blob: 5972e780056a8d2894aa88cb721f25f4b3883570 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Set policy configuration
input ContinuousProfilingPolicyCreation {
# service of the policy
serviceId: ID!
# target of the policy
targets: [ContinuousProfilingPolicyTargetCreation!]!
input ContinuousProfilingPolicyTargetCreation {
targetType: ContinuousProfilingTargetType!
checkItems: [ContinuousProfilingPolicyItemCreation!]!
# Policy item of continuous profiling
input ContinuousProfilingPolicyItemCreation {
# define the monitor type to collect metrics
type: ContinuousProfilingMonitorType!
# threshold of policy, which decide by the monitor type
threshold: String!
# the length of time to evaluate the metrics
period: Int!
# how many times after the metrics match the threshold, will trigger profiling
count: Int!
# the URI path/regex filter when monitor the HTTP related types
uriList: [String!]
uriRegex: String
enum ContinuousProfilingTargetType {
# eBPF On CPU Profiling
# eBPF Off CPU Profiling
# eBPF Network Profiling
type ContinuousProfilingSetResult {
# TRUE if the policy is set successfully
status: Boolean!
# error reason when status == FALSE
errorReason: String
type ContinuousProfilingPolicyTarget {
type: ContinuousProfilingTargetType!
checkItems: [ContinuousProfilingPolicyItem!]!
triggeredCount: Int!
lastTriggerTimestamp: Long
type ContinuousProfilingPolicyItem {
type: ContinuousProfilingMonitorType!
threshold: String!
period: Int!
count: Int!
uriList: [String!]
uriRegex: String
# The Continuous Profiling monitoring instance
type ContinuousProfilingMonitoringInstance {
id: ID!
name: String!
attributes: [Attribute!]!
triggeredCount: Int!
lastTriggerTimestamp: Long
# monitoring process list under the monitoring instance
processes: [ContinuousProfilingMonitoringProcess!]!
# The Continuous Profiling monitoring process
type ContinuousProfilingMonitoringProcess {
id: ID!
name: String!
detectType: String!
labels: [String!]!
triggeredCount: Int!
lastTriggerTimestamp: Long
extend type Mutation {
# set the continuous profiling policy
setContinuousProfilingPolicy(request: ContinuousProfilingPolicyCreation!): ContinuousProfilingSetResult!
extend type Query {
# query all continuous profiling task through service
queryContinuousProfilingServiceTargets(serviceId: ID!): [ContinuousProfilingPolicyTarget!]!
# query all continuous profiling monitoring instances through service and policy
queryContinuousProfilingMonitoringInstances(serviceId: ID!, target: ContinuousProfilingTargetType!): [ContinuousProfilingMonitoringInstance!]!