOfFileNode);
final int status = httpClient.executeMethod(get);
assertEquals(urlOfFileNode + " must be accessible after createNode",200,status);
// compare data with local file (just length)
final byte[] data = get.getResponseBody();
assertEquals("size of file must be same", localFile.length(), data.length);
String webdavUrl = WEBDAV_BASE_URL + folderPath + "/file";
final GetMethod get = new GetMethod(webdavUrl);
final int status = httpClient.executeMethod(get);
assertEquals(urlOfFileNode + " must be accessible after createNode",200,status);
// compare data with local file (just length)
final byte[] data = get.getResponseBody();
assertEquals("size of file must be same", localFile.length(), data.length);
// download structure
String json = getContent(urlOfFileNode + ".json", CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
// just check for some strings
assertTrue("checking primary type", json.contains("\"jcr:primaryType\":\"nt:file\""));
public void testMultiFileUpload() throws IOException {
String folderPath = "/UploadFileTest_1_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
final String url = HTTP_BASE_URL + folderPath;
// create new node
String urlOfNewNode = null;
try {
urlOfNewNode = testClient.createNode(url, null);
} catch(IOException ioe) {
fail("createNode failed: " + ioe);
// upload local file
File tempFile = getTestFile();
File [] localFiles = new File[] {
String [] fieldNames = new String [] {
testClient.uploadToFileNodes(urlOfNewNode, localFiles, fieldNames, null);
// get and check URL of created file1
String urlOfFileNode = urlOfNewNode + "/file1.txt";
// get and check URL of created file2
String urlOfFileNode2 = urlOfNewNode + "/file2.txt";
// get and check URL of created file3
String urlOfFileNode3 = urlOfNewNode + "/file-to-upload.txt";
private void checkUploadedFileState(String urlOfFileNode) throws IOException,
HttpException {
final GetMethod get = new GetMethod(urlOfFileNode);
final int status = httpClient.executeMethod(get);
assertEquals(urlOfFileNode + " must be accessible after createNode",200,status);
We should check the data, but nt:resources are not handled yet
// compare data with local file (just length)
final byte[] data = get.getResponseBody();
assertEquals("size of file must be same", localFile.length(), data.length);
String data = get.getResponseBodyAsString();
assertTrue("checking for content", data.contains(""));
// download structure
String json = getContent(urlOfFileNode + ".json", CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
// just check for some strings
assertTrue("checking primary type", json.contains("\"jcr:primaryType\":\"nt:file\""));
String content_json = getContent(urlOfFileNode + "/jcr:content.json", CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
// just check for some strings
assertTrue("checking primary type", content_json.contains("\"jcr:primaryType\":\"nt:resource\""));
assertTrue("checking mime type", content_json.contains("\"jcr:mimeType\":\"text/plain\""));
* @return
* @throws IOException
private File getTestFile() throws IOException {
File tempFile = new File("target/file-to-upload.txt");
if ( !tempFile.exists() || tempFile.length() == 0 ) {
FileWriter out = new FileWriter(tempFile);
out.write(UPLOAD_CONTENT); // we do rather than from a resource since surefire has fun with classloaders.
return tempFile;