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Apache SkyWalking Cloud on Kubernetes
<img src="" alt="Sky Walking logo" height="90px" align="right" />
A bridge project between [Apache SkyWalking]( and Kubernetes.
SWCK is a platform for the SkyWalking user that provisions, upgrades, maintains SkyWalking relevant components, and makes them work natively on Kubernetes.
# Features
* Java Agent Injector: Inject the java agent into the application pod natively.
* Inject the java agent into the application pod.
* Leverage a global configuration to simplify the agent and injector setup.
* Use the annotation to customize specific workloads.
* Synchronize injecting status to `JavaAgent` CR for monitoring purposes.
* Operator: Provision and maintain SkyWalking backend components.
* Custom Metrics Adapter: Provides custom metrics coming from SkyWalking OAP cluster for autoscaling by Kubernetes HPA
# Quick Start
You can follow the [Getting Started](docs/ to deploy swck on a testing Kubernetes cluster quickly and try out the skywalking components end to end.
## Java Agent Injector
* Install the [Operator](#operator)
* Label the namespace with `swck-injection=enabled`
$ kubectl label namespace default(your namespace) swck-injection=enabled
* Add label `swck-java-agent-injected: "true"` to the workloads
For more details, please read [Java agent injector](/docs/
## Operator
* To install the operator in an existing cluster, ensure you have [`cert-manager`]( installed.
* Apply the manifests for the Controller and CRDs in release/config:
kubectl apply -f skywalking-swck-<SWCK_VERSION>-bin/config/operator-bundle.yaml
* Also, you could deploy the operator quickly based on **Master Branch** or **Stable Release**:
kubectl apply -k ""
kubectl apply -k ""
For more details, please refer to [deploy operator](docs/
## Custom Metrics Adapter
* Deploy the OAP server by referring to Operator Quick Start.
* Apply the manifests for an adapter in release/adapter/config:
kubectl apply -f skywalking-swck-<SWCK_VERSION>-bin/config/adapter-bundle.yaml
* Also, you could deploy the adapter quickly based on **Master Branch** or **Stable Release**:
kubectl apply -k ""
kubectl apply -k ""
For more details, please read [Custom metrics adapter](docs/
# Contributing
For developers who want to contribute to this project, see [Contribution Guide]( What's more, we have a guide about how to add new CRDs and Controllers, see [How to add new CRD and Controller in SWCK](docs/
# License
[Apache 2.0 License.](/LICENSE)