blob: 43222341586827b8851024acee8c870305742086 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Dictionary;
import javax.jcr.Credentials;
import javax.jcr.SimpleCredentials;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The <code>FormAuthenticationHandler</code> class implements the authorization
* steps based on a cookie.
* @scr.component immediate="false" label=""
* description="%auth.form.description"
* name=""
* name="service.description"
* value="Apache Sling Form Based Authentication Handler"
* name="service.vendor" value="The Apache Software Foundation"
* nameRef=
* ""
* values.0="/"
* nameRef=
* ""
* valueRef="javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.FORM_AUTH"
* private="true"
* @scr.service
public class FormAuthenticationHandler extends AbstractAuthenticationHandler {
* The name of the parameter providing the login form URL.
* valueRef="AuthenticationFormServlet.SERVLET_PATH"
private static final String PAR_LOGIN_FORM = "form.login.form";
* valueRef="DEFAULT_AUTH_STORAGE" options "cookie"="Cookie"
* "session"="Session Attribute"
private static final String PAR_AUTH_STORAGE = "";
* The value of the {@link #PAR_AUTH_STORAGE} parameter indicating the use
* of a Cookie to store the authentication data.
private static final String AUTH_STORAGE_COOKIE = "cookie";
* The value of the {@link #PAR_AUTH_STORAGE} parameter indicating the use
* of a session attribute to store the authentication data.
private static final String AUTH_STORAGE_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = "session";
* To be used to determine if the auth has value comes from a cookie or from
* a session attribute.
* The name of the configuration parameter providing the Cookie or session
* attribute name.
private static final String PAR_AUTH_NAME = "";
* The default Cookie or session attribute name
private static final String DEFAULT_AUTH_NAME = "sling.formauth";
* This is the name of the SimpleCredentials attribute that holds the auth
* info extracted from the cookie value.
private static final String PAR_CREDENTIALS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "";
* Default value for the {@link #PAR_CREDENTIALS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME} property
* The number of minutes after which a login session times out. This value
* is used as the expiry time set in the authentication data.
* type="Integer" valueRef="DEFAULT_AUTH_TIMEOUT"
public static final String PAR_AUTH_TIMEOUT = "form.auth.timeout";
* The default authentication data time out value.
private static final int DEFAULT_AUTH_TIMEOUT = 30;
* The name of the file used to persist the security tokens
private static final String PAR_TOKEN_FILE = "form.token.file";
private static final String DEFAULT_TOKEN_FILE = "cookie-tokens.bin";
* Whether to redirect to the login form or simple do an include.
* type="Boolean" valueRef="DEFAULT_INCLUDE_FORM"
public static final String PAR_INCLUDE_FORM = "form.use.include";
* The default include value.
private static final boolean DEFAULT_INCLUDE_FORM = false;
* Whether to present a login form when a users cookie expires, the default
* is not to present the form.
* type="Boolean" valueRef="DEFAULT_LOGIN_AFTER_EXPIRE"
private static final String PAR_LOGIN_AFTER_EXPIRE = "form.onexpire.login";
* The default login after expire of a cookie.
private static final boolean DEFAULT_LOGIN_AFTER_EXPIRE = false;
* The request method required for user name and password submission by the
* form (value is "POST").
private static final String REQUEST_METHOD = "POST";
* The last segment of the request URL for the user name and password
* submission by the form (value is "/j_security_check").
* <p>
* This name is derived from the prescription in the Servlet API 2.4
* Specification, Section SRV. Login Form Notes: <i>In order for the
* authentication to proceeed appropriately, the action of the login form
* must always be set to <code>j_security_check</code>.</i>
private static final String REQUEST_URL_SUFFIX = "/j_security_check";
* The name of the form submission parameter providing the name of the user
* to authenticate (value is "j_username").
* <p>
* This name is prescribed by the Servlet API 2.4 Specification, Section
* SRV.12.5.3 Form Based Authentication.
private static final String PAR_J_USERNAME = "j_username";
* The name of the form submission parameter providing the password of the
* user to authenticate (value is "j_password").
* <p>
* This name is prescribed by the Servlet API 2.4 Specification, Section
* SRV.12.5.3 Form Based Authentication.
private static final String PAR_J_PASSWORD = "j_password";
* The name of the form submission parameter indicating that the submitted
* username and password should just be checked and a status code be set for
* success (200/OK) or failure (403/FORBIDDEN).
private static final String PAR_J_VALIDATE = "j_validate";
* The name of the request parameter indicating to the login form why the
* form is being rendered. If this parameter is not set the form is called
* for the first time and the implied reason is that the authenticator just
* requests credentials. Otherwise the parameter is set to a
* {@link FormReason} value.
static final String PAR_J_REASON = "j_reason";
* The service ranking property.
