blob: ce88ca21c99b9a8a74099636bc0d154115036a86 [file] [log] [blame]
def mvnVersion = 'maven_3_latest' //
def javaVersion = 'jdk_17_latest' //
def helper = new SlingJenkinsHelper()
def jobConfig = [
jdks: [8],
upstreamProjects: [],
archivePatterns: [],
mavenGoal: '',
additionalMavenParams: '',
rebuildFrequency: '@weekly',
enabled: true,
emailRecipients: [],
sonarQubeEnabled: true,
sonarQubeUseAdditionalMavenParams: true,
sonarQubeAdditionalParams: ''
helper.runWithErrorHandling(jobConfig, {
parallel 'linux': generateStages('linux', mvnVersion, javaVersion),
'windows': generateStages('windows', mvnVersion, javaVersion)
// generates os-specific stages
def generateStages(String os, def mvnVersion, def javaVersion) {
def isWindows = os == "windows"
def prefix = isWindows ? "win" : "linux"
def nodeName = isWindows ? "Windows" : "ubuntu"
def stages = [
// use a local repository due to using version ranges in Tycho (
// otherwise resolving metadata might fail as the global repo seems to have invalid metadata
"[$prefix] Build shared code": {
withMaven(maven: mvnVersion, jdk: javaVersion, mavenLocalRepo: '.repository', options: [artifactsPublisher(disabled: true)]) {
timeout(10) {
runCmd "mvn -f shared clean install"
}, "[$prefix] Build CLI bundles": {
withMaven(maven: mvnVersion, jdk: javaVersion, mavenLocalRepo: '.repository', options: [artifactsPublisher(disabled: true)]) {
timeout(10) {
runCmd "mvn -f cli clean install"
}, "[$prefix] Build Eclipse plug-ins": {
withMaven(maven: mvnVersion, jdk: javaVersion, mavenLocalRepo: '.repository', options: [artifactsPublisher(disabled: true)]) {
timeout(20) {
// workaround for
wrap([$class: 'Xvfb', autoDisplayName: true]) {
runCmd 'mvn -f eclipse clean verify'
// workaround for
junit(testResults: 'eclipse/**/surefire-reports/*.xml', allowEmptyResults: true)
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'eclipse/**/logs/*.log', allowEmptyArchive: true)
return {
node(nodeName) {
checkout scm
stages.each { name, body ->
stage(name) {
def runCmd(def cmd) {
if (isUnix() ) {
sh cmd
} else {
bat cmd