blob: 4bb40954a2c78f757686087e8a6e900d8c08c413 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Configuration object used as a central config point for the discovery service
* implementation
* <p>
* The properties are described below under.
@Component(metatype = true, label="", description="%config.description")
@Service(value = { Config.class, BaseConfig.class, DiscoveryLiteConfig.class })
public class Config implements BaseConfig, DiscoveryLiteConfig {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
/** resource used to keep instance information such as last heartbeat, properties, incoming announcements **/
private static final String CLUSTERINSTANCES_RESOURCE = "clusterInstances";
/** resource used to store the sync tokens as part of a topology change **/
private static final String SYNC_TOKEN_RESOURCE = "syncTokens";
/** resource used to store the clusterNodeIds to slingIds map **/
private static final String ID_MAP_RESOURCE = "idMap";
/** Configure the timeout (in seconds) after which an instance is considered dead/crashed. */
public static final long DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_TIMEOUT = 120;
public static final String TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_TIMEOUT_KEY = "connectorPingTimeout";
protected long connectorPingTimeout = DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_TIMEOUT;
/** Configure the interval (in seconds) according to which the heartbeats are exchanged in the topology. */
public static final long DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_INTERVAL = 30;
public static final String TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_INTERVAL_KEY = "connectorPingInterval";
protected long connectorPingInterval = DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_INTERVAL;
/** Configure the interval (in seconds) according to which the heartbeats are exchanged in the topology. */
public static final long DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_LITE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 2;
public static final String DISCOVERY_LITE_CHECK_INTERVAL_KEY = "discoveryLiteCheckInterval";
protected long discoveryLiteCheckInterval = DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_LITE_CHECK_INTERVAL;
public static final long DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SYNC_SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 120;
public static final String CLUSTER_SYNC_SERVICE_TIMEOUT_KEY = "clusterSyncServiceTimeout";
protected long clusterSyncServiceTimeout = DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SYNC_SERVICE_TIMEOUT;
public static final long DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SYNC_SERVICE_INTERVAL = 2;
public static final String CLUSTER_SYNC_SERVICE_INTERVAL_KEY = "clusterSyncServiceInterval";
protected long clusterSyncServiceInterval = DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SYNC_SERVICE_INTERVAL;
* If set to true a syncToken will be used on top of waiting for
* deactivating instances to be fully processed.
* If set to false, only deactivating instances will be waited for
* to be fully processed.
private static final String SYNC_TOKEN_ENABLED = "enableSyncToken";
/** Configure the time (in seconds) which must be passed at minimum between sending TOPOLOGY_CHANGING/_CHANGED (avoid flooding). */
public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_EVENT_DELAY = 3;
public static final String MIN_EVENT_DELAY_KEY = "minEventDelay";
protected int minEventDelay = DEFAULT_MIN_EVENT_DELAY;
/** Configure the socket connect timeout for topology connectors. */
public static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 10;
public static final String SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_KEY = "socketConnectTimeout";
private int socketConnectTimeout = DEFAULT_SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
/** Configure the socket read timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) for topology connectors. */
public static final int DEFAULT_SO_TIMEOUT = 10;
public static final String SO_TIMEOUT_KEY = "soTimeout";
private int soTimeout = DEFAULT_SO_TIMEOUT;
/** URLs where to join a topology, eg http://localhost:4502/libs/sling/topology/connector */
public static final String TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_URLS_KEY = "topologyConnectorUrls";
private URL[] topologyConnectorUrls = {null};
/** list of ips and/or hostnames which are allowed to connect to /libs/sling/topology/connector */
private static final String[] DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_WHITELIST = {"localhost",""};
public static final String TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_WHITELIST_KEY = "topologyConnectorWhitelist";
protected String[] topologyConnectorWhitelist = DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_WHITELIST;
/** Path of resource where to keep discovery information, e.g /var/discovery/oak/ */
private static final String DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_RESOURCE_PATH = "/var/discovery/oak/";
@Property(value=DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_RESOURCE_PATH, propertyPrivate=true)
public static final String DISCOVERY_RESOURCE_PATH_KEY = "discoveryResourcePath";
protected String discoveryResourcePath = DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_RESOURCE_PATH;
* If set to true, local-loops of topology connectors are automatically stopped when detected so.
private static final String AUTO_STOP_LOCAL_LOOP_ENABLED = "autoStopLocalLoopEnabled";
* If set to true, request body will be gzipped - only works if counter-part accepts gzip-requests!
private static final String GZIP_CONNECTOR_REQUESTS_ENABLED = "gzipConnectorRequestsEnabled";
* If set to true, hmac is enabled and the white list is disabled.
