blob: 7e3a78d0768bcf44858b1522264fd4bbf66647ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package logger
import (
// for file import
_ "embed"
var logFrameworks = []frameworks.LogFramework{
//go:embed context.go
var contextFile string
type Instrument struct {
compileOpts *api.CompileOptions
framework frameworks.LogFramework
packageConf *frameworks.PackageConfiguration
automaticFunc []*AutomaticFunctionInfo
customizedReplace map[string]map[string]string
func NewInstrument() *Instrument {
return &Instrument{
customizedReplace: make(map[string]map[string]string),
func (i *Instrument) CouldHandle(opts *api.CompileOptions) bool {
for _, f := range logFrameworks {
for p, conf := range f.PackagePaths() {
if p == opts.Package {
i.compileOpts = opts
i.framework = f
i.packageConf = conf
return true
return false
func (i *Instrument) FilterAndEdit(path string, curFile *dst.File, cursor *dstutil.Cursor, allFiles []*dst.File) bool {
// add to invoke check, if the method should add automatic bind
if fun, ok := cursor.Node().(*dst.FuncDecl); ok {
if body := i.framework.AutomaticBindFunctions(fun); body != "" {
i.addAutomaticBindFunc(path, curFile, fun, body)
return true
replacements, needs := i.framework.CustomizedEnhance(path, curFile, cursor, allFiles)
// adding replacements if needs
if needs && len(replacements) > 0 {
r := i.customizedReplace[path]
if r == nil {
r = make(map[string]string)
i.customizedReplace[path] = r
for k, v := range replacements {
r[k] = v
return needs
func (i *Instrument) addAutomaticBindFunc(path string, curFile dst.Node, fun *dst.FuncDecl, body string) {
automaticBind, err := frameworks.FrameworkFS.ReadFile("templates/automatic_bind.tmpl")
if err != nil {
funcID := tools.BuildFuncIdentity(i.compileOpts.Package, fun)
var generateFuncName = fmt.Sprintf("%sautomaticLoggerBind%s", rewrite.GenerateMethodPrefix, funcID)
var replaceName = fmt.Sprintf("//goagent:bind_%s\n", funcID)
importAnalyzer := tools.CreateImportAnalyzer()
importAnalyzer.AnalyzeFileImports(path, curFile)
funcInvoker := tools.ExecuteTemplate(string(automaticBind), struct {
AutomaticBindFuncName string
Recvs []*tools.ParameterInfo
Parameters []*tools.ParameterInfo
Results []*tools.ParameterInfo
AutomaticBindFuncName: generateFuncName,
Recvs: tools.EnhanceParameterNames(fun.Recv, false),
Parameters: tools.EnhanceParameterNames(fun.Type.Params, false),
Results: tools.EnhanceParameterNames(fun.Type.Results, true),
importAnalyzer.AnalyzeNeedsImports(path, fun.Recv)
importAnalyzer.AnalyzeNeedsImports(path, fun.Type.Params)
importAnalyzer.AnalyzeNeedsImports(path, fun.Type.Results)
i.automaticFunc = append(i.automaticFunc, &AutomaticFunctionInfo{
Path: path,
Func: fun,
FuncName: generateFuncName,
RealInvoker: funcInvoker,
ReplaceName: replaceName,
DelegateBody: body,
ImportAnalyzer: importAnalyzer,
fun.Body.Decs.Lbrace.Prepend("\n", replaceName)
func (i *Instrument) AfterEnhanceFile(fromPath, newPath string) error {
contentBytes, err := os.ReadFile(newPath)
if err != nil {
return err
// update the file content if needed
content := string(contentBytes)
var oldContent = content
for _, enhance := range i.automaticFunc {
if enhance.Path == fromPath {
content = strings.Replace(content, enhance.ReplaceName, enhance.RealInvoker, 1)
if replacements, existing := i.customizedReplace[fromPath]; existing {
for k, v := range replacements {
content = strings.Replace(content, k, v, 1)
if oldContent == content {
return nil
return os.WriteFile(newPath, []byte(content), 0o600)
func (i *Instrument) WriteExtraFiles(dir string) ([]string, error) {
packageName := filepath.Base(i.compileOpts.Package)
var contextRewriteFile *rewrite.FileInfo
if i.compileOpts.DebugDir == "" {
contextRewriteFile = rewrite.NewFile(packageName, "context.go", contextFile)
} else {
contextRewriteFile = rewrite.NewFileWithDebug(packageName, "context.go", contextFile,
filepath.Join(i.compileOpts.DebugDir, "tools", "go-agent", "instrument", "logger"))
delegatorContent, err := i.writeDelegatorFile(packageName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
delegatorFile := rewrite.NewFile(packageName, "delegator.go", delegatorContent)
ctx := rewrite.NewContext(i.compileOpts.Package, packageName)
files := []*rewrite.FileInfo{
contextRewriteFile, delegatorFile,
generateExtraFiles, err := i.framework.GenerateExtraFiles(i.compileOpts.Package, i.compileOpts.DebugDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
files = append(files, generateExtraFiles...)
