blob: be3cbcd9c54ebbb4c7c5935dfbc8ea947148657f [file] [log] [blame]
<div class="section-index">
{{ $pages := (where .Site.Pages "Section" .Section).ByWeight }}
{{ $parent := .Page }}
{{ if $parent.Params.no_list }}
{{/* If no_list is true we don't show a list of subpages */}}
{{ else if $parent.Params.simple_list }}
{{/* If simple_list is true we show a bulleted list of subpages */}}
{{ range $pages }}
{{ if eq .Parent $parent }}
<li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{- .Title -}}</a></li>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{/* Otherwise we show a nice formatted list of subpages with page descriptions */}}
<hr class="panel-line">
{{ range $pages }}
{{ if eq .Parent $parent }}
<div class="entry">
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{- .Title -}}</a>
<p>{{ .Description | markdownify }}</p>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}