blob: 7f08fcd5572e8cc61bd981474611f8e27f5c549e [file] [log] [blame]
"+ Entry",
"-- Default --",
"Action Config Groups",
"Actions Error Message",
"Add Classes",
"Add Components",
"Add Site Group",
"Add Template",
"Add Transformation",
"Additional Attributes",
"Additional Properties",
"Agent Target",
"Alert Class",
"Allow Fullscreen",
"Allowed Parameters",
"Allowed Paths",
"Allowed Properties",
"Allowed Roots",
"Already Optimized",
"Alt Text",
"Alternative text...",
"An unexpected exception occurred rendering the response.",
"Apache Sling",
"Apache Software Foundation",
"Async Delivery",
"Auto Checkout",
"Available Component Types",
"Base Page",
"Base Path",
"Before {0}",
"Blog Post",
"Bootstrap CSS Policy",
"Bottom Center",
"Bottom Left",
"Bottom Right",
"Browse / Drag File(s)",
"Bulk Publication",
"Bulk Replace",
"Button Class",
"CMS - Base Page",
"CMS - Editor Page",
"CMS - Error Page",
"CMS - Fragment Page",
"CMS - Modal Page",
"CMS Reference",
"CTA Class",
"CTA Classes",
"CTA Link",
"Call to Action",
"Center Left",
"Center Right",
"Change Password",
"Check Field Class",
"Check Input Class",
"Check Label Class",
"Code Block",
"Column Control",
"Component Configurations",
"Component Policies",
"Config Context",
"Configuration Fields",
"Configuration Type",
"Configure Site",
"Connection Timeout",
"Contact Form",
"Container Class",
"Content Not Published",
"Content Packages",
"Content Published",
"Content Type",
"Core schema meta-schema",
"Create Authorizable Folder",
"Create Config",
"Create Folder",
"Create Group",
"Create Language",
"Create Mapping",
"Create Page",
"Create Site",
"Create Taxonomy",
"Create User",
"Create User Generated Content",
"Create Version",
"Create i18n Entry",
"Current Position",
"Datetime Local",
"Default File Editor",
"Default Layout",
"Default Policy",
"Default Site Configuration",
"Delete Content",
"Delete File",
"Delete Folder",
"Delete Group",
"Delete Mapping",
"Delete Page",
"Delete Rendition",
"Delete Site Config",
"Delete Site Group",
"Delete Taxonomy Item",
"Delete Template",
"Delete Transformation",
"Delete User",
"Delete User Generated Content",
"Delete i18n Dictionary",
"Delete the specified page",
"Delete the specified site",
"Disabled Reason",
"Do not fill this out!",
"Do you want to delete:",
"Do you want to publish:",
"Do you want to reorder:",
"Do you want to unpublish:",
"Download Rendition",
"Download file",
"Drop invalid queue items",
"Edit Configuration",
"Edit Configuration Properties",
"Edit Dictionary Properties",
"Edit File",
"Edit File Properties",
"Edit Folder",
"Edit Folder Properties",
"Edit Language",
"Edit Mapping",
"Edit Page",
"Edit Page Properties",
"Edit Properties",
"Edit Site",
"Edit Site Group",
"Edit Site Group Properties",
"Edit Site Properties",
"Edit Taxonomy Item",
"Edit Template",
"Edit Transformation",
"Endpoint URL",
"Error Message",
"Error Page",
"Exact Match",
"Existing Path:",
"Extract File Metadata",
"Field Class",
"Field Config Groups",
"Field Group Class",
"Field Required Class",
"Fields Error Message",
"File Cannot be Optimized",
"File Configurations",
"File Editors",
"File Metadata",
"Find Content",
"Floating Point (Double)",
"Form Class",
"Form ID",
"Forum Post",
"Frame Source",
"Group Members",
"Group Membership",
"Header 1",
"Header 2",
"Header 3",
"Header 4",
"Header 5",
"Hide in Sitemap",
"Home Label",
"Honeypot Name",
"IFrame Class",
"Image Class",
"Image Classes",
"Image Source",
"Include Pagination",
"Input Class",
"Input Type",
"Intermediate Path",
"Internal Redirect",
"Internationalization (i18n)",
"Is Deep",
"Item Class",
"Item Tag",
"Job Name",
"Last Modified",
"Last Publication",
"Last Publication By",
"Last Publication Type",
"List Class",
"List Jobs",
"List Tag",
"Load Content",
"Loading content under path",
"Loads content using the Sling Post Servlet Import.",
"Log Level",
"MIME Type",
"MIME Types",
"Make Versionable",
"Manage Versions",
"Max Grade Level",
"Maximum Grade Level",
"Min Grade Level",
"Minimum Grade Level",
"Move / Copy Config",
"Move / Copy File",
"Move / Copy Folder",
"Move / Copy Group",
"Move / Copy Mapping",
"Move / Copy Page",
"Move / Copy Site",
"Move / Copy Site Group",
