blob: bcbd5f571103796b1e481a27036615e1931c26e7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Default values for SkyWalking versions
$SW_VERSION = "9.7.0"
$COMPOSE_FILE_PATH = ".\docker-compose.yml"
$env:BANYANDB_IMAGE = "apache/skywalking-banyandb:$SW_BANYANDB_VERSION"
$env:OAP_IMAGE = "apache/skywalking-oap-server:$SW_VERSION"
$env:UI_IMAGE = "apache/skywalking-ui:$SW_VERSION"
# Unset the SW_STORAGE environment variable at the start of the script
Remove-Item Env:\SW_STORAGE -ErrorAction Ignore
# Ensuring script stops on error
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$storageOptionProvided = $false
$foregroundOptionProvided = $false
# Function to display usage information
function Show-Usage {
Write-Host "Usage: quickstart-docker.ps1 [-h/--help] [-f] [--storage <storage_option>]"
Write-Host "Options:"
Write-Host " -h/--help About running the quickstart script without interaction"
Write-Host " -f Run in foreground mode (docker compose up)"
Write-Host " --storage <option> Set the storage option (elasticsearch or banyandb)"
# Process command-line arguments
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $args.Length; $i++) {
switch ($args[$i]) {
"-h" { Show-Usage; return; }
"--help" { Show-Usage; return; }
"-f" { $DETACHED = $false; $foregroundOptionProvided = $true; }
"--storage" {
if ($i -lt $args.Length - 1) {
$env:SW_STORAGE = $args[++$i]
$storageOptionProvided = $true
# Validate storage option if provided
if ($storageOptionProvided -and -not ($env:SW_STORAGE -eq "elasticsearch" -or $env:SW_STORAGE -eq "banyandb")) {
throw "Invalid storage option: $env:SW_STORAGE. Valid options are 'elasticsearch' or 'banyandb'."
else {
throw "Error: --storage option requires an argument."
default {
throw "Invalid option: $($args[$i]), try -h or --help"
if (-not (Get-Command "docker" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
throw "Docker is not found. Please make sure Docker is installed and the docker command is available in PATH.`n"
Write-Host "Docker is installed, continue...`n"
# In place download, prompt user before overriding
if (Test-Path -Path $COMPOSE_FILE_PATH) {
Write-Host "A docker-compose.yml already exists in the current directory.`n"
$reuseFlag = Read-Host "Would you like to override the existing manifest (default: False)? [Y/n]: "
$DOWNLOAD = $false
if ($reuseFlag -eq 'y' -or $reuseFlag -eq 'Y') {
$DOWNLOAD = $true
} else {
$DOWNLOAD = $true
if ($DOWNLOAD) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile $COMPOSE_FILE_PATH
Write-Host "Downloaded SkyWalking Docker Compose manifest to the current directory...`n"
else {
Write-Host "Attempting to reuse the existing SkyWalking Docker Compose manifest from the current directory.`n"
# If SW_STORAGE is not set, prompt the user to select a storage option
if (-not $storageOptionProvided) {
Write-Host "Please select a storage option:"
Write-Host "1. Elasticsearch"
Write-Host "2. BanyanDB ($SW_BANYANDB_VERSION)"
$storage_option = Read-Host "Enter the number of your choice"
# Validate and process the input
if ($storage_option -eq "1") {
$env:SW_STORAGE = "elasticsearch"
Write-Host "You have selected: Elasticsearch as the storage option.`n"
elseif ($storage_option -eq "2") {
$env:SW_STORAGE = "banyandb"
Write-Host "You have selected: BanyanDB as the storage option.`n"
else {
throw "Invalid choice. Please enter 1 or 2.`n"
if (-not $foregroundOptionProvided) {
$detachedFlag = Read-Host "Do you want to run Docker in detached mode (default: True)? [Y/n]: "
$DETACHED = $true
if ($detachedFlag -eq 'n' -or $detachedFlag -eq 'N') {
$DETACHED = $false
# Concatenate detached flag here
$composeCommand = "docker compose -f $COMPOSE_FILE_PATH --project-name=skywalking-quickstart --profile=$env:SW_STORAGE up"
# Note the leading blank " --"
if ($DETACHED) {
$composeCommand += " --detach --wait" # --wait implies implicit detached mode, just to be safe provide both
# Attempt to start Docker compose
Write-Host "Starting to set up SkyWalking ($SW_VERSION) with $env:SW_STORAGE storage, this might take a while...`n"
Invoke-Expression $composeCommand
# Check if the command was successful, try catch won't work here
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "`nFailed to start SkyWalking. Please check the Docker compose logs for more information.`n"
else {
Write-Host "`nSkyWalking is now running. You can send telemetry data to localhost:11800 and access the UI at http://localhost:8080.`n"
if ($env:SW_STORAGE -eq "banyandb") {
Write-Host "You can access BanyanDB web UI at http://localhost:17913.`n"
Write-Host "To find SkyWalking Docs, follow the link to our documentation site`n"
Write-Host "To stop SkyWalking, run 'docker compose --project-name=skywalking-quickstart down'.`n"