blob: fe189ca2603b010c7de665da9470c9e487ad62aa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeDefinition;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.ObjectClassDefinition;
* The OSGi configuration for the main servlet. This configuration is actually
* used by various components throughout the bundle.
name = "Apache Sling Main Servlet",
description = "Main processor of the Sling framework controlling all "
+ "aspects of processing requests inside of Sling, namely authentication, "
+ "resource resolution, servlet/script resolution and execution of servlets "
+ "and scripts.")
public @interface Config {
String PID = "";
* The default value for the number of recursive inclusions for a single
* instance of this class (value is 50).
* The default value for the number of calls to the
* {@link #service(SlingHttpServletRequest, SlingHttpServletResponse)}
* method for a single instance of this class (value is 1000).
name = "Number of Calls per Request",
description = "Defines the maximum number of Servlet and Script "
+ "calls while processing a single client request. This number should be high "
+ "enough to not limit request processing artificially. On the other hand it "
+ "should not be too high to allow the mechanism to limit the resources required "
+ "to process a request in case of errors. The default value is 1000.")
int sling_max_calls() default DEFAULT_MAX_CALL_COUNTER;
name = "Recursion Depth",
description = "The maximum number of recursive Servlet and "
+ "Script calls while processing a single client request. This number should not "
+ "be too high, otherwise StackOverflowErrors may occurr in case of erroneous "
+ "scripts and servlets. The default value is 50. ")
int sling_max_inclusions() default DEFAULT_MAX_INCLUSION_COUNTER;
name = "Allow the HTTP TRACE method",
description = "If set to true, the HTTP TRACE method will be "
+ "enabled. By default the HTTP TRACE methods is disabled as it can be used in "
+ "Cross Site Scripting attacks on HTTP servers.")
boolean sling_trace_allow() default false;
name = "Number of Requests to Record",
description = "Defines the number of requests that "
+ "internally recorded for display on the \"Recent Requests\" Web Console page. If "
+ "this value is less than or equal to zero, no requests are internally kept. The "
+ "default value is 20. ")
int sling_max_record_requests() default 20;
name = "Recorded Request Path Patterns",
description = "One or more regular expressions which "
+ "limit the requests which are stored by the \"Recent Requests\" Web Console page.")
String[] sling_store_pattern_requests();
name = "Server Info",
description =
"The server info returned by Sling. If this field is left empty, Sling generates a default into.")
String sling_serverinfo();
name = "Additional response headers",
description = "Provides mappings for additional response headers "
+ "Each entry is of the form 'bundleId [ \":\" responseHeaderName ] \"=\" responseHeaderValue'")
String[] sling_additional_response_headers() default {"X-Content-Type-Options=nosniff", "X-Frame-Options=SAMEORIGIN"
name = "Servlet Name",
description = "Optional name for the Sling main servlet registered by this component")
String servlet_name();
name = "Protect Headers on Includes",
description = "When enabled, servlets included via the RequestDispatcher will not be able to change the "
+ "response status code or set headers. Any attempt to make a change is ignored. This behaviour can "
+ "be overridden per include via the 'protectHeadersOnInclude' RequestDispatcherOptions key.")
boolean sling_includes_protectheaders() default false;
name = "Check Content-Type overrides",
description = "When enabled, it will check explicit overrides of the Content-Type header and will make the "
+ "Sling Engine throw a RuntimeException when such an override is detected.")
boolean sling_includes_checkcontenttype() default false;
name = "Disable Spec Compliant GetUserPrincipal",
description =
"When enabled, the getUserPrincipal method of the request object might even return a principal "
+ "in the non authenticated case. This is not spec compliant but might be required for some legacy code.")
boolean disable_spec_compliant_getuserprincipal() default true;