* type="Integer" value="0" private="false"
private static final String PAR_SERVICE_RANKING = Constants.SERVICE_RANKING;
* The factor to convert minute numbers into milliseconds used internally
private static final long MINUTES = 60L * 1000L;
/** default log */
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private AuthenticationStorage authStorage;
private String loginForm;
* The timeout of a login session in milliseconds, converted from the
* configuration property {@link #PAR_AUTH_TIMEOUT} by multiplying with
* {@link #MINUTES}.
private long sessionTimeout;
* The name of the credentials attribute which is set to the cookie data
* to validate.
private String attrCookieAuthData;
* The {@link TokenStore} used to persist and check authentication data
private TokenStore tokenStore;
* The {@link FormLoginModulePlugin} service registration created when
* this authentication handler is registered. If the login module plugin
* cannot be created this field is set to <code>null</code>.
private ServiceRegistration loginModule;
* If true, the handler will attempt to include the login form instead of
* doing a redirect.
private boolean includeLoginForm;
* The resource resolver factory used to resolve the login form as a resource
* @scr.reference policy="dynamic" cardinality="0..1"
private ResourceResolverFactory resourceResolverFactory;
* If true the login form will be presented when the token expires.
private boolean loginAfterExpire;
* Extracts cookie/session based credentials from the request. Returns
* <code>null</code> if the handler assumes HTTP Basic authentication would
* be more appropriate, if no form fields are present in the request and if
* the secure user data is not present either in the cookie or an HTTP
* Session.
public AuthenticationInfo extractCredentials(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
AuthenticationInfo info = null;
// 1. try credentials from POST'ed request parameters
info = this.extractRequestParameterAuthentication(request);
// 2. try credentials from the cookie or session
if (info == null) {
String authData = authStorage.extractAuthenticationInfo(request);
if (authData != null) {
if (tokenStore.isValid(authData)) {
info = createAuthInfo(authData);
} else {
if (this.loginAfterExpire) {
// signal the requestCredentials method a previous login failure
request.setAttribute(PAR_J_REASON, FormReason.TIMEOUT);
info = AuthenticationInfo.FAIL_AUTH;
// clear the cookie, its invalid and we should get rid of it so that the invalid cookie
// isn't present on the authN operation.
authStorage.clear(request, response);
return info;
* Unless the <code>sling:authRequestLogin</code> to anything other than
* <code>Form</code> this method either sends back a 403/FORBIDDEN response
* if the <code>j_verify</code> parameter is set to <code>true</code> or
* redirects to the login form to ask for credentials.
* <p>
* This method assumes the <code>j_verify</code> request parameter to only
* be set in the initial username/password submission through the login
* form. No further checks are applied, though, before sending back the
* 403/FORBIDDEN response.
public boolean requestCredentials(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
// 0. ignore this handler if an authentication handler is requested
if (ignoreRequestCredentials(request)) {
// consider this handler is not used
return false;
// 1. check whether we short cut for a failed log in with validation
if (isValidateRequest(request)) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
log.error("Failed to send 403/FORBIDDEN response", ioe);
// consider credentials requested
return true;
String resource = getLoginResource(request, null);
if (resource == null) {
resource = request.getContextPath() + request.getPathInfo();
request.setAttribute(Authenticator.LOGIN_RESOURCE, resource);
if (includeLoginForm && (resourceResolverFactory != null)) {
ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
try {
resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null);
Resource loginFormResource = resourceResolver.resolve(loginForm);
Servlet loginFormServlet = loginFormResource.adaptTo(Servlet.class);
if (loginFormServlet != null) {
try {
loginFormServlet.service(request, response);
return true;
} catch (ServletException e) {
log.error("Failed to include the form: " + loginForm, e);
} catch (LoginException e) {
log.error("Unable to get a resource resolver to include for the login resource. Will redirect instead.");
} finally {
if (resourceResolver != null) {
// prepare the login form redirection target
final StringBuilder targetBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// append originally requested resource (for redirect after login)
char parSep = '?';
if (resource != null) {
URLEncoder.encode(resource, "UTF-8"));
parSep = '&';
// append indication of previous login failure
if (request.getAttribute(PAR_J_REASON) != null) {
final Object jReason = request.getAttribute(PAR_J_REASON);
final String reason = (jReason instanceof Enum)
? ((Enum) jReason).name()
: jReason.toString();
targetBuilder.append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(reason, "UTF-8"));
// finally redirect to the login form
final String target = targetBuilder.toString();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Failed to redirect to the page: " + target, e);
return true;
* Clears all authentication state which might have been prepared by this
* authentication handler.
