blob: 4195d1943f142e2270f3915869f07de20409ad9f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.logging.core.LogLevel;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.logging.core.LogOutput;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.logging.core.ResolverType;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.logging.core.WriterFactory;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.bytebuddy.ClassCacheMode;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.util.Length;
* This is the core config in sniffer agent.
public class Config {
public static class Agent {
* Namespace isolates headers in cross process propagation. The HEADER name will be `HeaderName:Namespace`.
public static String NAMESPACE = "";
* Service name is showed in skywalking-ui. Suggestion: set a unique name for each service, service instance
* nodes share the same code
public static String SERVICE_NAME = "";
* Authentication active is based on backend setting, see application.yml for more details. For most scenarios,
* this needs backend extensions, only basic match auth provided in default implementation.
public static String AUTHENTICATION = "";
* Negative or zero means off, by default. {@code #SAMPLE_N_PER_3_SECS} means sampling N {@link TraceSegment} in
* 3 seconds tops.
public static int SAMPLE_N_PER_3_SECS = -1;
* If the operation name of the first span is included in this set, this segment should be ignored.
* Multiple values should be separated by `,`.
public static String IGNORE_SUFFIX = ".jpg,.jpeg,.js,.css,.png,.bmp,.gif,.ico,.mp3,.mp4,.html,.svg";
* The max number of TraceSegmentRef in a single span to keep memory cost estimatable.
public static int TRACE_SEGMENT_REF_LIMIT_PER_SPAN = 500;
* The max number of spans in a single segment. Through this config item, SkyWalking keep your application
* memory cost estimated.
public static int SPAN_LIMIT_PER_SEGMENT = 300;
* If true, SkyWalking agent will save all instrumented classes files in `/debugging` folder. SkyWalking team
* may ask for these files in order to resolve compatible problem.
public static boolean IS_OPEN_DEBUGGING_CLASS = false;
* If true, SkyWalking agent will cache all instrumented classes to memory or disk files (decided by class cache
* mode), allow other javaagent to enhance those classes that enhanced by SkyWalking agent.
public static boolean IS_CACHE_ENHANCED_CLASS = false;
* The instrumented classes cache mode: MEMORY or FILE MEMORY: cache class bytes to memory, if instrumented
* classes is too many or too large, it may take up more memory FILE: cache class bytes in `/class-cache`
* folder, automatically clean up cached class files when the application exits
public static ClassCacheMode CLASS_CACHE_MODE = ClassCacheMode.MEMORY;
* The identifier of the instance
public volatile static String INSTANCE_NAME = "";
* service instance properties e.g. agent.instance_properties[org]=apache
public static Map<String, String> INSTANCE_PROPERTIES = new HashMap<>();
* How depth the agent goes, when log cause exceptions.
public static int CAUSE_EXCEPTION_DEPTH = 5;
* Force reconnection period of grpc, based on grpc_channel_check_interval. If count of check grpc channel
* status more than this number. The channel check will call channel.getState(true) to requestConnection.
public static long FORCE_RECONNECTION_PERIOD = 1;
* Limit the length of the operationName to prevent the overlength issue in the storage.
* <p>NOTICE</p>
* In the current practice, we don't recommend the length over 190.
public static int OPERATION_NAME_THRESHOLD = 150;
* Keep tracing even the backend is not available.
public static boolean KEEP_TRACING = false;
* Force open TLS for gRPC channel if true.
public static boolean FORCE_TLS = false;
* SSL trusted ca file. If it exists, will enable TLS for gRPC channel.
public static String SSL_TRUSTED_CA_PATH = "ca" + Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR + "ca.crt";
* Key cert chain file. If ssl_cert_chain and ssl_key exist, will enable mTLS for gRPC channel.
public static String SSL_CERT_CHAIN_PATH;
* Private key file. If ssl_cert_chain and ssl_key exist, will enable mTLS for gRPC channel.
public static String SSL_KEY_PATH;
public static class OsInfo {
* Limit the length of the ipv4 list size.
public static int IPV4_LIST_SIZE = 10;
public static class Collector {
* grpc channel status check interval
public static long GRPC_CHANNEL_CHECK_INTERVAL = 30;
* The period in which the agent report a heartbeat to the backend.
public static long HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = 30;
* The agent sends the instance properties to the backend every `collector.heartbeat_period * collector.properties_report_period_factor` seconds
* Collector skywalking trace receiver service addresses.
