blob: 2368c7e14d53ecdb5969d8d1c4ef00ca78926e1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package core
import (
commonv3 ""
agentv3 ""
func NewSegmentSpan(ctx *TracingContext, defaultSpan *DefaultSpan, parentSpan SegmentSpan) (s SegmentSpan, err error) {
ssi := &SegmentSpanImpl{
DefaultSpan: *defaultSpan,
err = ssi.createSegmentContext(ctx, parentSpan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if parentSpan == nil || !parentSpan.segmentRegister() {
rs := newSegmentRoot(ssi)
err = rs.createRootSegmentContext(ctx, parentSpan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s = rs
} else {
s = ssi
// SegmentContext is the context in a segment
type SegmentContext struct {
TraceID string
SegmentID string
SpanID int32
ParentSpanID int32
ParentSegmentID string
collect chan<- reporter.ReportedSpan
refNum *int32
spanIDGenerator *int32
FirstSpan TracingSpan `json:"-"`
CorrelationContext map[string]string
func (c *SegmentContext) GetTraceID() string {
return c.TraceID
func (c *SegmentContext) GetSegmentID() string {
return c.SegmentID
func (c *SegmentContext) GetSpanID() int32 {
return c.SpanID
func (c *SegmentContext) GetParentSpanID() int32 {
return c.ParentSpanID
func (c *SegmentContext) GetParentSegmentID() string {
return c.ParentSegmentID
func (c *SegmentContext) GetCorrelationContextValue(key string) string {
return c.CorrelationContext[key]
func (c *SegmentContext) SetCorrelationContextValue(key, value string) {
c.CorrelationContext[key] = value
if value == "" {
delete(c.CorrelationContext, key)
type SegmentSpan interface {
GetSegmentContext() SegmentContext
tracer() *Tracer
segmentRegister() bool
GetDefaultSpan() *DefaultSpan
type SegmentSpanImpl struct {
// For TracingSpan
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) End() {
if !s.IsValid() {
if !s.DefaultSpan.InAsyncMode {
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) AsyncFinish() {
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) end0() {
go func() {
s.SegmentContext.collect <- s
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) GetDefaultSpan() *DefaultSpan {
return &s.DefaultSpan
// For Reported TracingSpan
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) Context() reporter.SegmentContext {
return &s.SegmentContext
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) Refs() []reporter.SpanContext {
return s.DefaultSpan.Refs
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) StartTime() int64 {
return Millisecond(s.DefaultSpan.StartTime)
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) EndTime() int64 {
return Millisecond(s.DefaultSpan.EndTime)
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) OperationName() string {
return s.DefaultSpan.OperationName
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) Peer() string {
return s.DefaultSpan.Peer
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) SpanType() agentv3.SpanType {
return agentv3.SpanType(s.DefaultSpan.SpanType)
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) SpanLayer() agentv3.SpanLayer {
return s.DefaultSpan.Layer
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) IsError() bool {
return s.DefaultSpan.IsError
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) Tags() []*commonv3.KeyStringValuePair {
return s.DefaultSpan.Tags
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) Logs() []*agentv3.Log {
return s.DefaultSpan.Logs
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) ComponentID() int32 {
return s.DefaultSpan.ComponentID
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) GetSegmentContext() SegmentContext {
return s.SegmentContext
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) tracer() *Tracer {
return s.DefaultSpan.tracer
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) segmentRegister() bool {
for {
o := atomic.LoadInt32(s.SegmentContext.refNum)
if o < 0 {
return false
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(s.SegmentContext.refNum, o, o+1) {
return true
func (s *SegmentSpanImpl) createSegmentContext(ctx *TracingContext, parent SegmentSpan) (err error) {
if parent == nil {
s.SegmentContext = SegmentContext{}
if len(s.DefaultSpan.Refs) > 0 {
s.TraceID = s.DefaultSpan.Refs[0].GetTraceID()
s.CorrelationContext = s.DefaultSpan.Refs[0].(*SpanContext).CorrelationContext
