blob: f23649cccd362e5c6f131eb97b3d272c55f3c609 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const m = {
hourTip: '选择小时',
minuteTip: '选择分钟',
secondTip: '选择秒数',
second: '秒',
yearSuffix: '年',
monthsHead: '1月_2月_3月_4月_5月_6月_7月_8月_9月_10月_11月_12月',
months: '一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_六月_七月_八月_九月_十月_十一月_十二月',
weeks: '一_二_三_四_五_六_日',
hello: '你好',
helloMessage: '欢迎来到, Apache SkyWalking APM 系统 !',
username: '用户名',
password: '密码',
title: '标题',
width: '宽度',
height: '高度',
login: '登录',
signout: '登出',
dashboard: '仪表盘',
topology: '拓扑图',
trace: '追踪',
alarm: '告警',
auto: '自动',
reload: '刷新',
usermode: '用户模式',
editmode: '编辑模式',
currentService: '当前服务',
currentEndpoint: '当前端点',
currentInstance: '当前实例',
currentVersion: '当前版本',
currentPage: '当前页面',
version: '版本',
page: '页面',
currentDatabase: '当前数据库',
templateConfig: '模版配置',
copy: '拷贝',
reset: '重制',
apply: '应用',
createTemplate: '创建模板',
templateType: '模板类型',
templateName: '模板名称',
template: '模版',
confirm: '确定',
cancel: '取消',
createTab: '创建分页',
tabName: '分页名',
nouse: '不使用',
allServices: '所有服务',
serviceDetail: '服务详情',
detectPoint: '侦察端',
callType: '调用类型',
server: '服务端',
client: '客户端',
name: '名称',
type: '类型',
cpm: '每分钟请求量',
sla: 'SLA',
latency: '延迟',
avgResponseTime: '平均响应时间',
avgThroughput: '平均吞吐量',
avgSLA: '平均SLA',
all: '全部',
success: '成功',
error: '失败',
service: '服务',
instance: '实例',
endpoint: '端点',
database: '数据库',
cache: '存储器',
global: '全局',
serviceendpoint: '服务端点',
serviceinstance: '服务实例',
databaseaccess: '数据库存取',
servicerelation: '服务关系',
serviceinstancerelation: '服务实例关系',
endpointrelation: '服务端点关系',
status: '状态',
endpointName: '端点名称',
search: '搜索',
clear: '清空',
more: '更多',
traceID: '追踪ID',
range: '范围',
timeRange: '时间范围',
duration: '持续时间',
startTime: '开始时间',
start: '起始点',
spans: '跨度',
spanInfo: '跨度信息',
spanType: '跨度类型',
time: '时间',
tags: '标记',
logs: '日志',
component: '组件',
table: '表格',
list: '列表',
tree: '树结构',
filterScope: '过滤范围',
searchKeyword: '关键字搜索',
quarterHourCutTip: '最近15分钟',
halfHourCutTip: '最近30分钟',
hourCutTip: '最近1小时',
dayCutTip: '最近1天',
weekCutTip: '最近1周',
monthCutTip: '最近1月',
serverZone: '服务器时区',
percentResponse: '百分比响应',
exportImage: '导出为图片',
queryData: '数据查询',
previousService: '上一个服务',
nextService: '下一个服务',
object: '粒度',
metrics: '指标',
ShowInstanceDependency: '展示实例依赖',
InstanceDependencyTitle: '实例依赖',
profile: '性能剖析',
newTask: '新建任务',
monitorTime: '监控时间',
monitorDuration: '监控持续时间',
minThreshold: '起始监控时间',
dumpPeriod: '监控间隔',
createTask: '新建任务',
maxSamplingCount: '最大采样数',
analyze: '分析',
noData: '数据为空',
taskInfo: '任务详情',
task: '任务',
operationType: '操作类型',
operationTime: '操作时间',
taskView: '查看任务详情',
includeChildren: '包含子部分',
excludeChildren: '不包含子部分',
view: '查看',
timeTips: '时间区间不能超过60天',
standardAPM: '标准APM',
entityType: '实体类型',
independentSelector: '独立选择器',
unknownMetrics: '未知指标',
labels: '标签',
aggregation: '数据计算',
unit: '单位',
labelsIndex: '标签下标',
parentService: '父级服务',
isParentService: '设置父服务',
noneParentService: '不设置父服务',
serviceGroup: '服务组',
endpointFilter: '端点过滤器',
editConfig: '编辑',
databaseView: '数据库视图',
browserView: '浏览器视图',
metricsView: '大屏视图',
sortOrder: '排序方式',
descendOrder: '递减顺序',
increaseOrder: '递增顺序',
defaultOrder: '默认顺序',
chartType: '图表类型',
currentDepth: '当前深度',
traceTagsTip: '只有core/default/searchableTracesTags中定义的标记才可搜索。查看配置词汇表页面上的更多详细信息。',
tagsLink: '配置词汇页',
addTag: '请添加标签',
log: '日志',
logCategory: '日志类别',
errorCatalog: '错误类目',
logDetail: '日志详情',
timeReload: '时间间隔必须大于0',
errorInfo: '错误信息',
stack: '堆栈',
serviceVersion: '服务版本',
errorPage: '错误页面',
category: '类别',
grade: '等级',
relatedTraceLogs: '相关的日志',
setConditions: '更多条件',
metricName: '指标名称',
keywordsOfContent: '内容关键词',
excludingKeywordsOfContent: '内容不包含的关键词',
return: '返回',
isError: '错误',
contentType: '内容类型',
content: '内容',
viewLogs: '查看日志',
logsTagsTip: '只有core/default/searchableLogsTags中定义的标记才可搜索。查看配置词汇表页面上的更多详细信息。',
export default m;