public void dropCredentials(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
authStorage.clear(request, response);
// ---------- AuthenticationFeedbackHandler
* Called after an unsuccessful login attempt. This implementation makes
* sure the authentication data is removed either by removing the cookie or
* by remove the HTTP Session attribute.
public void authenticationFailed(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, AuthenticationInfo authInfo) {
* Note: This method is called if this handler provided credentials
* which cause a login failure
// clear authentication data from Cookie or Http Session
authStorage.clear(request, response);
// signal the requestCredentials method a previous login failure
request.setAttribute(PAR_J_REASON, FormReason.INVALID_CREDENTIALS);
* Called after successfull login with the given authentication info. This
* implementation ensures the authentication data is set in either the
* cookie or the HTTP session with the correct security tokens.
* <p>
* If no authentication data already exists, it is created. Otherwise if the
* data has expired the data is updated with a new security token and a new
* expiry time.
* <p>
* If creating or updating the authentication data fails, it is actually
* removed from the cookie or the HTTP session and future requests will not
* be authenticated any longer.
public boolean authenticationSucceeded(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, AuthenticationInfo authInfo) {
* Note: This method is called if this handler provided credentials
* which succeeded loging into the repository
// ensure fresh authentication data
refreshAuthData(request, response, authInfo);
final boolean result;
if (isValidateRequest(request)) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
log.error("Failed to send 200/OK response", ioe);
// terminate request, all done
result = true;
} else if (DefaultAuthenticationFeedbackHandler.handleRedirect(
request, response)) {
// terminate request, all done in the default handler
result = false;
} else {
// check whether redirect is requested by the resource parameter
final String resource = getLoginResource(request, null);
if (resource != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
log.error("Failed to send redirect to: " + resource, ioe);
// terminate request, all done
result = true;
} else {
// no redirect, hence continue processing
result = false;
// no redirect
return result;
public String toString() {
return "Form Based Authentication Handler";
// --------- Force HTTP Basic Auth ---------
* Returns <code>true</code> if this authentication handler should ignore
* the call to
* {@link #requestCredentials(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)}.
* <p>
* This method returns <code>true</code> if the
* {@link #REQUEST_LOGIN_PARAMETER} is set to any value other than "Form"
* (HttpServletRequest.FORM_AUTH).
private boolean ignoreRequestCredentials(final HttpServletRequest request) {
final String requestLogin = request.getParameter(REQUEST_LOGIN_PARAMETER);
return requestLogin != null
&& !HttpServletRequest.FORM_AUTH.equals(requestLogin);
* Returns <code>true</code> if the the client just asks for validation of
* submitted username/password credentials.
* <p>
* This implementation returns <code>true</code> if the request parameter
* {@link #PAR_J_VALIDATE} is set to <code>true</code> (case-insensitve). If
* the request parameter is not set or to any value other than
* <code>true</code> this method returns <code>false</code>.
* @param request The request to provide the parameter to check
* @return <code>true</code> if the {@link #PAR_J_VALIDATE} parameter is set
* to <code>true</code>.
private boolean isValidateRequest(final HttpServletRequest request) {
return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter(PAR_J_VALIDATE));
* Ensures the authentication data is set (if not set yet) and the expiry
* time is prolonged (if auth data already existed).
* <p>
* This method is intended to be called in case authentication succeeded.
