| # |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| use Test::Nginx::Socket 'no_plan'; |
| |
| use Cwd qw(cwd); |
| my $pwd = cwd(); |
| |
| repeat_each(1); |
| no_long_string(); |
| no_shuffle(); |
| no_root_location(); |
| log_level('info'); |
| |
| our $HttpConfig = qq{ |
| lua_package_path "$pwd/lib/?.lua;;"; |
| error_log logs/error.log debug; |
| resolver ipv6=off; |
| lua_shared_dict tracing_buffer 100m; |
| }; |
| |
| run_tests; |
| |
| __DATA__ |
| |
| === TEST 1: fromSW8Value |
| --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig |
| --- config |
| location /t { |
| content_by_lua_block { |
| local SegmentRef = require('skywalking.segment_ref') |
| local ref = SegmentRef.fromSW8Value('1-My40LjU=-MS4yLjM=-4-c2VydmljZQ==-aW5zdGFuY2U=-L2FwcA==-MTI3LjAuMC4xOjgwODA=') |
| ngx.say(ref.trace_id) |
| ngx.say(ref.segment_id) |
| ngx.say(ref.span_id) |
| ngx.say(ref.parent_service) |
| ngx.say(ref.parent_service_instance) |
| ngx.say(ref.parent_endpoint) |
| ngx.say(ref.address_used_at_client) |
| } |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body |
| 3.4.5 |
| 1.2.3 |
| 4 |
| service |
| instance |
| /app |
| |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 2: Serialize |
| --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig |
| --- config |
| location /t { |
| content_by_lua_block { |
| local SegmentRef = require('skywalking.segment_ref') |
| local ref = SegmentRef.new() |
| ref.trace_id = "3.4.5" |
| ref.segment_id = "1.2.3" |
| ref.span_id = 4 |
| ref.parent_service = "service" |
| ref.parent_service_instance = "instance" |
| ref.parent_endpoint = "/app" |
| ref.address_used_at_client = "" |
| ngx.say(SegmentRef.serialize(ref)) |
| } |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body |
| 1-My40LjU=-MS4yLjM=-4-c2VydmljZQ==-aW5zdGFuY2U=-L2FwcA==-MTI3LjAuMC4xOjgwODA= |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 3: Transform |
| --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig |
| --- config |
| location /t { |
| content_by_lua_block { |
| local SegmentRef = require('skywalking.segment_ref') |
| local cjson = require("cjson") |
| |
| local ref = SegmentRef.new() |
| ref.trace_id = "3.4.5" |
| ref.segment_id = "1.2.3" |
| ref.span_id = 4 |
| ref.parent_service = "service" |
| ref.parent_service_instance = "instance" |
| ref.parent_endpoint = "/app" |
| ref.address_used_at_client = "" |
| |
| local refProtocol = SegmentRef.transform(ref) |
| local inJSON = cjson.encode(refProtocol) |
| ngx.say(string.len(inJSON) > 0) |
| } |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body |
| true |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |