blob: f0f25e6d425b979b50134087194f0024323c8e35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
class RegionConfiguration {
private static final String BUNDLE_LOCATION_TO_FEATURE_FILE = "";
volatile Map<Map.Entry<String, Version>, List<String>> bsnVerMap;
volatile Map<String, Set<String>> bundleFeatureMap;
volatile Map<String, Set<String>> featureRegionMap;
volatile Map<String, Set<String>> regionPackageMap;
final Set<String> defaultRegions;
private final Dictionary<String, Object> regProps = new Hashtable<>();
private final Map<String, Dictionary<String, Object>> factoryConfigs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map<Map.Entry<String, Version>, List<String>> baseBsnVerMap;
private final Map<String, Set<String>> baseBundleFeatureMap;
private final Map<String, Set<String>> baseFeatureRegionMap;
private final Map<String, Set<String>> baseRegionPackageMap;
// This field stores the association between bundle location and the configuration
// to be used. The configuration is based on bsn+version. If the bundle is updated
// the original bsn+version associated with the location still needs to be used.
// It is populated dynamically as bundles are getting resolved.
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Map.Entry<String, Version>> bundleLocationConfigMap =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final String toGlobalConfig;
RegionConfiguration(Map<Entry<String, Version>, List<String>> bsnVerMap, Map<String, Set<String>> bundleFeatureMap,
Map<String, Set<String>> featureRegionMap, Map<String, Set<String>> regionPackageMap, Set<String> defaultRegions) {
this.defaultRegions = defaultRegions;
this.baseBsnVerMap = new HashMap<>(bsnVerMap);
this.baseBundleFeatureMap = new HashMap<>(bundleFeatureMap);
this.baseFeatureRegionMap = new HashMap<>(featureRegionMap);
this.baseRegionPackageMap = new HashMap<>(regionPackageMap);
this.toGlobalConfig = null;
RegionConfiguration(final BundleContext context)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
URI idbsnverFile = getDataFileURI(context, RegionConstants.IDBSNVER_FILENAME);
// Register the location as a service property for diagnostic purposes
regProps.put(RegionConstants.IDBSNVER_FILENAME, idbsnverFile.toString());
Map<Entry<String, Version>, List<String>> bvm = populateBSNVerMap(idbsnverFile);
URI bundlesFile = getDataFileURI(context, RegionConstants.BUNDLE_FEATURE_FILENAME);
// Register the location as a service property for diagnostic purposes
regProps.put(RegionConstants.BUNDLE_FEATURE_FILENAME, bundlesFile.toString());
Map<String, Set<String>> bfm = populateBundleFeatureMap(bundlesFile);
URI featuresFile = getDataFileURI(context, RegionConstants.FEATURE_REGION_FILENAME);
// Register the location as a service property for diagnostic purposes
regProps.put(RegionConstants.FEATURE_REGION_FILENAME, featuresFile.toString());
Map<String, Set<String>> frm = populateFeatureRegionMap(featuresFile);
URI regionsFile = getDataFileURI(context, RegionConstants.REGION_PACKAGE_FILENAME);
// Register the location as a service property for diagnostic purposes
regProps.put(RegionConstants.REGION_PACKAGE_FILENAME, regionsFile.toString());
Map<String, Set<String>> rpm = populateRegionPackageMap(regionsFile);
// store base configuration
this.baseBsnVerMap = bvm;
this.baseBundleFeatureMap = bfm;
this.baseFeatureRegionMap = frm;
this.baseRegionPackageMap = rpm;
this.toGlobalConfig = context.getProperty(RegionConstants.APIREGIONS_JOINGLOBAL);
if ( this.toGlobalConfig != null ) {
regProps.put(RegionConstants.APIREGIONS_JOINGLOBAL, this.toGlobalConfig);
String defRegProp = context.getProperty(RegionConstants.DEFAULT_REGIONS);
if (defRegProp != null) {
Set<String> defRegs = new HashSet<>();
for (String region : Arrays.asList(defRegProp.split(","))) {
if (region.length() > 0) {
defaultRegions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(defRegs);
if (defaultRegions.size() > 0) {
regProps.put(RegionConstants.DEFAULT_REGIONS, defaultRegions.toString());
} else {
defaultRegions = Collections.emptySet();
private void loadLocationToConfigMap(BundleContext context) {
File file = context.getBundle().getDataFile(BUNDLE_LOCATION_TO_FEATURE_FILE);
if (file != null && file.exists()) {
Properties p = new Properties();
try (InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))) {
} catch (IOException e) {
Activator.LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to load " + BUNDLE_LOCATION_TO_FEATURE_FILE, e);
for (String k : p.stringPropertyNames()) {
Map.Entry<String, Version> bsnver = parseBSNVer(p.getProperty(k));
