blob: bc79c1f692f5c7bb9e782ed7189b8cd2222b1fde [file] [log] [blame]
const m = {
hourTip: 'Select Hour',
minuteTip: 'Select Minute',
secondTip: 'Select Second',
second: 's',
yearSuffix: 'Year',
monthsHead: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec',
months: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec',
weeks: 'Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fir_Sat_Sun',
hello: 'Hello',
helloMessage: 'Welcome Back, Apache SkyWalking APM System !',
username: 'Username',
password: 'Password',
title: 'Title',
width: 'Width',
height: 'Height',
login: 'Login Now',
signout: 'Sign Out',
dashboard: 'Dashboard',
topology: 'Topology',
trace: 'Trace',
alarm: 'Alarm',
auto: 'Auto',
reload: 'Reload',
usermode: 'User Mode',
editmode: 'Edit Mode',
currentService: 'Current Service',
currentEndpoint: 'Current Endpoint',
currentInstance: 'Current Instance',
currentVersion: 'Current Version',
currentPage: 'Current Page',
version: 'Version',
page: 'Page',
currentDatabase: 'Current Database',
templateConfig: 'Template Configuration',
copy: 'Copy',
reset: 'Reset',
apply: 'Apply',
createTemplate: 'Create Template',
templateType: 'Template Type',
templateName: 'Template Name',
template: 'Template',
confirm: 'Confirm',
cancel: 'Cancel',
createTab: 'Create Tab',
tabName: 'Tab Name',
nouse: 'No Use',
allServices: 'All Services',
serviceDetail: 'Service Detail',
detectPoint: 'Detect Point',
callType: 'Call Type',
server: 'Server',
client: 'Client',
name: 'Name',
type: 'Type',
cpm: 'Cpm',
sla: 'SLA',
latency: 'Latency',
avgResponseTime: 'Avg Response Time ( ms )',
avgThroughput: 'Load (CPM - calls per minute)',
avgSLA: 'Successful Rate ( % )',
all: 'All',
success: 'Success',
error: 'Error',
service: 'Service',
instance: 'Instance',
database: 'Database',
endpoint: 'Endpoint',
cache: 'Cache',
global: 'Global',
serviceendpoint: 'ServiceEndpoint',
serviceinstance: 'ServiceInstance',
databaseaccess: 'DatabaseAccess',
servicerelation: 'ServiceRelation',
serviceinstancerelation: 'ServiceInstanceRelation',
endpointrelation: 'EndpointRelation',
status: 'Status',
endpointName: 'Endpoint Name',
search: 'Search',
clear: 'Clear',
more: 'More',
traceID: 'TraceID',
range: 'Range',
timeRange: 'Time Range',
duration: 'Duration',
startTime: 'startTime',
start: 'Start',
spans: 'Spans',
spanInfo: 'Span Info',
spanType: 'Span Type',
time: 'Time',
tags: 'Tags',
logs: 'Logs',
component: 'Component',
table: 'Table',
list: 'List',
tree: 'Tree',
filterScope: 'Filter Scope',
searchKeyword: 'Search Keyword',
quarterHourCutTip: 'Last 15 mins',
halfHourCutTip: 'Last 30 mins',
hourCutTip: 'Last 1 hour',
dayCutTip: 'Last 1 day',
weekCutTip: 'Last 1 week',
monthCutTip: 'Last 1 month',
serverZone: 'Server Zone',
percentResponse: 'Response Time Percentile ( ms )',
exportImage: 'Export image',
queryData: 'Query',
previousService: 'Previous Service',
nextService: 'Next Service',
object: 'Object',
metrics: 'Metrics',
ShowInstanceDependency: 'Show Instance Dependency',
InstanceDependencyTitle: 'Service Instance Dependency',
profile: 'Profile',
newTask: 'New Task',
monitorTime: 'Monitor Time',
monitorDuration: 'Monitor Duration',
minThreshold: 'Min Duration Threshold',
dumpPeriod: 'Dump Period',
createTask: 'Create Task',
maxSamplingCount: 'Max Sampling Count',
analyze: 'Analyze',
noData: 'No Data',
taskInfo: 'Task Information',
task: 'Task',
operationType: 'Operation Type',
operationTime: 'Operation Time',
taskView: 'View Task',
includeChildren: 'Include Children',
excludeChildren: 'Exclude Children',
view: 'View',
timeTips: 'Time interval cannot exceed 60 days',
standardAPM: 'Standard',
entityType: 'Entity type',
independentSelector: 'Selectors',
unknownMetrics: 'Unknown Metrics',
labels: 'Labels',
aggregation: 'Data Calculation',
unit: 'Unit',
labelsIndex: 'Label Subscript',
parentService: 'Parent Service',
isParentService: 'Set Parent Service',
noneParentService: 'No Parent Service',
serviceFilter: 'Service Filter',
endpointFilter: 'Endpoint Filter',
editConfig: 'Edit Config',
databaseView: 'Database',
browserView: 'Browser',
metricsView: 'NOC - Network Operation Center',
sortOrder: 'Sort Order',
descendOrder: 'Descend Order',
increaseOrder: 'Increase Order',
defaultOrder: 'Default Order',
chartType: 'Chart Type',
currentDepth: 'Current Depth',
'Only tags defined in the core/default/searchableTagKeys are searchable. Check more details on the Configuration Vocabulary page',
traceLink: 'Configuration Vocabulary page',
traceAddTag: 'Please add a tag',
log: 'Log',
logCategory: 'Log Category',
errorCatalog: 'Error Catalog',
logDetail: 'Log Detail ',
export default m;