* @param request The curent request
* @param response The current response
* @param authInfo The authentication info used to successfull log in
private void refreshAuthData(final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response,
final AuthenticationInfo authInfo) {
// get current authentication data, may be missing after first login
String authData = getCookieAuthData(authInfo);
// check whether we have to "store" or create the data
final boolean refreshCookie = needsRefresh(authData,
// add or refresh the stored auth hash
if (refreshCookie) {
long expires = System.currentTimeMillis() + this.sessionTimeout;
try {
authData = null;
authData = tokenStore.encode(expires, authInfo.getUser());
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
if (authData != null) {
authStorage.set(request, response, authData);
} else {
authStorage.clear(request, response);
// --------- Request Parameter Auth ---------
private AuthenticationInfo extractRequestParameterAuthentication(
HttpServletRequest request) {
AuthenticationInfo info = null;
// only consider login form parameters if this is a POST request
// to the j_security_check URL
if (REQUEST_METHOD.equals(request.getMethod())
&& request.getRequestURI().endsWith(REQUEST_URL_SUFFIX)) {
String user = request.getParameter(PAR_J_USERNAME);
String pwd = request.getParameter(PAR_J_PASSWORD);
if (user != null && pwd != null) {
info = new AuthenticationInfo(HttpServletRequest.FORM_AUTH,
user, pwd.toCharArray());
// if this request is providing form credentials, we have to
// make sure, that the request is redirected after successful
// authentication, otherwise the request may be processed
// as a POST request to the j_security_check page (unless
// the j_validate parameter is set)
if (getLoginResource(request, null) == null) {
request.setAttribute(Authenticator.LOGIN_RESOURCE, "/");
return info;
private AuthenticationInfo createAuthInfo(final String authData) {
final String userId = getUserId(authData);
if (userId == null) {
return null;
final AuthenticationInfo info = new AuthenticationInfo(
HttpServletRequest.FORM_AUTH, userId);
info.put(attrCookieAuthData, authData);
return info;
private String getCookieAuthData(final AuthenticationInfo info) {
Object data = info.get(attrCookieAuthData);
if (data instanceof String) {
return (String) data;
return null;
// ---------- LoginModulePlugin support
private String getCookieAuthData(final Credentials credentials) {
if (credentials instanceof SimpleCredentials) {
Object data = ((SimpleCredentials) credentials).getAttribute(attrCookieAuthData);
if (data instanceof String) {
return (String) data;
// no SimpleCredentials or no valid attribute
return null;
boolean hasAuthData(final Credentials credentials) {
return getCookieAuthData(credentials) != null;
boolean isValid(final Credentials credentials) {
String authData = getCookieAuthData(credentials);
if (authData != null) {
return tokenStore.isValid(authData);
// no authdata, not valid
return false;
// ---------- SCR Integration ----------------------------------------------
* Called by SCR to activate the authentication handler.
* @throws InvalidKeyException
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws IllegalStateException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
protected void activate(ComponentContext componentContext)
throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
IllegalStateException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
Dictionary<?, ?> properties = componentContext.getProperties();
this.loginForm = OsgiUtil.toString(properties.get(PAR_LOGIN_FORM),
AuthenticationFormServlet.SERVLET_PATH);"Login Form URL {}", loginForm);
final String authName = OsgiUtil.toString(
final String authStorage = OsgiUtil.toString(
if (AUTH_STORAGE_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE.equals(authStorage)) {
this.authStorage = new SessionStorage(authName);"Using HTTP Session store with attribute name {}",
} else {
this.authStorage = new CookieStorage(authName);"Using Cookie store with name {}", authName);
this.attrCookieAuthData = OsgiUtil.toString(
DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);"Setting Auth Data attribute name {}", attrCookieAuthData);
int timeoutMinutes = OsgiUtil.toInteger(
if (timeoutMinutes < 1) {
timeoutMinutes = DEFAULT_AUTH_TIMEOUT;
}"Setting session timeout {} minutes", timeoutMinutes);
this.sessionTimeout = MINUTES * timeoutMinutes;
final String tokenFileName = OsgiUtil.toString(
final File tokenFile = getTokenFile(tokenFileName,
componentContext.getBundleContext());"Storing tokens in {}", tokenFile.getAbsolutePath());
this.tokenStore = new TokenStore(tokenFile, sessionTimeout);
this.loginModule = null;
try {
this.loginModule = FormLoginModulePlugin.register(this,
} catch (Throwable t) {"Cannot register FormLoginModulePlugin. This is expected if Sling LoginModulePlugin services are not supported");
log.debug("dump", t);
this.includeLoginForm = OsgiUtil.toBoolean(properties.get(PAR_INCLUDE_FORM), DEFAULT_INCLUDE_FORM);
this.loginAfterExpire = OsgiUtil.toBoolean(properties.get(PAR_LOGIN_AFTER_EXPIRE), DEFAULT_LOGIN_AFTER_EXPIRE);
protected void deactivate(
@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentContext componentContext) {
if (loginModule != null) {
loginModule = null;
* Returns an absolute file indicating the file to use to persist the
* security tokens.