public static String BACKEND_SERVICE = "";
* How long grpc client will timeout in sending data to upstream.
public static int GRPC_UPSTREAM_TIMEOUT = 30;
* Get profile task list interval
public static int GET_PROFILE_TASK_INTERVAL = 20;
* Get agent dynamic config interval
* If true, skywalking agent will enable periodically resolving DNS to update receiver service addresses.
public static boolean IS_RESOLVE_DNS_PERIODICALLY = false;
public static class Profile {
* If true, skywalking agent will enable profile when user create a new profile task. Otherwise disable
* profile.
public static boolean ACTIVE = true;
* Parallel monitor segment count
public static int MAX_PARALLEL = 5;
* Max monitor segment time(minutes), if current segment monitor time out of limit, then stop it.
public static int MAX_DURATION = 10;
* Max dump thread stack depth
public static int DUMP_MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 500;
* Snapshot transport to backend buffer size
public static int SNAPSHOT_TRANSPORT_BUFFER_SIZE = 500;
public static class Meter {
* If true, skywalking agent will enable sending meters. Otherwise disable meter report.
public static boolean ACTIVE = true;
* Report meters interval
public static Integer REPORT_INTERVAL = 20;
* Max size of the meter count, using {@link org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.meter.MeterId} as identity
public static Integer MAX_METER_SIZE = 500;
public static class Jvm {
* The buffer size of collected JVM info.
public static int BUFFER_SIZE = 60 * 10;
public static class Log {
* The max size of message to send to server.Default is 10 MB.
public static int MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
public static class Buffer {
public static int CHANNEL_SIZE = 5;
public static int BUFFER_SIZE = 300;
public static class Logging {
* Log file name.
public static String FILE_NAME = "skywalking-api.log";
* Log files directory. Default is blank string, means, use "{theSkywalkingAgentJarDir}/logs " to output logs.
* {theSkywalkingAgentJarDir} is the directory where the skywalking agent jar file is located.
* <p>
* Ref to {@link WriterFactory#getLogWriter()}
public static String DIR = "";
* The max size of log file. If the size is bigger than this, archive the current file, and write into a new
* file.
public static int MAX_FILE_SIZE = 300 * 1024 * 1024;
* The max history log files. When rollover happened, if log files exceed this number, then the oldest file will
* be delete. Negative or zero means off, by default.
public static int MAX_HISTORY_FILES = -1;
* The log level. Default is debug.
public static LogLevel LEVEL = LogLevel.DEBUG;
* The log output. Default is FILE.
public static LogOutput OUTPUT = LogOutput.FILE;
* The log resolver type. Default is PATTERN which will create PatternLogResolver later.
public static ResolverType RESOLVER = ResolverType.PATTERN;
* The log patten. Default is "%level %timestamp %thread %class : %msg %throwable". Each conversion specifiers
* starts with a percent sign '%' and fis followed by conversion word. There are some default conversion
* specifiers: %thread = ThreadName %level = LogLevel {@link LogLevel} %timestamp = The now() who format is
* 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS' %class = SimpleName of TargetClass %msg = Message of user input %throwable =
* Throwable of user input %agent_name = ServiceName of Agent {@link Agent#SERVICE_NAME}
* @see org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.logging.core.PatternLogger#DEFAULT_CONVERTER_MAP
public static String PATTERN = "%level %timestamp %thread %class : %msg %throwable";
public static class StatusCheck {
* Listed exceptions would not be treated as an error. Because in some codes, the exception is being used as a
* way of controlling business flow.
public static String IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS = "";
* The max recursive depth when checking the exception traced by the agent. Typically, we don't recommend
* setting this more than 10, which could cause a performance issue. Negative value and 0 would be ignored,
* which means all exceptions would make the span tagged in error status.
public static Integer MAX_RECURSIVE_DEPTH = 1;
public static class Plugin {
* Control the length of the peer field.
public static int PEER_MAX_LENGTH = 200;
* Exclude activated plugins
public static String EXCLUDE_PLUGINS = "";
* Mount the folders of the plugins. The folder path is relative to agent.jar.
public static List<String> MOUNT = Arrays.asList("plugins", "activations");
public static class Correlation {
* Max element count in the correlation context.
public static int ELEMENT_MAX_NUMBER = 3;
* Max value length of each element.
public static int VALUE_MAX_LENGTH = 128;
* Tag the span by the key/value in the correlation context, when the keys listed here exist.
public static String AUTO_TAG_KEYS = "";