blob: 234d65b238bd2ac507f3ea080579ca3e46f6a4da [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package skywalking.v3;
option go_package = "";
import "language-agent/CLRMetric.proto";
import "language-agent/JVMMetric.proto";
import "language-agent/Meter.proto";
import "language-agent/ConfigurationDiscoveryService.proto";
import "management/Management.proto";
import "profile/Profile.proto";
import "service-mesh-probe/service-mesh.proto";
import "event/Event.proto";
import "common/Common.proto";
import "ebpf/profiling/Process.proto";
import "ebpf/profiling/Profile.proto";
import "envoy/service/metrics/v2/metrics_service.proto";
import "envoy/service/metrics/v3/metrics_service.proto";
// SniffType declares the supported transfer data type.
enum SniffType {
CLRMetricType = 0;
JVMMetricType = 1;
MeterType = 2;
TracingType = 3;
Logging = 4;
ManagementType = 5;
ProfileType = 6;
ServiceMeshType = 7;
EventType = 8;
ConfigurationDiscoveryServiceType = 9;
EnvoyALSV2Type = 10;
EnvoyALSV3Type = 11;
EnvoyMetricsV2Type = 12;
EnvoyMetricsV3Type = 13;
EBPFProcessType = 14;
EBPFProfilingType = 15;
// SniffData is the transfer unit in Satellite.
message SniffData {
// The occur time.
int64 timestamp = 1;
// unique event name.
string name = 2;
// The data type.
SniffType type = 3;
// Whether to send to remote. It is used in sampling.
bool remote = 4;
// Additional meta-information.
map<string, string> meta = 5;
// Transfer data.
oneof data{
CLRMetricCollection clr = 6;
JVMMetricCollection jvm = 7;
MeterData meter = 8;
bytes segment = 9;
BatchLogList logList = 10;
InstanceProperties instance = 11;
ThreadSnapshot profile = 12;
ServiceMeshMetric serviceMesh = 13;
Event event = 14;
InstancePingPkg instancePing = 15;
ProfileTaskCommandQuery profileTaskQuery = 16;
ProfileTaskFinishReport profileTaskFinish = 17;
Commands commands = 18;
ConfigurationSyncRequest configurationSyncRequest = 19;
EnvoyALSV2List envoyALSV2List = 20;
EnvoyALSV3List envoyALSV3List = 21;
EnvoyMetricsV2List envoyMetricsV2List = 22;
EnvoyMetricsV3List envoyMetricsV3List = 23;
MeterDataCollection meterCollection = 24;
EBPFProcessReportList eBPFProcessReportList = 25;
EBPFReportProcessDownstream eBPFReportProcessDownstream = 26;
EBPFProcessPingPkgList eBPFProcessPingPkgList = 27;
EBPFProfilingTaskQuery eBPFProfilingTaskQuery = 28;
EBPFProfilingDataList eBPFProfilingDataList = 29;
message BatchLogList {
repeated bytes logs = 1;
message EnvoyALSV2List {
repeated bytes messages = 1;
message EnvoyALSV3List {
repeated bytes messages = 1;
message EnvoyMetricsV2List {
repeated envoy.service.metrics.v2.StreamMetricsMessage messages = 1;
message EnvoyMetricsV3List {
repeated envoy.service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsMessage messages = 1;
message EBPFProfilingDataList {
repeated EBPFProfilingData dataList = 1;