Add SkyWalking on AWS Terraform Documentation (#20)

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 - Amazon Web Services (AWS): go to the [aws](aws) folder for more details.
+## Prerequisites
+1. Terraform installed
+2. AWS Credentials: Ensure your environment is set up with the necessary AWS credentials. This can be done in various ways, such as:
+  - Configuring using the AWS CLI.
+  - Setting up environment variables (`AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`).
+  - Using IAM roles with necessary permissions if you're running Terraform on an AWS EC2 instance.
+  - For more information on configuring AWS credentials for Terraform, see the [official documentation](
+3. A working knowledge of Terraform and AWS resources
+## Instructions
+### 1. Initialization
+Before applying any Terraform script, initialize your Terraform working directory:
+cd aws/
+terraform init
+### 2. Configuration
+The script is designed with modularity and reusability in mind. Various parameters like region, instance count, instance type, etc., are exposed as variables for easier customization.
+#### Variables:
+| Variable Name       | Description                                          | Default Value               |
+| `oap_instance_count`| Number of SkyWalking OAP instances                   | `1`                         |
+| `ui_instance_count` | Number of SkyWalking UI instances                    | `1`                         |
+| `region`            | AWS region where resources will be provisioned       | `us-east-1`                 |
+| `instance_type`     | AWS instance type for SkyWalking OAP and UI          | `t2.medium`                 |
+| `public_key_path`   | Path where the SSH key for instances will be stored  | `~/.ssh`                    |
+| `extra_tags`        | Additional tags that can be applied to all resources | `{}`                        |
+To modify the default values, you can create a `terraform.tfvars` file in the same directory as your Terraform script:
+oap_instance_count = 2
+ui_instance_count  = 2
+region             = "us-west-1"
+instance_type      = "t2.large"
+public_key_path    = "/path/to/your/desired/location"
+extra_tags         = {
+  "Environment" = "Production"
+### 3. Test and apply the outcomes of the Script
+After adjusting your configuration, test and apply the script:
+terraform plan
+terraform apply
+### 4. Accessing the Resources
+Once the resources are created:
+- **SkyWalking OAP and UI instances**: You can SSH into the instances using the generated key pair. The public IPs of these instances are stored in local files (`oap-server` and `ui-server` respectively) under the `ansible/inventory/` directory, relative to the module's path.
+ssh -i /path/to/skywalking.pem ec2-user@<INSTANCE_PUBLIC_IP>
+- **Security Groups**: Two security groups are created:
+  - `ssh-access`: Allows SSH access from any IP (``). **Please note** that this is potentially insecure and you should restrict the IP range wherever possible.
+  - `public-egress-access`: Allows egress access to the internet for the instances.
+### 5. Tearing Down
+To destroy the resources when they are no longer needed:
+terraform destroy
+This command will prompt you to confirm before destroying the resources.
+## Security Note
+SSH access is open to the entire internet (``). This is not recommended for production environments. Always restrict the CIDR block to known IP ranges for better security.
 # Ansible
 You can use the Ansible playbook in combination with the Terraform to create necessary infrastructure and install
 SkyWalking on the created infrastructure, or you can use the Ansible to install SkyWalking on the existing infrastructure.
-The Ansible playbook and documentation about how to use it can be found in the [ansible](ansible) folder.
+This guide provides steps on using Ansible to install Apache SkyWalking on AWS instances.
+## Prerequisites
+1. Ansible installed.
+2. A working knowledge of Ansible and AWS resources.
+3. An active SSH key and access to AWS EC2 instances.
+## Instructions
+### 1. Change diroectory and set the SSH Key File Path
+Save the SSH key file path generated by Terraform to a variable for future use:
+cd ansible
+SSH_KEY_FILE=$(terraform -chdir=../aws output -raw ssh-user-key-file)
+**Expected Output**:
+You should see a file path similar to: `/Users/kezhenxu94/.ssh/skywalking.pem`
+### 2. Test Connectivity to the EC2 Instances
+Before installing SkyWalking, ensure that you can connect to the EC2 instances:
+ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible -m ping all -u ec2-user --private-key "$SSH_KEY_FILE"
+**Expected Output**:
+You should see output for each IP with a `SUCCESS` status:
+<ip1> | SUCCESS => {
+    "ansible_facts": {
+        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
+    },
+    "changed": false,
+    "ping": "pong"
+<ip2> | SUCCESS => {
+    "ansible_facts": {
+        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
+    },
+    "changed": false,
+    "ping": "pong"
+### 3. Install Apache SkyWalking
+After confirming connectivity, proceed to install Apache SkyWalking using the Ansible playbook:
+ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -u ec2-user --private-key "$SSH_KEY_FILE" playbooks/install-skywalking.yml
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-# Ansible playbook to install Apache SkyWalking
-- Save the ssh key file path to a variable for future use
-SSH_KEY_FILE=$(terraform -chdir=../aws output -raw ssh-user-key-file)
-You should see a file path similar to `/Users/kezhenxu94/.ssh/skywalking.pem`.
-- Test connectivity to the EC2 instances
-ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible -m ping all -u ec2-user --private-key "$SSH_KEY_FILE"
-You should see output similar to the following, note the `SUCCESS` status:
-<ip1> | SUCCESS => {
-    "ansible_facts": {
-        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
-    },
-    "changed": false,
-    "ping": "pong"
-<ip2> | SUCCESS => {
-    "ansible_facts": {
-        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
-    },
-    "changed": false,
-    "ping": "pong"
-- Install Apache SkyWalking!
-ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -u ec2-user --private-key "$SSH_KEY_FILE" playbooks/install-skywalking.yml