* <p>
* This method is not part of the API of this class and is package private
* to enable unit tests.
* @param tokenFileName The configured file name, must not be null
* @param bundleContext The BundleContext to use to make an relative file
* absolute
* @return The absolute file
File getTokenFile(final String tokenFileName,
final BundleContext bundleContext) {
File tokenFile = new File(tokenFileName);
if (tokenFile.isAbsolute()) {
return tokenFile;
tokenFile = bundleContext.getDataFile(tokenFileName);
if (tokenFile == null) {
final String slingHome = bundleContext.getProperty("sling.home");
if (slingHome != null) {
tokenFile = new File(slingHome, tokenFileName);
} else {
tokenFile = new File(tokenFileName);
return tokenFile.getAbsoluteFile();
* Returns the user id from the authentication data. If the authentication
* data is a non-<code>null</code> value with 3 fields separated by an @
* sign, the value of the third field is returned. Otherwise
* <code>null</code> is returned.
* <p>
* This method is not part of the API of this class and is package private
* to enable unit tests.
* @param authData
* @return
String getUserId(final String authData) {
if (authData != null) {
String[] parts = StringUtils.split(authData, "@");
if (parts != null && parts.length == 3) {
return parts[2];
return null;
* Refresh the cookie periodically.
* @param sessionTimeout time to live for the session
* @return true or false
private boolean needsRefresh(final String authData,
final long sessionTimeout) {
boolean updateCookie = false;
if (authData == null) {
updateCookie = true;
} else {
String[] parts = StringUtils.split(authData, "@");
if (parts != null && parts.length == 3) {
long cookieTime = Long.parseLong(parts[1].substring(1));
if (System.currentTimeMillis() + (sessionTimeout / 2) > cookieTime) {
updateCookie = true;
return updateCookie;
* The <code>AuthenticationStorage</code> interface abstracts the API
* required to store the {@link CookieAuthData} in an HTTP cookie or in an
* HTTP Session. The concrete class -- {@link CookieExtractor} or
* {@link SessionExtractor} -- is selected using the
* {@link CookieAuthenticationHandler#PAR_AUTH_HASH_STORAGE} configuration
* parameter, {@link CookieExtractor} by default.
private static interface AuthenticationStorage {
String extractAuthenticationInfo(HttpServletRequest request);
void set(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
String authData);
void clear(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);
* The <code>CookieExtractor</code> class supports storing the
* {@link CookieAuthData} in an HTTP Cookie.
private static class CookieStorage implements AuthenticationStorage {
private final String cookieName;
public CookieStorage(final String cookieName) {
this.cookieName = cookieName;
public String extractAuthenticationInfo(HttpServletRequest request) {
Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
if (cookies != null) {
for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
if (this.cookieName.equals(cookie.getName())) {
// found the cookie, so try to extract the credentials
// from it
String value = cookie.getValue();
// reverse the base64 encoding
try {
return new String(Base64.decodeBase64(value),
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
throw new RuntimeException(e1);
return null;
public void set(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, String authData) {
// base64 encode to handle any special characters
String cookieValue;
try {
cookieValue = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(authData.getBytes("UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
throw new RuntimeException(e1);
// send the cookie to the response
setCookie(request, response, cookieValue, -1);
public void clear(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
Cookie oldCookie = null;
Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
if (cookies != null) {
for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
if (this.cookieName.equals(cookie.getName())) {
// found the cookie
oldCookie = cookie;
// remove the old cookie from the client
if (oldCookie != null) {
setCookie(request, response, "", 0);
private void setCookie(final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response, final String value,
final int age) {
final String ctxPath = request.getContextPath();
final String cookiePath = (ctxPath == null || ctxPath.length() == 0)
? "/"
: ctxPath;
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(this.cookieName, value);
* The <code>SessionExtractor</code> class provides support to store the
* {@link CookieAuthData} in an HTTP Session.
private static class SessionStorage implements AuthenticationStorage {
private final String sessionAttributeName;
SessionStorage(final String sessionAttributeName) {
this.sessionAttributeName = sessionAttributeName;
public String extractAuthenticationInfo(HttpServletRequest request) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session != null) {
Object attribute = session.getAttribute(sessionAttributeName);
if (attribute instanceof String) {
return (String) attribute;
return null;
public void set(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, String authData) {
// store the auth hash as a session attribute
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute(sessionAttributeName, authData);
public void clear(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session != null) {