"Move / Copy Taxonomy Item",
"Move / Copy Template",
"Move / Copy Transformation",
"Move / Copy User",
"Move/Copy Content",
"Multiple Select?",
"New Password",
"New Window",
"No Results",
"No Selection Message",
"No editor configured for {0}!",
"Node Browser",
"Node Name",
"Not Found",
"Not Published",
"Open In New Window?",
"Optimize File",
"Optimize Files",
"Optimized Size",
"Original Size",
"Override Type",
"Package Builder Target",
"Page Item Class",
"Page Template",
"PageLink Class",
"Pagination Class",
"Password Label",
"Path Depth",
"Path Pattern",
"Policy Path",
"Primary URL",
"Priority Queues",
"Profile Properties",
"Progress Log",
"Provider Config Groups",
"Publication Agent",
"Publication Agents",
"Publication Exporter",
"Publication Exporters",
"Publication Importer",
"Publication Importers",
"Publication Mode",
"Publication Status",
"Published Date",
"Pull Items",
"Queue Processing Enabled",
"Queue Provider",
"Radio / Checkbox",
"Recent Content",
"Reference - Base Page",
"Reference - Blog Post Page",
"Reference Source",
"Regular Expression",
"Reload Container",
"Remove Job",
"Rendition Name",
"Replace Properties",
"Replacement Path",
"Replacing properties under path:",
"Request Authorization Strategy Target",
"Request Parameters",
"Request Password Reset",
"Required Textarea",
"Reset Password",
"Reset Timeout",
"Restore Original",
"Restore Version",
"Restore the content to {0}",
"Result Class",
"Result Header Class",
"Result Message",
"Review User Generated Content",
"Rewrite Configuration",
"Rewritten Attributes",
"Rich Text Editor",
"Row Class",
"Same Window",
"Save As",
"Save File",
"Save i18n Dictionary",
"Search Class",
"Search Form",
"Select Component",
"Select Job",
"Select Policy",
"Select Position:",
"Send Main",
"Set Profile Properties",
"Single Select",
"Site Configurations",
"Site Content",
"Site Group",
"Site Settings",
"Sling CMS",
"Sling CMS - Combobox",
"Sling CMS - Component Configuration",
"Sling CMS - Component Policies",
"Sling CMS - Component Policy",
"Sling CMS - Config Parameter",
"Sling CMS - File Editor",
"Sling CMS - File Metadata",
"Sling CMS - Hidden Field",
"Sling CMS - Input Field",
"Sling CMS - Members",
"Sling CMS - Membership",
"Sling CMS - Policy Configuration",
"Sling CMS - Publication Field",
"Sling CMS - Readability Configuration",
"Sling CMS - Rewriter",
"Sling CMS - Rewriter Configuration",
"Sling CMS - Select Field",
"Sling CMS - Site Settings",
"Sling CMS - Taxonomy Field",
"Sling CMS - Template Configuration",
"Sling CMS - Templates Configuration",
"Sling CMS - Textarea Field",
"Sling CMS - Transformation Configuration",
"Sling CMS - Transformation Crop Handler",
"Sling CMS - Transformation Size Handler",
"Sling CMS - Transformations Configuration",
"Sling CMS Thumbnails",
"Start Job",
"Static Content",
"Style Option",
"Style Options",
"Style Wrapper",
"Submit Class",
"Submit Label",
"Submit Text",
"Subsitution String",
"Success Action",
"Success Message",
"Success Page",
"Suffix Header",
"Suffix Resource",
"Suffix Resource Property",
"System Console",
"Tag Page",
"Tag Root",
"Target Path",
"Taxonomy Item",
"Taxonomy Root",
"Template Content",
"Test Form",
"Text Field",
"The requested content was not found.",
"This is a full-featured Content Management System built using the Apache Sling Framework! To begin, select Manage >> Site on the left to add your first website.",
"Top Center",
"Top Left",
"Top Right",
"Transformation Format",
"Transformation Handlers",
"Transformation Name",
"Transport Secret Provider Target",
"Unexpected Exception",
"Update Mapping",
"Update Profile",
"Update Properties",
"Update References?",
"Update User Generated Content",
"Upload File",
"User Agent",
"User Generated",
"User Generated Content",
"User IP",
"User Profile",
"User Status",
"Username Label",
"Users & Groups",
"Users / Groups",
"View Insights",
"View Job",
"View References",
"Welcome to the Apache Sling CMS!",
"Wrap In Container?",
"Wrap in Page?",
"Wrapper Class",
"Wrapper Classes",
"You cannot access the requested resource.",
"i18n Code",
"i18n Dictionaries",
"i18n Dictionarties",
"i18n Dictionary",
"i18n Dictionary Entries"