blob: 469ed9f16ed950e0d3927812336dd8cccd2730f5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Define how to find which process needs profiling
input EBPFProfilingProcessFinder {
# the way to address the target process
finderType: EBPFProfilingProcessFinderType!
# appoint process ID when use the "PROCESS_ID" finder type
processId: ID
# The creation request of eBPF profiling fixed time task
input EBPFProfilingTaskFixedTimeCreationRequest {
# define how to find the process
processFinder: EBPFProfilingProcessFinder!
# the task start timestamp(ms), if less then or equal zero means the task starts ASAP
startTime: Long!
# the profiling duration(s)
duration: Int!
# the task profiling target type
targetType: EBPFProfilingTargetType!
# eBPF Profiling task creation result
type EBPFProfilingTaskCreationResult {
# TRUE if the task is created successfully
status: Boolean!
# error reason when status == FALSE
errorReason: String
# The task ID when status = TRUE
id: String
# query eBPF profiling task condition
input EBPFProfilingTaskCondition {
# the process finder type of profiling task
finderType: EBPFProfilingProcessFinderType
# service ID of process which need profiling
serviceId: ID
# instance ID of process which need profiling
instanceId: ID
# instance ID of process which need profiling
processId: ID
# eBPF profiling task data
type EBPFProfilingTask {
# profiling task ID
taskId: ID!
# profiling process finder type
processFinderType: EBPFProfilingProcessFinderType!
# service of profiling task
serviceId: ID
serviceName: String
# instance of profiling task
instanceId: ID
instanceName: String
# process of profiling task
processId: ID
processName: String
# Start time of the task, type is timestamp.
taskStartTime: Long!
# profiling task trigger type
triggerType: EBPFProfilingTriggerType!
# "FIXED_TIME" type task profiling duration
fixedTriggerDuration: Long
# profiling task target type
targetType: EBPFProfilingTargetType!
# the timestamp of creating this task
createTime: Long!
type EBPFProfilingSchedule {
# profiling task schedule ID
scheduleId: ID!
# profiling task ID
taskId: ID!
# process entity
process: Process!
# profiling schedule start timestamp(ms)
startTime: Long!
# profiling schedule finished timestamp(ms)
endTime: Long!
input EBPFProfilingAnalyzeTimeRange {
# start timestamp(ms)
start: Long!
# end timestamp(ms)
end: Long!
type EBPFProfilingAnalyzation {
# if not empty means backend has information gave to the user
tip: String
# profiling analyzed trees
trees: [EBPFProfilingTree!]!
type EBPFProfilingTree {
# profiling stack elements
elements: [EBPFProfilingStackElement!]!
type EBPFProfilingStackElement {
# the element ID
id: String!
# the parent element ID
parentId: String!
# stack element symbol name
symbol: String!
# stack element type
stackType: EBPFProfilingStackType!
# current stack element total dump count
dumpCount: Long!
enum EBPFProfilingStackType {
enum EBPFProfilingProcessFinderType {
# Define when the profiling task would be execute
enum EBPFProfilingTriggerType {
# Appoint the task executing total duration
# The way of profiling the process
# relate with Linux function:
enum EBPFProfilingTargetType {
# Using "PERF_COUNT_SW_CPU_CLOCK" to profiling process with CPU clock
extend type Mutation {
# create a new eBPF fixed time profiling task
createEBPFProfilingFixedTimeTask(request: EBPFProfilingTaskFixedTimeCreationRequest!): EBPFProfilingTaskCreationResult!
extend type Query {
# query eBPF profiling task list
queryEBPFProfilingTasks(query: EBPFProfilingTaskCondition): [EBPFProfilingTask!]!
# query schedules from profiling task
queryEBPFProfilingSchedules(taskId: ID!, duration: Duration!): [EBPFProfilingSchedule!]!
# analyze the profiling schedule
getEBPFProfilingAnalyzation(taskId: ID!, timeRanges: [EBPFProfilingAnalyzeTimeRange!]!): EBPFProfilingAnalyzation!