blob: a9465b37a71d5199145d5cba7b79cba1861a4592 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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use base64::{decode, encode};
use crate::skywalking::agent::reporter::Reporter;
use crate::skywalking::core::{ID, Span};
use crate::skywalking::core::context_carrier::{Extractable, Injectable};
use crate::skywalking::core::id::IDGenerator;
use crate::skywalking::core::segment_ref::SegmentRef;
use crate::skywalking::core::span::TracingSpan;
/// Context represents the context of a tracing process.
/// All new span belonging to this tracing context should be created through this context.
pub trait Context {
/// Create an entry span belonging this context
fn create_entry_span(&mut self, operation_name: &str, parent_span_id: Option<i32>, extractor: Option<&dyn Extractable>) -> Box<dyn Span>;
/// Create an exit span belonging this context
fn create_exit_span(&mut self, operation_name: &str, parent_span_id: Option<i32>, peer: &str, injector: Option<&dyn Injectable>) -> Box<dyn Span>;
/// Create an local span belonging this context
fn create_local_span(&mut self, operation_name: &str, parent_span_id: Option<i32>) -> Box<dyn Span>;
/// Finish the given span. The span is only being accept if it belongs to this context.
/// Return err if the span was created by another context.
fn finish_span(&mut self, span: Box<dyn Span>);
pub struct TracingContext {
/// Span id sequence. Indicate the number of created spans.
next_seq: i32,
primary_trace_id: ID,
segment_id: ID,
self_generated_id: bool,
entry_endpoint_name: Option<String>,
first_ref: Option<SegmentRef>,
service_instance_id: i32,
finished_spans: Vec<Box<dyn Span>>,
impl TracingContext {
/// Create a new instance
pub fn new(service_instance_id: Option<i32>) -> Option<TracingContext> {
match service_instance_id {
None => { None }
Some(id) => {
Some(TracingContext {
next_seq: -1,
primary_trace_id: IDGenerator::new_id(id),
segment_id: IDGenerator::new_id(id),
self_generated_id: true,
entry_endpoint_name: None,
first_ref: None,
service_instance_id: id,
finished_spans: Vec::new(),
pub fn service_instance_id(&self) -> i32 {
pub fn first_ref(&self) -> &Option<SegmentRef> {
pub fn entry_endpoint_name(&self) -> &Option<String> {
pub fn trace_id(&self) -> ID {
pub fn segment_id(&self) -> ID {
/// Fetch the next id for new span
fn next_span_id(&mut self) -> i32 {
self.next_seq = self.next_seq + 1;
/// Default implementation of Context
impl Context for TracingContext {
fn create_entry_span(&mut self, operation_name: &str, parent_span_id: Option<i32>, extractor: Option<&dyn Extractable>) -> Box<dyn Span> {
let mut entry_span = TracingSpan::new_entry_span(operation_name, self.next_span_id(), match parent_span_id {
None => { -1 }
Some(s) => { s }
if extractor.is_some() {
match SegmentRef::from_text(extractor.unwrap().extract("sw6".to_string())) {
Some(reference) => {
if self.self_generated_id {
self.self_generated_id = false;
self.primary_trace_id = reference.get_trace_id();
if self.first_ref.is_none() {
self.first_ref = Some(reference.clone());
self.entry_endpoint_name = Some(String::from(operation_name))
_ => {}
fn create_exit_span(&mut self, operation_name: &str, parent_span_id: Option<i32>, peer: &str, injector: Option<&dyn Injectable>) -> Box<dyn Span> {
let exit_span = TracingSpan::new_exit_span(operation_name, self.next_span_id(), match parent_span_id {
None => { -1 }
Some(s) => { s }
}, peer);
if injector.is_some() {
injector.unwrap().inject(String::from("sw6"), SegmentRef::for_across_process(self, &exit_span, &peer).serialize());
fn create_local_span(&mut self, operation_name: &str, parent_span_id: Option<i32>) -> Box<dyn Span> {
Box::new(TracingSpan::new_local_span(operation_name, self.next_span_id(), match parent_span_id {
None => { -1 }
Some(s) => { s }
fn finish_span(&mut self, mut span: Box<dyn Span>) {
if !span.is_ended() {
mod context_tests {
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
use crate::skywalking::core::{Context, ContextListener, Extractable, ID, Injectable, Tag, TracingContext};
fn test_context_stack() {
let reporter = MockReporter::new();
let mut context = TracingContext::new(reporter.service_instance_id()).unwrap();
let span1 = context.create_entry_span("op1", None, Some(&MockerHeader {}));
assert_eq!(span1.span_id(), 0);
let mut span2 = context.create_local_span("op2", Some(span1.span_id()));
span2.tag(Tag::new(String::from("tag1"), String::from("value1")));
assert_eq!(span2.span_id(), 1);
let span3 = context.create_exit_span("op3", Some(span2.span_id()), "", Some(&HeaderCarrier {}));
assert_eq!(span3.span_id(), 2);
// context has moved into reporter. Can't be used again.
let received_context = reporter.recv.recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(received_context.primary_trace_id == ID::new(3, 4, 5), true);
assert_eq!(received_context.finished_spans.len(), 3);
fn test_no_context() {
let context = TracingContext::new(None);
assert_eq!(context.is_none(), true);
struct MockReporter {
sender: Box<Sender<Box<TracingContext>>>,
recv: Box<Receiver<Box<TracingContext>>>,
impl MockReporter {
fn new() -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
MockReporter {
sender: Box::new(tx),
recv: Box::new(rx),
impl ContextListener for MockReporter {
fn service_instance_id(&self) -> Option<i32> {
fn report_trace(&self, finished_context: Box<TracingContext>) {
struct MockerHeader {}
impl Extractable for MockerHeader {
fn extract(&self, key: String) -> &str {
struct HeaderCarrier {}
impl Injectable for HeaderCarrier {
fn inject(&self, key: String, value: String) {
assert_eq!(key, "sw6");
assert_eq!(value.len() > 0, true);