} else {
s.TraceID, err = GenerateGlobalID(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
s.CorrelationContext = make(map[string]string)
} else {
s.SegmentContext = parent.GetSegmentContext()
s.ParentSegmentID = s.GetSegmentID()
s.ParentSpanID = s.GetSpanID()
s.SpanID = atomic.AddInt32(s.SegmentContext.spanIDGenerator, 1)
s.CorrelationContext = parent.GetSegmentContext().CorrelationContext
if s.SegmentContext.FirstSpan == nil {
s.SegmentContext.FirstSpan = s
if s.CorrelationContext == nil {
s.CorrelationContext = make(map[string]string)
type RootSegmentSpan struct {
notify <-chan reporter.ReportedSpan
segment []reporter.ReportedSpan
doneCh chan int32
func (rs *RootSegmentSpan) End() {
if !rs.IsValid() {
if !rs.InAsyncMode {
func (rs *RootSegmentSpan) AsyncFinish() {
func (rs *RootSegmentSpan) end0() {
go func() {
rs.doneCh <- atomic.SwapInt32(rs.SegmentContext.refNum, -1)
func (rs *RootSegmentSpan) createRootSegmentContext(ctx *TracingContext, _ SegmentSpan) (err error) {
rs.SegmentID, err = GenerateGlobalID(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
i := int32(0)
rs.spanIDGenerator = &i
rs.SpanID = i
rs.ParentSpanID = -1
type SnapshotSpan struct {
func (s *SnapshotSpan) GetDefaultSpan() *DefaultSpan {
return &s.DefaultSpan
func (s *SnapshotSpan) End() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot End the span in other goroutine"))
func (s *SnapshotSpan) SetOperationName(_ string) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot update the operation name of span in other goroutine"))
func (s *SnapshotSpan) SetSpanLayer(_ int32) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot update the layer of span in other goroutine"))
func (s *SnapshotSpan) SetComponent(_ int32) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot update the compoenent of span in other goroutine"))
func (s *SnapshotSpan) Tag(key, value string) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot add tag of span in other goroutine"))
func (s *SnapshotSpan) Log(_ ...string) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot add log of span in other goroutine"))
func (s *SnapshotSpan) Error(_ ...string) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot add error of span in other goroutine"))
func (s *SnapshotSpan) GetSegmentContext() SegmentContext {
return s.SegmentContext
func (s *SnapshotSpan) tracer() *Tracer {
return s.DefaultSpan.tracer
func (s *SnapshotSpan) segmentRegister() bool {
for {
o := atomic.LoadInt32(s.SegmentContext.refNum)
if o < 0 {
return false
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(s.SegmentContext.refNum, o, o+1) {
return true
func (s *SnapshotSpan) PrepareAsync() {
panic("please use the PrepareAsync on right goroutine")
func (s *SnapshotSpan) AsyncFinish() {
panic("please use the AsyncFinish on right goroutine")
func newSegmentRoot(segmentSpan *SegmentSpanImpl) *RootSegmentSpan {
s := &RootSegmentSpan{
SegmentSpanImpl: segmentSpan,
var init int32
s.refNum = &init
ch := make(chan reporter.ReportedSpan)
s.collect = ch
s.notify = ch
s.segment = make([]reporter.ReportedSpan, 0, 10)
s.doneCh = make(chan int32)
go func() {
total := -1
defer close(ch)
defer close(s.doneCh)
for {
select {
case span := <-s.notify:
s.segment = append(s.segment, span)
case n := <-s.doneCh:
total = int(n)
if total == len(s.segment) {
s.tracer().Reporter.SendTracing(append(s.segment, s))
return s
func newSnapshotSpan(current TracingSpan) *SnapshotSpan {
if current == nil {
return nil
segmentSpan, ok := current.(SegmentSpan)
if !ok || !segmentSpan.IsValid() { // is not segment span or segment is invalid(Executed End() method
return nil
segCtx := segmentSpan.GetSegmentContext()
copiedCorrelation := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range segCtx.CorrelationContext {
copiedCorrelation[k] = v
s := &SnapshotSpan{
DefaultSpan: DefaultSpan{
OperationName: segmentSpan.GetOperationName(),
Refs: nil,
tracer: segmentSpan.tracer(),
Peer: segmentSpan.GetPeer(),
SegmentContext: SegmentContext{
TraceID: segCtx.GetTraceID(),
SegmentID: segCtx.SegmentID,
SpanID: segCtx.SpanID,
collect: segCtx.collect,
refNum: segCtx.refNum,
spanIDGenerator: segCtx.spanIDGenerator,
FirstSpan: segCtx.FirstSpan,
CorrelationContext: copiedCorrelation,
return s