private static final String HMAC_ENABLED = "hmacEnabled";
* If set to true, and the whitelist is disabled, messages will be encrypted.
private static final String ENCRYPTION_ENABLED = "enableEncryption";
* The value fo the shared key, shared amongst all instances in the same cluster.
private static final String SHARED_KEY = "sharedKey";
* The default lifetime of a HMAC shared key in ms. (4h)
private static final long DEFAULT_SHARED_KEY_INTERVAL = 3600*1000*4;
private static final String SHARED_KEY_INTERVAL = "hmacSharedKeyTTL";
* The property for defining the backoff factor for standby (loop) connectors
private static final String BACKOFF_STANDBY_FACTOR = "backoffStandbyFactor";
private static final int DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STANDBY_FACTOR = 5;
* The property for defining the maximum backoff factor for stable connectors
private static final String BACKOFF_STABLE_FACTOR = "backoffStableFactor";
private static final int DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STABLE_FACTOR = 5;
/** True when auto-stop of a local-loop is enabled. Default is false. **/
private boolean autoStopLocalLoopEnabled;
* True when the hmac is enabled and signing is disabled.
private boolean hmacEnabled;
* the shared key.
private String sharedKey;
* The key interval.
private long keyInterval;
* true when encryption is enabled.
private boolean encryptionEnabled;
* true when topology connector requests should be gzipped
private boolean gzipConnectorRequestsEnabled;
/** the backoff factor to be used for standby (loop) connectors **/
private int backoffStandbyFactor = DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STANDBY_FACTOR;
/** the maximum backoff factor to be used for stable connectors **/
private int backoffStableFactor = DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STABLE_FACTOR;
* Whether, on top of waiting for deactivating instances,
* a syncToken should also be used
private boolean syncTokenEnabled;
protected void activate(final Map<String, Object> properties) {
logger.debug("activate: config activated.");
protected void configure(final Map<String, Object> properties) {
this.connectorPingTimeout = PropertiesUtil.toLong(
logger.debug("configure: connectorPingTimeout='{}'",
this.connectorPingInterval = PropertiesUtil.toLong(
logger.debug("configure: connectorPingInterval='{}'",
this.discoveryLiteCheckInterval = PropertiesUtil.toLong(
logger.debug("configure: discoveryLiteCheckInterval='{}'",
this.clusterSyncServiceTimeout = PropertiesUtil.toLong(
logger.debug("configure: clusterSyncServiceTimeout='{}'",
this.clusterSyncServiceInterval = PropertiesUtil.toLong(
logger.debug("configure: clusterSyncServiceInterval='{}'",
this.minEventDelay = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(
logger.debug("configure: minEventDelay='{}'",
this.socketConnectTimeout = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(
logger.debug("configure: socketConnectTimeout='{}'",
this.soTimeout = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(
logger.debug("configure: soTimeout='{}'",
String[] topologyConnectorUrlsStr = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(
properties.get(TOPOLOGY_CONNECTOR_URLS_KEY), null);
if (topologyConnectorUrlsStr!=null && topologyConnectorUrlsStr.length > 0) {
List<URL> urls = new LinkedList<URL>();
for (int i = 0; i < topologyConnectorUrlsStr.length; i++) {
String anUrlStr = topologyConnectorUrlsStr[i];
try {
if (anUrlStr!=null && anUrlStr.length()>0) {
URL url = new URL(anUrlStr);
logger.debug("configure: a topologyConnectorbUrl='{}'",
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
logger.error("configure: could not set a topologyConnectorUrl: " + e,
if (urls.size()>0) {
this.topologyConnectorUrls = urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]);
logger.debug("configure: number of topologyConnectorUrls='{}''",
} else {
this.topologyConnectorUrls = null;
logger.debug("configure: no (valid) topologyConnectorUrls configured");
} else {
this.topologyConnectorUrls = null;
logger.debug("configure: no (valid) topologyConnectorUrls configured");
this.topologyConnectorWhitelist = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(
logger.debug("configure: topologyConnectorWhitelist='{}'",
this.discoveryResourcePath = PropertiesUtil.toString(
while(this.discoveryResourcePath.endsWith("/")) {
this.discoveryResourcePath = this.discoveryResourcePath.substring(0,
this.discoveryResourcePath = this.discoveryResourcePath + "/";
if (this.discoveryResourcePath==null || this.discoveryResourcePath.length()<=1) {
// if the path is empty, or /, then use the default
this.discoveryResourcePath = DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_RESOURCE_PATH;
logger.debug("configure: discoveryResourcePath='{}'",
autoStopLocalLoopEnabled = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(properties.get(AUTO_STOP_LOCAL_LOOP_ENABLED), false);
