blob: a8db57e01abb1ae2347a3436e0ef6be3ec6e30fc [file] [log] [blame]
"#": "A key that starts with a hash is a comment",
"id": "",
"# variables": "used in configuration and framework properties are substituted at launch time.",
"variables": {
"cfgvar": "somedefault",
"": "1.2.3",
"#": "When converting to provisioning model, if you need a special name",
"": ":boot"
"# A prototype is another feature that is used as a prototype for this one ":
"# Bundles, configurations and framework properties can be removed from the ",
"# prototype. Bundles with the same artifact ID defined in the feature override ":
"# bundles with this artifact ID in the Prototype",
"id": "",
"removals": {
"configurations": [],
"bundles": [],
"framework-properties": []
"# Requirements over and above the requirements in the bundles referenced by ":
"# feature.",
"requirements": [
"namespace": "osgi.contract",
"directives": {
"filter": "(&(osgi.contract=JavaServlet)(version=3.1))"
"# Capabilities over and above the capabilities provided by the bundles referenced ":
"# by the feature.",
"capabilities": [
"namespace": "osgi.implementation",
"attributes": {
"osgi.implementation": "osgi.http",
"version:Version": "1.1"
"directives": {
"uses": "javax.servlet,javax.servlet.http,org.osgi.service.http.context,org.osgi.service.http.whiteboard"
"namespace": "osgi.service",
"attributes": {
"objectClass:List<String>": "org.osgi.service.http.runtime.HttpServiceRuntime"
"directives": {
"uses": "org.osgi.service.http.runtime,org.osgi.service.http.runtime.dto"
"# Framework properties to be provided to the running OSGi Framework":"",
"framework-properties": {
"foo": 1,
"": "${tempdir}",
"": "launchpad/scr"
"# The bundles that are part of the feature. Bundles are referenced using Maven ":
"# coordinates and can have additional metadata associated with them. Bundles can ",
"# specified as either a simple string (the Maven coordinates of the bundle) or ":
"# as an object with 'id' and additional metadata.",
"bundles": [
"id": "",
"hash": "4632463464363646436",
"#": "This is the relative start order inside the feature",
"start-order": 5
"id": "",
"start-order": 10
"id": "",
"#": "OSGi start level is also supported",
"start-level": 20,
"run-modes": ["oak-tar"]
"# The configurations are specified following the format defined by the OSGi Configurator ":
"# specification: ",
"# Variables declared in the variables section can be used for late binding of variables, ":
"# they can be specified with the Launcher, or the default from the variables section is used.",
"# Factory configurations can be specified using the named factory syntax, which separates ":
"# The factory PID and the name with a tilde '~'",
"configurations": {
"": {
"foo": 5,
"something-enabled": false,
"bar": "${cfgvar}",
"# The tempdir variable is not specified at the variables section.":
"# It needs to be provided at launch, otherwise the launch will stop.",
"tempdir": "${tempdir}",
"number:Integer": 7
"": {