extraFiles, err := ctx.MultipleFilesWithWritten("skywalking_", dir, packageName, files)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if i.packageConf.NeedsHelpers {
extraFiles = append(extraFiles, i.generateInitLoggerFile(dir, packageName))
return extraFiles, nil
func (i *Instrument) writeDelegatorFile(pkgName string) (string, error) {
importDecl := &dst.GenDecl{
Tok: token.IMPORT,
Specs: []dst.Spec{
&dst.ImportSpec{Name: dst.NewIdent("_"), Path: &dst.BasicLit{
Kind: token.STRING, Value: fmt.Sprintf("%q", "unsafe"),
&dst.ImportSpec{Path: &dst.BasicLit{
Kind: token.STRING, Value: fmt.Sprintf("%q", i.compileOpts.Package),
delegator := &dst.File{
Name: dst.NewIdent(pkgName),
Decls: []dst.Decl{
// add automatic function delegators
i.addAutomaticFuncDelegators(delegator, importDecl)
return tools.GenerateDSTFileContent(delegator, nil)
func (i *Instrument) generateInitLoggerFile(dir, pkgName string) string {
initTmpl, err := frameworks.FrameworkFS.ReadFile("templates/init.tmpl")
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot found init template in logger framerwork: %v", err))
file, err := tools.WriteFile(dir, "skywalking_init.go", tools.ExecuteTemplate(string(initTmpl), struct {
PackageName string
GetGlobalOperatorLinkMethod string
SetGlobalLoggerLinkMethod string
OperatorTypeName string
LogTypeInConfig *config.Log
ConfigTypeAutomaticValue string
CurrentLogTypeName string
GetOperatorMethodName string
ChangeLoggerMethodName string
LogTracingEnableFuncName string
LogTracingContextKeyFuncName string
PackageName: pkgName,
GetGlobalOperatorLinkMethod: consts.GlobalTracerGetMethodName,
SetGlobalLoggerLinkMethod: consts.GlobalLoggerSetMethodName,
OperatorTypeName: rewrite.TypePrefix + i.generatePackageNameWithTitle() + "Operator",
LogTypeInConfig: &config.GetConfig().Log,
ConfigTypeAutomaticValue: config.ConfigTypeAutomatic,
CurrentLogTypeName: i.framework.Name(),
GetOperatorMethodName: rewrite.VarPrefix + i.generatePackageNameWithTitle() + "GetOperator",
ChangeLoggerMethodName: rewrite.VarPrefix + i.generatePackageNameWithTitle() + "ChangeLogger",
LogTracingEnableFuncName: rewrite.StaticMethodPrefix + i.generatePackageNameWithTitle() + "LogTracingContextEnable",
LogTracingContextKeyFuncName: rewrite.StaticMethodPrefix + i.generatePackageNameWithTitle() + "LogTracingContextKey",
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("generate logger init file error: %v", err))
return file
func (i *Instrument) generatePackageNameWithTitle() string {
return cases.Title(language.English).String(filepath.Base(i.compileOpts.Package))
func (i *Instrument) addAutomaticFuncDelegators(f *dst.File, importDecl *dst.GenDecl) {
packageName := filepath.Base(i.compileOpts.Package)
for _, fun := range i.automaticFunc {
delegatorFunc := &dst.FuncDecl{
Name: dst.NewIdent(fun.FuncName),
Type: &dst.FuncType{
Params: &dst.FieldList{},
for i, recv := range tools.EnhanceParameterNamesWithPackagePrefix(packageName, fun.Func.Recv, false) {
delegatorFunc.Type.Params.List = append(delegatorFunc.Type.Params.List, &dst.Field{
Names: []*dst.Ident{dst.NewIdent(fmt.Sprintf("recv_%d", i))},
Type: &dst.StarExpr{X: recv.PackagedType()},
for i, parameter := range tools.EnhanceParameterNamesWithPackagePrefix(packageName, fun.Func.Type.Params, false) {
packagedType := parameter.PackagedType()
// if the parameter is dynamic list, then change it to the array type
if el, ok := packagedType.(*dst.Ellipsis); ok {
packagedType = &dst.ArrayType{Elt: el.Elt}
delegatorFunc.Type.Params.List = append(delegatorFunc.Type.Params.List, &dst.Field{
Names: []*dst.Ident{dst.NewIdent(fmt.Sprintf("param_%d", i))},
Type: &dst.StarExpr{X: packagedType},
for i, result := range tools.EnhanceParameterNamesWithPackagePrefix(packageName, fun.Func.Type.Results, true) {
delegatorFunc.Type.Params.List = append(delegatorFunc.Type.Params.List, &dst.Field{
Names: []*dst.Ident{dst.NewIdent(fmt.Sprintf("ret_%d", i))},
Type: &dst.StarExpr{X: result.PackagedType()},
delegatorFunc.Body = &dst.BlockStmt{
List: tools.GoStringToStats(fun.DelegateBody),
f.Decls = append(f.Decls, delegatorFunc)
type AutomaticFunctionInfo struct {
Path string
Func *dst.FuncDecl
FuncName string
RealInvoker string
ReplaceName string
DelegateBody string
ImportAnalyzer *tools.ImportAnalyzer