gzipConnectorRequestsEnabled = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(properties.get(GZIP_CONNECTOR_REQUESTS_ENABLED), false);
hmacEnabled = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(properties.get(HMAC_ENABLED), true);
encryptionEnabled = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(properties.get(ENCRYPTION_ENABLED), false);
syncTokenEnabled = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(properties.get(SYNC_TOKEN_ENABLED), true);
sharedKey = PropertiesUtil.toString(properties.get(SHARED_KEY), null);
backoffStandbyFactor = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(properties.get(BACKOFF_STANDBY_FACTOR),
backoffStableFactor = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(properties.get(BACKOFF_STABLE_FACTOR),
* Returns the socket connect() timeout used by the topology connector, 0 disables the timeout
* @return the socket connect() timeout used by the topology connector, 0 disables the timeout
public int getSocketConnectTimeout() {
return socketConnectTimeout;
* Returns the socket read timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) used by the topology connector, 0 disables the timeout
* @return the socket read timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) used by the topology connector, 0 disables the timeout
public int getSoTimeout() {
return soTimeout;
* Returns the minimum time (in seconds) between sending TOPOLOGY_CHANGING/_CHANGED events - to avoid flooding
* @return the minimum time (in seconds) between sending TOPOLOGY_CHANGING/_CHANGED events - to avoid flooding
public int getMinEventDelay() {
return minEventDelay;
* Returns the URLs to which to open a topology connector - or null/empty if no topology connector
* is configured (default is null)
* @return the URLs to which to open a topology connector - or null/empty if no topology connector
* is configured
public URL[] getTopologyConnectorURLs() {
return topologyConnectorUrls;
* Returns a comma separated list of hostnames and/or ip addresses which are allowed as
* remote hosts to open connections to the topology connector servlet
* @return a comma separated list of hostnames and/or ip addresses which are allowed as
* remote hosts to open connections to the topology connector servlet
public String[] getTopologyConnectorWhitelist() {
return topologyConnectorWhitelist;
protected String getDiscoveryResourcePath() {
return discoveryResourcePath;
* Returns the resource path where cluster instance informations are stored.
* @return the resource path where cluster instance informations are stored
public String getClusterInstancesPath() {
return getDiscoveryResourcePath() + CLUSTERINSTANCES_RESOURCE;
public String getSyncTokenPath() {
return getDiscoveryResourcePath() + SYNC_TOKEN_RESOURCE;
public String getIdMapPath() {
return getDiscoveryResourcePath() + ID_MAP_RESOURCE;
* @return true if hmac is enabled.
public boolean isHmacEnabled() {
return hmacEnabled;
* @return the shared key
public String getSharedKey() {
return sharedKey;
* @return the interval of the shared key for hmac.
public long getKeyInterval() {
return keyInterval;
* @return true if encryption is enabled.
public boolean isEncryptionEnabled() {
return encryptionEnabled;
* @return true if requests on the topology connector should be gzipped
* (which only works if the server accepts that.. ie discovery.impl 1.0.4+)
public boolean isGzipConnectorRequestsEnabled() {
return gzipConnectorRequestsEnabled;
* @return true if the auto-stopping of local-loop topology connectors is enabled.
public boolean isAutoStopLocalLoopEnabled() {
return autoStopLocalLoopEnabled;
* Returns the backoff factor to be used for standby (loop) connectors
* @return the backoff factor to be used for standby (loop) connectors
public int getBackoffStandbyFactor() {
return backoffStandbyFactor;
* Returns the (maximum) backoff factor to be used for stable connectors
* @return the (maximum) backoff factor to be used for stable connectors
public int getBackoffStableFactor() {
return backoffStableFactor;
* Returns the backoff interval for standby (loop) connectors in seconds
* @return the backoff interval for standby (loop) connectors in seconds
public long getBackoffStandbyInterval() {
final int factor = getBackoffStandbyFactor();
if (factor<=1) {
return -1;
} else {
return factor * getConnectorPingInterval();
public long getConnectorPingInterval() {
return connectorPingInterval;
public long getConnectorPingTimeout() {
return connectorPingTimeout;
public long getDiscoveryLiteCheckInterval() {
return discoveryLiteCheckInterval;
public long getClusterSyncServiceTimeoutMillis() {
return clusterSyncServiceTimeout * 1000;
public long getClusterSyncServiceIntervalMillis() {
return clusterSyncServiceInterval * 1000;
public boolean getSyncTokenEnabled() {
return syncTokenEnabled;