SLING-8688 Enable integration tests with Docker

* Adjust README
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index 84ed74c..df9467e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
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 ## Integration Tests
-Integration tests require a running Clam daemon and are not enabled by default.
-### Use [Testcontainers]( and local [Docker]( Engine
-Enable the `it` profile to run integration tests with Docker container:
-    mvn clean install -Pit
+Integration tests require a running Clam daemon. By default a Docker container (`mk0x/docker-clamav:alpine`) is started via [Testcontainers]( and local [Docker]( Engine to provide the Clam daemon.
 ### Use external Clam daemon
 To disable *Testcontainers* and use an external Clam daemon set `clamd.testcontainer` to `false`:
-    mvn clean install -Pit -Dclamd.testcontainer=false
+    mvn clean install -Dclamd.testcontainer=false
 To override default Clam daemon host `localhost` and port `3310` set `` and `clamd.port`:
-    mvn clean install -Pit -Dclamd.testcontainer=false -Dclamd.port=3310
+    mvn clean install -Dclamd.testcontainer=false -Dclamd.port=3310