blob: d4f833f0c9b32ef3b8637958b18f693a01d133c0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# The file contains default configuration for various framework settings. All
# settings configured here may be ammended or overwritten either using the
# FrameworkLauncherServlet.loadPropertiesOverride() method or web application
# initialization paramneters.
# Property values may contain references to other properties using the standard
# ${<prop-name>} syntax.
# Default port to listen on.
org.osgi.service.http.port = 8080
# Default home directory ("sling"). It is expected for this property to be
# overwritten by the "sling.home" init-param of the web application.
sling.home = sling
# Default sling.context. The name of the default sling.context to use in the
# sling application. This value is mainly used to create default configurations
# for factory services and will be used to set the "sling.context" configuration
# property of such generated configurations.
sling.context.default = default
# The name of the JCR repository. Default is "jackrabbit".
# =
# The JCR repository home directory. Default is sling.home/
# sling.repository.home =
# The JCR repository url config file (repository.xml). Default is repository.xml in
# bundle Embedded JCR Repository
# sling.repository.config.file.url =
# Policy for the bundle parent classloaders used for boot delegation
# Possible values:
# - boot -- Bootclass Loader; essentially same as "app" (default)
# - ext -- Extension Classloader; parent of "app"
# - app -- ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
# - framework -- Classloader loading the OSGi Framework classes
org.osgi.framework.bundle.parent = framework
# List of packages to append to the org.osgi.framework.system.packages property
# NOTE: If this is set, it must start with a comma !
# NOTE: If you set this and run Sling within a war file, this property must
# include the servlet API exports!
# List of packages to append to the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation property
# NOTE: If this is set, it must start with a comma !
# Include properties to install additional assemblies such as JCR support
# Core Sling etc.
sling.include.install =
# Default Logging Configuration (see Bundle documentation)
# = true = INFO = ${sling.home}/logs/error.log = 5 = '.'yyyy-MM-dd
# To enable the current server side debugging in the Rhino interpreter
# set the property to true.
# This will open a Swing window for Rhino JavaScript debugging on the
# server platform. Not setting this property or setting it to anything
# but true will disable this server-side debugger.
# = false
# Logging configuration for the SCR (if installed)
ds.loglevel = ${}
# Space separated list of URLs to the OSGi Bundle Repository files.
# The referred to repository contains referrals to other repositories
# like the Apache Sling releases and the Apache Felix releases repositories
obr.repository.url =
# Apache Felix Configuration Admin File Persistence Configuration file directory = ${sling.launchpad}/config
# Sling Installer file directory
sling.installer.dir = ${sling.launchpad}/installer
# OSGi Framework profile directory. This is by default the "felix" directory
# below the application home directory. = ${sling.launchpad}/felix
# Default initial framework start level
# Install and update initial framework start level
# This should be lower than the default initial framework start level
# During an install or update, the framework starts with this level
# and the startup manager increases the start level by one
# until the initial framework start level is reached.
# sling.framework.install.incremental=true
# sling.framework.install.startlevel=10
# Default start level for newly installed bundles not explicitly assigned
# a start level
# Enable Apache Felix URL handlers (see SLING-862)
# Include JRE package list
sling.include.jre = jre-${java.specification.version}.properties
sling.jre-jpms= \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
{dollar}{felix.jpms.{dollar}{}} \
# Framework system packages to be visible
org.osgi.framework.system.packages= \
${osgi-core-packages}, \
${osgi-compendium-services}, \;version=1.2.0 \
${jre-${java.specification.version}} \
{dollar}{sling.jre-{dollar}{felix.detect.jpms}} \
# Boot delegation packages never included anywhere (usually sun.*,com.sun.*)
# We include com.yourkit here to allow profiling the servlet container in
# which the web app is running
# sun.* and/or com.sun.* may be included if there is code which - violating
# specs by Sun - directly calls into these packages.
# org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=sun.*,com.sun.*
org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=com.yourkit.*, \
# SLING-1925: boot delegate sun.reflect package
# SLING-2891: Broaden to all sun and com.sun packages
sling.bootdelegation.sun = sun.*,com.sun.*
# JBoss XML factory package (SLING-2466)
sling.bootdelegation.jboss = __redirected
# Oracle WebLogic XML factory support (SLING-2466)
sling.bootdelegation.weblogic = weblogic.xml.*
# IBM WebSphere XML factory support (SLING-2466) =*
# Extra framework capabilities
# If you modify this and are running within a war, make sure to
# also add the servlet contract capability (see SLING-5374)
org.osgi.framework.system.capabilities.extra= \
# Package Specifications for org.osgi.framework.system.packages
# osgi-core-packages : OSGi Core Specification packages
# osgi-compendium-services : OSGi Compendium Specification packages
# Note: These properties are actually prefixed with "sling." and are renamed
# to their correct equivalent (without the "sling." prefix) when loading
# the properties to launch the framework. This is done to be able to
# overwrite the values from the file in case of an
# OSGi API update.
# Only provide the OSGi packages contained in the Apache Felix framework itself
sling.osgi-core-packages= \
org.osgi.dto; version=1.0.0, \
org.osgi.framework; version=1.8.0, \
org.osgi.framework.dto; version=1.8.0, \
org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle; version=1.1.0, \
org.osgi.framework.hooks.resolver; version=1.0.0, \
org.osgi.framework.hooks.service; version=1.1.0, \
org.osgi.framework.hooks.weaving; version=1.1.0, \
org.osgi.framework.launch; version=1.2.0, \
org.osgi.framework.namespace; version=1.1.0, \
org.osgi.framework.startlevel; version=1.0.0, \
org.osgi.framework.startlevel.dto; version=1.0.0, \
org.osgi.framework.wiring; version=1.2.0, \
org.osgi.framework.wiring.dto; version=1.2.0, \
org.osgi.resource; version=1.0.0, \
org.osgi.resource.dto; version=1.0.0, \
org.osgi.service.packageadmin; version=1.2.0, \
org.osgi.service.resolver; version=1.0.0, \
org.osgi.service.startlevel; version=1.1.0, \
org.osgi.service.url; version=1.0.0
# For compatibility we add util.tracker here, although starting
# with R5 it's officially part of the framework.
sling.osgi-compendium-services= \
org.osgi.util.tracker; version=1.5.1