blob: cad45fbb5296bb45e9b98d98ccd921ddab2f0da1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import atexit
import functools
import os
import sys
from queue import Queue, Full
from threading import Thread, Event
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
from skywalking import config, plugins
from skywalking import loggings
from skywalking import meter
from skywalking import profile
from skywalking.agent.protocol import Protocol
from skywalking.command import command_service
from skywalking.loggings import logger
from skywalking.profile.profile_task import ProfileTask
from skywalking.profile.snapshot import TracingThreadSnapshot
from skywalking.protocol.language_agent.Meter_pb2 import MeterData
from skywalking.protocol.logging.Logging_pb2 import LogData
from skywalking.utils.singleton import Singleton
from skywalking.trace.context import Segment
def report_with_backoff(reporter_name, init_wait):
An exponential backoff for retrying reporters.
def backoff_decorator(func):
def backoff_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
wait = base = init_wait
while not self._finished.is_set():
flag = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# for segment/log reporter, if the queue not empty(return True), we should keep reporter working
# for other cases(return false or None), reset to base wait time on success
wait = 0 if flag else base
except Exception: # noqa
wait = min(60, wait * 2 or 1) # double wait time with each consecutive error up to a maximum
logger.exception(f'Exception in {reporter_name} service in pid {os.getpid()}, '
f'retry in {wait} seconds')
self._finished.wait(wait)'finished reporter thread')
return backoff_wrapper
return backoff_decorator
class SkyWalkingAgent(Singleton):
The main singleton class and entrypoint of SkyWalking Python Agent.
Upon fork(), original instance rebuild everything (queues, threads, instrumentation) by
calling the fork handlers in the class instance.
__started: bool = False # shared by all instances
def __init__(self):
Protocol is one of gRPC, HTTP and Kafka that
provides clients to reporters to communicate with OAP backend.
self.started_pid = None
self.__protocol: Optional[Protocol] = None
self._finished: Optional[Event] = None
def __bootstrap(self):
# when forking, already instrumented modules must not be instrumented again
# otherwise it will cause double instrumentation! (we should provide an un-instrument method)
if config.agent_protocol == 'grpc':
from skywalking.agent.protocol.grpc import GrpcProtocol
self.__protocol = GrpcProtocol()
elif config.agent_protocol == 'http':
from skywalking.agent.protocol.http import HttpProtocol
self.__protocol = HttpProtocol()
elif config.agent_protocol == 'kafka':
from skywalking.agent.protocol.kafka import KafkaProtocol
self.__protocol = KafkaProtocol()
# Initialize queues for segment, log, meter and profiling snapshots
self.__segment_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
self.__log_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
self.__meter_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
self.__snapshot_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
# Start reporter threads and register queues
def __init_threading(self) -> None:
This method initializes all the queues and threads for the agent and reporters.
Upon os.fork(), callback will reinitialize threads and queues by calling this method
Heartbeat thread is started by default.
Segment reporter thread and segment queue is created by default.
All other queues and threads depends on user configuration.
self._finished = Event()
__heartbeat_thread = Thread(name='HeartbeatThread', target=self.__heartbeat, daemon=True)
self.__segment_queue = Queue(maxsize=config.agent_trace_reporter_max_buffer_size)
__segment_report_thread = Thread(name='SegmentReportThread', target=self.__report_segment, daemon=True)
if config.agent_meter_reporter_active:
self.__meter_queue = Queue(maxsize=config.agent_meter_reporter_max_buffer_size)
__meter_report_thread = Thread(name='MeterReportThread', target=self.__report_meter, daemon=True)
if config.agent_pvm_meter_reporter_active:
from skywalking.meter.pvm.cpu_usage import CPUUsageDataSource
from skywalking.meter.pvm.gc_data import GCDataSource
from skywalking.meter.pvm.mem_usage import MEMUsageDataSource
from skywalking.meter.pvm.thread_data import ThreadDataSource
if config.agent_log_reporter_active:
self.__log_queue = Queue(maxsize=config.agent_log_reporter_max_buffer_size)
__log_report_thread = Thread(name='LogReportThread', target=self.__report_log, daemon=True)
if config.agent_profile_active:
# Now only profiler receives commands from OAP
__command_dispatch_thread = Thread(name='CommandDispatchThread', target=self.__command_dispatch,
self.__snapshot_queue = Queue(maxsize=config.agent_profile_snapshot_transport_buffer_size)
__query_profile_thread = Thread(name='QueryProfileCommandThread', target=self.__query_profile_command,
__send_profile_thread = Thread(name='SendProfileSnapShotThread', target=self.__send_profile_snapshot,
@staticmethod # for now
def __fork_before() -> None:
This handles explicit fork() calls. The child process will not have a running thread, so we need to
revive all of them. The parent process will continue to run as normal.
This does not affect pre-forking server support, which are handled separately.
# possible deadlock would be introduced if some queue is in use when fork() is called and
# therefore child process will inherit a locked queue. To avoid this and have side benefit
# of a clean queue in child process (prevent duplicated reporting), we simply restart the agent and
# reinitialize all queues and threads.
logger.warning('SkyWalking Python agent fork support is currently experimental, '
'please report issues if you encounter any.')
