Draft release 0.4.0 (#75)

diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 397b110..dac4b94 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+# 0.4.0
+- Fix mysql2 plugin install error. (#74)
+- Update IORedis Plugin, fill `dbinstance` tag as host if `condition.select` doesn't exist. (#73)
+- Experimental AWS Lambda Function support. (#70)
+- Upgrade dependencies to fix vulnerabilities. (#68)
+- Add lint pre-commit hook and migrate to eslint. (#66, #67)
+- Bump up gRPC version, and use its new release repository. (#65)
+- Regard `baseURL` when in Axios Plugin. (#63)
+- Add an API to access the trace id. (#60)
+- Use agent test tool snapshot Docker image instead of building in CI. (#59)
+- Wrapped IORedisPlugin call in try/catch. (#58)
 # 0.3.0
 - Add ioredis plugin. (#53)