if (bsnver != null) {
bundleLocationConfigMap.put(k, bsnver);
private Map.Entry<String, Version> parseBSNVer(String val) {
String[] bsnver = val.split("~");
if (bsnver.length == 2) {
String bsn = bsnver[0].trim();
Version ver = null;
try {
ver = Version.parseVersion(bsnver[1].trim());
} catch (Exception e) {
Activator.LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Problem parsing " + BUNDLE_LOCATION_TO_FEATURE_FILE, e);
if (ver != null) {
return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String,Version>(bsn, ver);
return null;
void storeLocationToConfigMap(BundleContext context) {
File file = context.getBundle().getDataFile(BUNDLE_LOCATION_TO_FEATURE_FILE);
if (file == null) {
Activator.LOG.warning("Cannot store " + BUNDLE_LOCATION_TO_FEATURE_FILE
+ " Persistence not supported by this framework.");
Properties p = new Properties();
for (Map.Entry<String, Map.Entry<String, Version>> entry : bundleLocationConfigMap.entrySet()) {
p.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getKey() + "~" + entry.getValue().getValue());
if (p.size() > 0) {
try (OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))) {, "Bundle Location to Feature Map");
} catch (IOException e) {
Activator.LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to store " + BUNDLE_LOCATION_TO_FEATURE_FILE, e);
private synchronized void updateConfiguration() {
final Map<Entry<String, Version>, List<String>> bvm = cloneMapOfLists(this.baseBsnVerMap);
final Map<String, Set<String>> bfm = cloneMapOfSets(this.baseBundleFeatureMap);
final Map<String, Set<String>> frm = cloneMapOfSets(this.baseFeatureRegionMap);
final Map<String, Set<String>> rpm = cloneMapOfSets(this.baseRegionPackageMap);
// apply configurations
for(final Dictionary<String, Object> props : this.factoryConfigs.values()) {
// bundle id to bsnver
Object valObj = props.get(RegionConstants.PROP_idbsnver);
if ( valObj != null ) {
for(final String val : convert(valObj)) {
final String[] parts = val.split("=");
final String n = parts[0];
final String[] bsnver = parts[1].split("~");
String bsn = bsnver[0];
String bver = bsnver[1];
addBsnVerArtifact(bvm, bsn, bver, n);
// bundle id to features
valObj = props.get(RegionConstants.PROP_bundleFeatures);
if ( valObj != null ) {
handleMapConfig(valObj, bfm);
// feature id to regions
valObj = props.get(RegionConstants.PROP_featureRegions);
if ( valObj != null ) {
handleMapConfig(valObj, frm);
// region to packages
valObj = props.get(RegionConstants.PROP_regionPackage);
if ( valObj != null ) {
handleMapConfig(valObj, rpm);
// join regions
if (this.toGlobalConfig != null) {
joinRegionsWithGlobal(this.toGlobalConfig, rpm);
// Make all maps and their contents unmodifiable
bsnVerMap = unmodifiableMapToList(bvm);
bundleFeatureMap = unmodifiableMapToSet(bfm);
featureRegionMap = unmodifiableMapToSet(frm);
regionPackageMap = unmodifiableMapToSet(rpm);
private void handleMapConfig(Object valObj, Map<String, Set<String>> map) {
for(final String val : convert(valObj)) {
final String[] parts = val.split("=");
final String n = parts[0];
final String[] features = parts[1].split(",");
addValuesToMap(map, n, Arrays.asList(features));
private static <K,V> Map<K, List<V>> cloneMapOfLists(Map<K, List<V>> m) {
final Map<K, List<V>> newMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<K, List<V>> entry : m.entrySet()) {
newMap.put(entry.getKey(), new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue()));
return newMap;
private static <K,V> Map<K, Set<V>> cloneMapOfSets(Map<K, Set<V>> m) {
final Map<K, Set<V>> newMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<K, Set<V>> entry : m.entrySet()) {
newMap.put(entry.getKey(), new LinkedHashSet<>(entry.getValue()));
return newMap;
private static <K,V> Map<K, List<V>> unmodifiableMapToList(Map<K, List<V>> m) {
for (Map.Entry<K, List<V>> entry : m.entrySet()) {
m.put(entry.getKey(), Collections.unmodifiableList(entry.getValue()));
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(m);
private static <K,V> Map<K, Set<V>> unmodifiableMapToSet(Map<K, Set<V>> m) {
for (Map.Entry<K, Set<V>> entry : m.entrySet()) {
m.put(entry.getKey(), Collections.unmodifiableSet(entry.getValue()));
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(m);
private void joinRegionsWithGlobal(String toglobal, Map<String, Set<String>> rpm) {
for (String region : toglobal.split(",")) {
Set<String> packages = rpm.get(region);
if (packages == null)
addValuesToMap(rpm, RegionConstants.GLOBAL_REGION, packages);
private static Map<Map.Entry<String, Version>, List<String>> populateBSNVerMap(URI idbsnverFile) throws IOException {
