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 # Apache Sling DataSource Provider
-DataSource provider bundle supports two type of DataSource
+Refer to [DataSource Provider][1]
-1. Pooled Connection DataSource
-2. JNDI DataSource
-## Pooled Connection DataSource Provider
-This bundle enables creating and configuring JDBC DataSource in OSGi environment based on 
-OSGi configuration. It uses [Tomcat JDBC Pool][1] as the JDBC Connection Pool provider.
-1. Supports configuring the DataSource based on OSGi config with rich metatype
-2. Supports deploying of JDBC Driver as independent bundles and not as fragment
-3. Exposes the DataSource stats as JMX MBean 
-4. Supports updating of DataSource connection pool properties at runtime without restart
-### Driver Loading
-Loading of JDBC driver is tricky on OSGi env. Mostly one has to attach the Driver bundle as a
-fragment bundle to the code which creates the JDBC Connection. 
-With JDBC 4 onwards the Driver class can be loaded via Java SE Service Provider mechanism (SPM)
-JDBC 4.0 drivers must include the file META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver. This file contains 
-the name of the JDBC driver's implementation of java.sql.Driver. For example, to load the JDBC 
-driver to connect to a Apache Derby database, the META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver file would 
-contain the following entry:
-    org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
-Sling DataSource Provider bundles maintains a `DriverRegistry` which contains mapping of Driver
-bundle to Driver class supported by it. With this feature there is no need to wrap the Driver
-bundle as fragment to DataSource provider bundle
-### Configuration
-1. Install the current bundle
-2. Install the JDBC Driver bundle
-3. Configure the DataSource from OSGi config for PID ``
-If Felix WebConsole is used then you can configure it via Configuration UI at
-![Web Console Config](
-Using the config ui above one can directly configure most of the properties as explained in [Tomcat Docs][1]
-### Convert Driver jars to Bundle
-Most of the JDBC driver jars have the required OSGi headers and can be directly deployed to OSGi container
-as bundles. However some of the drivers e.g. Postgres are not having such headers and hence need to be 
-converted to OSGi bundles. For them we can use the [Bnd Wrap][2] command.
-For example to convert the Postgres driver jar follow the steps below
-    $ wget -O bnd.jar
-    $ wget
-    $ cat > bnd.bnd <<EOT
-    Bundle-Version: 9.3.1101
-    Bundle-SymbolicName: org.postgresql
-    Export-Package: org.postgresql
-    Include-Resource: @postgresql-9.3-1101.jdbc41.jar
-    EOT
-    $ java -jar bnd.jar bnd.bnd
-In the steps above we
-1. Download the bnd jar and postgres driver jar
-2. Create a bnd file with required instructions. 
-3. Execute the bnd command
-4. Resulting bundle is present in `org.postgresql-9.3.1101.jar`
-## JNDI DataSource
-While running in Application Server the DataSource instance might be managed by app server and registered with
-JNDI. To enable lookup of DataSource instance from JNDI you can configure `JNDIDataSourceFactory`
-1. Configure the DataSource from OSGi config for PID ``
-2. Provide the JNDI name to lookup from and other details
-If Felix WebConsole is used then you can configure it via Configuration UI at
-Once configured `JNDIDataSourceFactory` would lookup the DataSource instance and register it with OSGi
-## Usage
-Once the required configuration is done the `DataSource` would be registered as part of the OSGi Service Registry
-The service is registered with service property `` whose value is the name of datasource provided in
-OSGi config.
-Following snippet demonstrates accessing the DataSource named `foo` via DS annotation
-    import javax.sql.DataSource;
-    import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
-    public class DSExample {
-        @Reference(target = "(&(objectclass=javax.sql.DataSource)(")
-        private DataSource dataSource;
-    }
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