@staticmethod # for now
def __fork_after_in_parent() -> None:
Something to do after fork() in parent process
def __fork_after_in_child(self) -> None:
Simply restart the agent after we detect a fork() call
# This will be used by os.fork() called by application and also Gunicorn, not uWSGI
# otherwise we assume a fork() happened, give it a new service instance name'New process detected, re-initializing SkyWalking Python agent')
# Note: this is for experimental change, default config should never reach here
# Fork support is controlled by config.agent_fork_support :default: False
# Important: This does not impact pre-forking server support (uwsgi, gunicorn, etc...)
# This is only for explicit long-running fork() calls.
config.agent_instance_name = f'{config.agent_instance_name}-child({os.getpid()})'
self.start()'Agent spawned as {config.agent_instance_name} for service {config.agent_name}.')
def start(self) -> None:
Start would be called by user or os.register_at_fork() callback
Start will proceed if and only if the agent is not started in the
current process.
When os.fork(), the service instance should be changed to a new one by appending pid.
if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
# agent may or may not work for Python 3.6 and below
# since 3.6 is EOL, we will not officially support it
logger.warning('SkyWalking Python agent does not support Python 3.6 and below, '
'please upgrade to Python 3.7 or above.')
# Below is required for grpcio to work with fork()
if config.agent_protocol == 'grpc' and config.agent_experimental_fork_support:
python_major_version: tuple = sys.version_info[:2]
if python_major_version == (3, 7):
logger.warning('gRPC fork support may cause hanging on Python 3.7 '
'when used together with gRPC and subprocess lib'
'Please consider upgrade to Python 3.8+, '
'or use HTTP/Kafka protocol, or disable experimental fork support '
'if your application did not start successfully.')
os.environ['GRPC_ENABLE_FORK_SUPPORT'] = 'true'
os.environ['GRPC_POLL_STRATEGY'] = 'poll'
if not self.__started:
# if not already started, start the agent
config.finalize() # Must be finalized exactly once
self.__started = True'SkyWalking agent instance {config.agent_instance_name} starting in pid-{os.getpid()}.')
# Install log reporter core
# TODO - Add support for printing traceID/ context in logs
if config.agent_log_reporter_active:
from skywalking import log
# Here we install all other lib plugins on first time start (parent process)
elif self.__started and os.getpid() == self.started_pid:
# if already started, and this is the same process, raise an error
raise RuntimeError('SkyWalking Python agent has already been started in this process, '
'did you call start more than once in your code + sw-python CLI? '
'If you already use sw-python CLI, you should remove the manual start(), vice versa.')
# Else there's a new process (after fork()), we will restart the agent in the new process
self.started_pid = os.getpid()
flag = False
from gevent import monkey
flag = monkey.is_module_patched('socket')
except ModuleNotFoundError:
logger.debug("it was found that no gevent was used, if you don't use, please ignore.")
if flag:
import grpc.experimental.gevent as grpc_gevent
if config.agent_profile_active:
if config.agent_meter_reporter_active:
meter.init(force=True) # force re-init after fork()
self.__bootstrap() # calls init_threading
if config.agent_experimental_fork_support:
if hasattr(os, 'register_at_fork'):
os.register_at_fork(before=self.__fork_before, after_in_parent=self.__fork_after_in_parent,
def __fini(self):
This method is called when the agent is shutting down.
Clean up all the queues and threads.
self.__protocol.report_segment(self.__segment_queue, False)
if config.agent_log_reporter_active:
self.__protocol.report_log(self.__log_queue, False)
if config.agent_profile_active:
self.__protocol.report_snapshot(self.__snapshot_queue, False)
if config.agent_meter_reporter_active:
self.__protocol.report_meter(self.__meter_queue, False)
def stop(self) -> None:
Stops the agent and reset the started flag.
self.__started = False
@report_with_backoff(reporter_name='heartbeat', init_wait=config.agent_collector_heartbeat_period)
def __heartbeat(self) -> None:
# segment/log init_wait is set to 0.02 to prevent threads from hogging the cpu too much
# The value of 0.02(20 ms) is set to be consistent with the queue delay of the Java agent
@report_with_backoff(reporter_name='segment', init_wait=0.02)
def __report_segment(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the queue is not empty"""
queue_not_empty_flag = not self.__segment_queue.empty()
if queue_not_empty_flag:
return queue_not_empty_flag
@report_with_backoff(reporter_name='log', init_wait=0.02)
def __report_log(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the queue is not empty"""
queue_not_empty_flag = not self.__log_queue.empty()
if queue_not_empty_flag:
return queue_not_empty_flag
@report_with_backoff(reporter_name='meter', init_wait=config.agent_meter_reporter_period)
def __report_meter(self) -> None:
if not self.__meter_queue.empty():
@report_with_backoff(reporter_name='profile_snapshot', init_wait=0.5)
def __send_profile_snapshot(self) -> None:
if not self.__snapshot_queue.empty():
def __query_profile_command(self) -> None:
def __command_dispatch() -> None:
# command dispatch will stuck when there are no commands
def is_segment_queue_full(self):
return self.__segment_queue.full()
def archive_segment(self, segment: 'Segment'):
try: # unlike checking __queue.full() then inserting, this is atomic
self.__segment_queue.put(segment, block=False)
except Full:
logger.warning('the queue is full, the segment will be abandoned')
def archive_log(self, log_data: 'LogData'):
self.__log_queue.put(log_data, block=False)
except Full:
logger.warning('the queue is full, the log will be abandoned')
def archive_meter(self, meter_data: 'MeterData'):
self.__meter_queue.put(meter_data, block=False)
except Full:
logger.warning('the queue is full, the meter will be abandoned')
def add_profiling_snapshot(self, snapshot: TracingThreadSnapshot):
except Full:
logger.warning('the snapshot queue is full, the snapshot will be abandoned')
def notify_profile_finish(self, task: ProfileTask):
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f'notify profile task finish to backend fail. {str(e)}')
# Export for user (backwards compatibility)
# so users still use `from skywalking import agent`
agent = SkyWalkingAgent()
start = agent.start