Map<Map.Entry<String, Version>, List<String>> m = new HashMap<>();
Properties p = new Properties();
try (InputStream is = idbsnverFile.toURL().openStream()) {
for (String n : p.stringPropertyNames()) {
String[] bsnver = p.getProperty(n).split("~");
addBsnVerArtifact(m, bsnver[0], bsnver[1], n);
return m;
private static void addBsnVerArtifact(
Map<Map.Entry<String, Version>, List<String>> bsnVerMap,
String bundleSymbolicName, String bundleVersion,
String artifactId) {
Version version = Version.valueOf(bundleVersion);
Map.Entry<String, Version> bsnVer = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(bundleSymbolicName, version);
List<String> l = bsnVerMap.get(bsnVer);
if (l == null) {
l = new ArrayList<>();
bsnVerMap.put(bsnVer, l);
if (!l.contains(artifactId))
private static Map<String, Set<String>> populateBundleFeatureMap(URI bundlesFile) throws IOException {
return loadMap(bundlesFile);
private static Map<String, Set<String>> populateFeatureRegionMap(URI featuresFile) throws IOException {
return loadMap(featuresFile);
private static Map<String, Set<String>> populateRegionPackageMap(URI regionsFile) throws IOException {
return loadMap(regionsFile);
private static Map<String, Set<String>> loadMap(URI propsFile) throws IOException {
Map<String, Set<String>> m = new HashMap<>();
Properties p = new Properties();
try (InputStream is = propsFile.toURL().openStream()) {
for (String n : p.stringPropertyNames()) {
String[] values = p.getProperty(n).split(",");
addValuesToMap(m, n, Arrays.asList(values));
return m;
private static void addValuesToMap(Map<String, Set<String>> map, String key, Collection<String> values) {
Set<String> bf = map.get(key);
if (bf == null) {
bf = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // It's important that the insertion order is maintained.
map.put(key, bf);
private URI getDataFileURI(BundleContext ctx, String name) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
String fn = ctx.getProperty(RegionConstants.PROPERTIES_RESOURCE_PREFIX + name);
if (fn == null) {
String loc = ctx.getProperty(RegionConstants.PROPERTIES_FILE_LOCATION);
if (loc != null) {
fn = loc + "/" + name;
if (fn == null)
throw new IOException("API Region Enforcement enabled, but no configuration found to find "
+ "region definition resource: " + name);
if (fn.contains(":")) {
if (fn.startsWith(RegionConstants.CLASSLOADER_PSEUDO_PROTOCOL)) {
// It's using the 'classloader:' protocol looks up the location from the classloader
String loc = fn.substring(RegionConstants.CLASSLOADER_PSEUDO_PROTOCOL.length());
if (!loc.startsWith("/"))
loc = "/" + loc;
fn = getClass().getResource(loc).toString();
// It's already a URL
return new URI(fn);
} else {
// It's a file location
return new File(fn).toURI();
public Map<Map.Entry<String, Version>, List<String>> getBsnVerMap() {
return bsnVerMap;
* Obtain a mutable concurrent map that contains an association between
* bundle location and their configuration, which is the original
* Symbolic Name and Version. This map is persisted in bundle private
* storage. Initially this map is empty but as more bundles get resolved
* this map is gradually filled in. <p>
* This map is used to find the API Regions information for a bundle even
* if the bundle is updated at some point. After the update the location
* will still be the same, so the original configuration can be found by
* looking up the original bsn+version associated with the location. That's
* what this method enables.
* @return The bundle location to bsnver map.
public ConcurrentMap<String, Map.Entry<String, Version>> getBundleLocationConfigMap() {
return bundleLocationConfigMap;
public Map<String, Set<String>> getBundleFeatureMap() {
return bundleFeatureMap;
public Map<String, Set<String>> getFeatureRegionMap() {
return featureRegionMap;
public Map<String, Set<String>> getRegionPackageMap() {
return regionPackageMap;
public Set<String> getDefaultRegions() {
return defaultRegions;
public Dictionary<String, Object> getRegistrationProperties() {
return regProps;
private String[] convert(final Object obj) {
if ( obj instanceof String[]) {
return (String[])obj;
return new String[] {obj.toString()};
* Add a new factory configuration
* @param pid The pid
* @param props The properties
public void setConfig(final String pid, final Dictionary<String, Object> props) {
this.factoryConfigs.put(pid, props);
* Remove a factory configuration
* @param pid The pid
public void removeConfig(final String pid) {
final Dictionary<String, Object> props = this.factoryConfigs.remove(pid);
if ( props != null ) {